Author Topic: Scott Angel  (Read 20750 times)


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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2016, 10:32:42 PM »
read with scott and he pretty much told me to move on and  that my ex priority is survival and I'm not his focus,unless i am contributing something to his life.He said he is in conflict with wanting me and wanting his freedom and his actions differs from his words. Also said the ex comes back because in a sense hes comfortable and searching for soemthing new is a lot of work.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2016, 11:48:24 PM »
Scott can be pretty brutal, but he's usually pretty close to the truth. There's just a negative slant to it always. I've had readings from him when I first had problems with my ex, but we ended up working things out at that time in spite of what Scott said. I don't think he was necessarily wrong, just took a different slant to it. He also gave me a "why bother?" sort of answer when I've asked about rifts in 3 different friendships over the years. It didn't turn out quite that badly, but again I wouldn't say he was wrong. I just don't think he's a person that puts a lot of stock or effort into relationships himself.


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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2016, 11:52:51 PM »
Yeah, I think he was pretty good and what he said made logical sense but then its hard to know what is the truth because other readers say things that make logical sense as well.So, its hard to pin point exactly what is my exes issue but like scott said what is the point of taking him back he probably will do it again unless theres a miracle

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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2016, 01:26:28 AM »
High rate? He has an ad for $1.50 a minute on keen. What did you pay? :-\

Offline Exposed

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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2016, 02:32:19 AM »
My apology, I meant Maxwell Angel.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2016, 10:03:46 PM »
read with scott and he pretty much told me to move on and  that my ex priority is survival and I'm not his focus,unless i am contributing something to his life.He said he is in conflict with wanting me and wanting his freedom and his actions differs from his words. Also said the ex comes back because in a sense hes comfortable and searching for soemthing new is a lot of work.

I read with him this morning and he basically said the same thing to me.  To let it go for now, that I'm not his focus, business is and he could take me or leave me  but then at the end of the reading we will have the opportunity to revisit the relationship but put it on pause for now and that he would come back around, guaranteed.  He said he looks at me as a life partner and he's getting to the point of changing his focus.  So it was a little confusing and very similar to yours.  The thing he did do that was awesome, was give clarity to the reason for his withdrawl due to a few things I said, which as a woman it was no big deal, but to man it hurt the ego.  Dumb men :)

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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2016, 03:54:30 AM »
This sounds like much better advice than what the other reader told you. Take a few months away from him, chill, do your own thing, work on your own projects and he'll come back around. A lot better than getting wound up in DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2016, 10:34:29 AM »
So I tried Scott, I was told even though my poi is attracted to me. He will never contact me. He just can't do relationships. Never picked up any other details.


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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2016, 12:26:50 PM »
Geesh his reading was harsh. I read your story and it seems like readers are 50/50 what do you believe personally what is your intuition telling you?

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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2016, 12:51:42 PM »
He was way off when I had called him. As a matter of fact he gave the same reading almost word for word to a friend that called him prior to me. I asked the same question she had asked (obviously different situations) and he given me the same response he'd given them. This guy uses basic psychology and advises off that. The reason I know this is because I know the answer to the question I asked. If he truly is intuitive he was being lazy and used a general response for those type of questions. Lol. Comical and disgusting at the same time.


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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2016, 01:05:29 PM »
So I tried scott again. Two months ago he said my ex wants his freedom and not a relationship. Today he said my ex feels the relationship is  alot of work and likes being around me and cares about me but feels finance and interpersonal things are in the way a lot and doesnt think this can work long term.WELL my ex is fucking idiot if that is how he really feels I paid for everything when we became long distance I did my best to make things work I was the one picking up my car driving 4 hours back and forth to see him and spending my money.
I asked scott what he meant by interpersonal and he said my ex goes through days when he wants to be social and days when he doesn't .Seems to be true becuase he felt that while being long distance it was okay to go days without talking to me or even seeing i'm alive. Yes I could reach out to him which I always do but sometimes its great knowing that your bf wants to talk to you or shows he cares by giving you a call.

Scott said that this relationship has been back and forth due to my ex not wanting to let go but feeling like things cant work.Sott said that we both have the desire to want to change things and make it better. But he believes my ex needs to find his purpose and in life and he wants so right now he cant do a serious relationsip.
Scott said it will go back and forth for a couple of more months but he feels I am going to outgrow my ex.

WELL guys seems like Sincerity is wrong about seeing us getting married lol haha.

Scott most likely can be the reader that will be the most right about the future.

I don't think my ex will ever change and stop his bs and creating things in his head.AT THE END of the day life is hard! Anything you wan t in life is hard.He appears to work very hard on his career and money but when it comes to working hard on our relationship I'm just not worth it to him I'm the baggage even though I support him 24/7 helping him nextwork before he disappered on me I almost paid 700 dollars for a personal trainer conference for him to go to so he can network I was asking him which days he can go and he was taking a while to let me know.

Well makes sense he knew he was going to toss me to side of the street like a stray dog.smh


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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2016, 01:09:07 PM »
So I tried Scott, I was told even though my poi is attracted to me. He will never contact me. He just can't do relationships. Never picked up any other details.

Jeezy Creezy! Did he, literally, say "never"? And then did he really follow up with a, "It's him, not you," explanation?

No psychic can predict a "never". I get that you need to let go of any attachment you may have to an outcome, but, IMO, it's important to stay open to ALL possibilities.

And as far as not being able to do relationships, your POI obviously has the desire or you two would not have connected at all because he would not have participated at all. He may not be ready for a deeper relationship--for now--but not forever.

This is where a reading can really fuck with your head. When you get told something like that it is painful and, honestly, a lot of the time does not help you get over it. And then you start wondering if you're lacking in some way, but Scott was too nice to tell you. Then you wonder if your POI will meet another woman who will, somehow, be "the one" in ways you couldn't and he will totally forget about you.

But the real truth is, you just don't know. And you have to get comfortable with the unknowing and have faith good things--better things--are in store for you.

I talked to Scott Angel months ago. He was so, completely wrong that I hung up on him because I just couldn't listen to him anymore. He was the only one I have ever hung up on. His reading on my situation was so off I didn't want to bother sticking around for a prediction because I sensed that would be wrong too.

I agree with you presence , I don't think a reader really has the power to know  that someone will never contact. Just like when they give us a prediction and something else happens and they say it is becuase of free will. Boston's POI also has free will he can decide that he want to contact her .I don't think a reader really know's when a person changes their course or outlook on life.

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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2016, 11:38:46 PM »
So i read wih him tonight and it honestly felt like he was just pulling things out of his butt. Lol
Like saying we will out grow each other and that there needs to be a lead here. Idk what to think. He wasnt mean or anything just didnt seem very interested


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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #28 on: September 11, 2016, 11:49:20 PM »
So i read wih him tonight and it honestly felt like he was just pulling things out of his butt. Lol
Like saying we will out grow each other and that there needs to be a lead here. Idk what to think. He wasnt mean or anything just didnt seem very interested

Lmfao Jjj he said almost the same thing to me he said I will out grow my ex and supposedly there is no lead well actually my ex lead's everything lol when he wants to be together were together when he doesn't then we are not together.

Idk about scott he could be right but idk

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Re: Scott Angel
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2016, 01:14:11 AM »
Dead serrious he said the same thing to me to! Lol
Yeah idk anout him. Plus idk what type of reader he is anyway.

