Yes thank you! For now, I am going to stay in her queue on Keen. MOSTLY because I am seriously trying to just let go and let God... Whatever happens is what is supposed to happen and I am trying desperately to cut back on readings - kind of went off the deep end so to speak this past weekend after a reader totally set me off, I knew in my heart what she said was wrong, but ended up calling several others to validate what I feel (and know) to be true. Not only that I ended up reaching out to my POI when I probably should have waited... it went ignored (for a day) and then we chatted for a good long time yesterday - further validating what the reader that set me off in the first place was wrong.
SIGH - right??
Anyway, I figure - I am still in queue for Spiritualist Reader, Friend Sue, and Diane731 (the rest I cancelled) - If I wait for each of them - it should space out readings (and who knows, maybe I will just cancel them altogether...