Author Topic: Angels or demons  (Read 10868 times)

tired of it all

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Angels or demons
« on: June 13, 2016, 05:35:53 AM »
This is a really serious question I have been thinking about for a long time.  How do we know if the spirit guides or angels the reader connects to are trustworthy and have our best interests at heart? 

Do you think it's possible that sometimes a reader could be connecting to something malevolent, but not realize it, because some of these spirits can masquerade as positive and helpful?  Could they be giving just enough accurate information to make it seem like we can trust them, so they can ultimately mislead us on the most important things?

If you've never considered this before, this article might explain where I'm coming from in thinking this way:

« Last Edit: June 13, 2016, 05:50:13 AM by tired of it all »

Offline bstalling

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2016, 06:10:54 AM »
I'm glad that someone else is questioning this, because the reality is that most of us just trust the readers word for it that they are working with good guides that
have our best interest at heart and are always right. I used to go to 3 readers that I trusted for the most part. All 3 used guides for their information and all 3 gave me different predictions/guidance concerning one matter I was calling about. This alerted me to the fact that these "guides" have their own opinions and may possibly not be able to know the total truth or offer accurate predictions. And, they may be white, gray, or dark in reality. I remember reading feedback from a client that called Soulful Journeys. The client said that Soulful Journeys told her that they make predictions about the future based on educated guessing and don't always know the truth. Why couldnt Soulful Journeys post that on her main page? because this is very important information to know before dropping down money to talk to her.

I do believe in angels, but I also believe in demons as well.  And there is no true way to know if these guides are good before calling them.

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2016, 02:11:06 PM »
It's funny you mention this, I have been wondering the same thing.  a co-worker of mine was telling me recently that she believes that all psychics etc. get their info from a dark place.  It sure would explain why the majority of these predictions we so hope for never pan out. 


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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2016, 02:15:59 PM »
Actually was really interested in this topic myself that I started looking for information on it and became freaked out so u stopped looking lol.I use to be really against seeking out psychics not only because the bible says not to seek hen but because there is also a huge possibility that you can be communucating with a demon and you might not know it. The psychic probably won't know it either . It's weird to me how the bible says do not communicate with sorcerer's ,fortune tellers but yet when a psychic is promoting themselves they say that God gave them that ability and an angel came to them . How do they know that ? How do they know that it's not a demon.

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2016, 03:36:29 PM »
I'm not sure I believe in angels or demons. Actually I'm pretty sure I don't. Good and evil are largely relative concepts anyways. I'm an atheist, and if it weren't for having had some pretty darn accurate readings in the past, I probably wouldn't believe in psychics either. However, psychic phenomena has been proven at least in the statistical sense. And controlled remote viewing helped convince me as well. I think we put a lot of pressure and expectation on psychics and they're not always going to be accurate. Its possible that the more pressure we put on them for things the less likely they will be accurate. It would explain why a lot of readers are getting the small predictions right for us but not the big outcomes.

tired of it all

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2016, 07:08:44 PM »
I used to go to 3 readers that I trusted for the most part. All 3 used guides for their information and all 3 gave me different predictions/guidance concerning one matter I was calling about. This alerted me to the fact that these "guides" have their own opinions and may possibly not be able to know the total truth or offer accurate predictions.

Definitely.  I have experienced this with my own guides, they definitely have their own views and opinions about things and not all of them agree with each other.  One of my guides is a bit of a renegade actually and tends to go against the others.  Certainly none of them have the "total truth," far from it. 

Most of their predictions have been accurate for me - except regarding a couple of situations, they would turn out to be right up to a certain point, but when things reach that critical turning point, it would go another way or more delays set in.  It has been very frustrating and disappointing, and I've questioned why they would even tell me these things to begin with, if they couldn't be sure of what would happen and/or get the message across to me accurately. 

This is my most burning question now - not so much WHAT will happen or WHAT the message is, but WHY have I been told these things.  WHY would my guides deliberately interfere with my path in life.   

I've had a few readers insist to me that I must not be getting the messages correctly - because THEIR guides would be telling them something different - but like you said, the guides do not all agree on things - and some of these same readers would end up being wrong too, about the things their guides allegedly said to them.

Other readers have totally corroborated the things my guides have said, in the most uncanny ways, down to using the exact same phrasing or images or concepts they have used to communicate with me...and I considered whether they could simply be reading my mind and pulling out those words and images, but they got much more information beyond that.  I think those readers truly connected with my guides.  Yet, their predictions, if they made any, would still be wrong. 

This is where it would get tricky, because my guides did not convey those predictions to me directly.  Those predictions only came to me from or through the reader.  But the precedent of having the reader speak for my guides would make it feel as if the prediction was coming from my guides.  Even if I felt strongly that the prediction was going to be wrong, I would feel like I had to listen to the reader since they had been speaking for my guides and had been accurate about so many things.

I do believe sometimes this happens because the reader's ego sometimes gets in the way...they feel like they have to prove themselves, or compete with other readers who offer predictions, they feel the caller expects a prediction, whatever.

However, I wonder sometimes if other entities hijack the connection and push the reader to say things that are misleading or untrue, or bizarre, or downright incoherent. 

But here's what has been the most disturbing to me...a psychic would keep saying over and over: my guides are saying XYZ will happen...only to be proven wrong when the opposite happens, or the prediction simply does not come through.  And when it does not happen like they said, they respond with what sounds like sincere confusion - not backtracking or talking their way out of it like a typical cold reader - instead they sound like they really, sincerely believed it would happen and don't understand why it didn't. 

So they check in for more information, and tell me that the guides continue to say XYZ.  Well what's strange about it to me, is when they check in with their guides they become very passive...where there for a second they might have expressed a bit of skepticism or rationality, suddenly it sounds like they are under a spell again, and the messages they convey are not logical at all, and even fly in the face of whatever just happened.

What gets me is that this can go on - and I hate to admit how long I've stuck with any reader who was so consistently wrong, but it would go on for months - and the readers would know that their predictions weren't panning out and that their "guides" had been wrong - yet they never developed any real skepticism about what their guides were saying. 

tired of it all

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2016, 07:18:37 PM »
Its possible that the more pressure we put on them for things the less likely they will be accurate.

It's possible.  I don't know how they can handle being on the phone with a stranger asking all sorts of questions about their life.  I can see how that would be a very pressuring situation.  I have some speech and memory problems, I do not have the "gift of gab" at all so these phone conversations are difficult for me as it is.  I can't imagine being at the other end of the line, I would not be able to handle the pressure at all.

But on the other hand, I've had some readers really pressure ME into believing them.   :(

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2016, 08:25:17 PM »
1) The readers are schizo, they are NOT connecting to their guides or arch angel Michael or Jesus or whomever
2) The guides are simply INACCURATE, they cannot see the whole picture
3) Those guides are evil and fucking with us. They gain pleasure from watching us suffer, it must be pretty boring 'up there' so this is a source of entertainment for them.

1) Or quite possibly they are mentally ill, because they ARE connecting with spirits but the spirits are malevolent ones, and are not who they say they are or what present themselves to be, and have driven the person over the edge.  In any case I do think some of these readers are downright delusional.

2) I agree, guides are not always accurate.  They have a perspective which is different from ours, so sometimes they can see things we don't, but vice versa sometimes we also see things that they don't.  None of them are omniscient, that's for sure.

3) I think this might be true of some "guides" but not all of them.  I believe there is a demiurge (an imposter god) with legions of archons who interfere with humanity.  Archons = archangels = negative ETs or star beings = Annunaki and other "gods" of antiquity.  In the stories of those gods, particularly the Greek/Roman gods, they played with humans for their sport.  They can vampirically feed off of our emotions ("loosh"). 

Many people who astral travel have talked about how the demiurge has a huge realm sectioned off where beings believe they are with the true creator of the universe, but instead they are with the imposter god who claims to be the creator.  Many of these "guides" people contact could themselves be delusional.

tired of it all

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2016, 04:25:52 PM »
Interesting article...

Channeling has become very common, with people claiming to channel Ascended Master’s, Angels and ET’s. In reality, they have no idea who they are channeling or where the information is coming from. Very few predictions come to pass, which always leaves me questioning the source.

There has been a rumor for many years that a dark group had begun to impersonate the Master’s and Angels. Of course, those channeling them refuse to accept that and think they are channeling the real ones. About a year ago, several channels stopped channeling, saying they had been under mind control. Of course, they were convinced to start back because they think they are no longer being controlled.

Corey Goode has had extensive experience with the Secret Space Program for the US, where he was put through psychic training. According to him, there is a group that is feeding false information to these channels through mind control.

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2016, 02:41:18 AM »
I'm very skeptical of anyone that claims to be speaking to their guides, my guides or 'Arch angel Michael' (like chastity on CP) lol these ones are the LEAST accurate.

Kavita on CP speaks to a guide named "Daniel" (who's annoying AF) and I had her specifically ask him one time if the timeline she gave in May would be delayed again (her past timelines have all been a flop), and "Daniel" said NO, this time it will  not be delayed. And guess what, it still did! Then she started giving excuses about the planets and shit (go figures)

I have a few theories of explanation for this:

1) The readers are schizo, they are NOT connecting to their guides or arch angel Michael or Jesus or whomever
2) The guides are simply INACCURATE, they cannot see the whole picture
3) Those guides are evil and fucking with us. They gain pleasure from watching us suffer, it must be pretty boring 'up there' so this is a source of entertainment for them.

OMG !  I cannot believe I haven't seen this....hysterical and probably so true.

Offline 5neatguysGAL

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2017, 11:07:41 PM »
I can finally admit that, years ago, I had an addiction to psychics. Ten and a half years ago, I stopped calling, but missed two of the ladies w/ whom I spoke. So, I tried to reconnect with them a month or so ago.

This question is relevant because one of psychics, Panache, started to become very negative toward my life. In fact, before I cut ties in October 2006, she went from completely supporting my relationship to finding negativity. No, there was no negativity and I've been married to this man for almost 10 years! Anyway, one of the last things I ever wrote her was that I felt whatever "vibes" she was getting were too negative and I was uncomfortable.

Fast forward to when she read for me the other day (I posted in the sub-forum)... she was sooo inaccurate and completely negative. In a post-reading email, I called her on it. What she does is asks people to concentrate on the person in question or themselves and then she gets the answer. But she's almost always inaccurate. I think she is doing some sort of reading, but she's picking up something harmful.

When I first started speaking with her in 2001, to figure out what to do with a POI, her readings were sooo positive in that everything would work out. Well, the POI had moved on and wanted no contact with me! Again, I wonder what she was really picking up on. She should have picked up on the fact that nothing would ever improve with POI and to move on. And five years later, she should have rah-rah'ed the relationship with the man who became my husband.

So what is it? Negative vibes (and vibes is all encompassing here) OR just a negative person bs'ing me? Or, a person with poor psychic abilities who won't admit it?

PS- You guys have NO IDEA how much $$$ I spent on this woman when I was a college student, grad student, and young professional. I remember one reading totalling $300!!! I spent thousands on her alone! And ultimately, she wound up hurting me. Yes, I'll admit my weakness.

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2017, 11:37:19 PM »
I can finally admit that, years ago, I had an addiction to psychics. Ten and a half years ago, I stopped calling, but missed two of the ladies w/ whom I spoke. So, I tried to reconnect with them a month or so ago.

This question is relevant because one of psychics, Panache, started to become very negative toward my life. In fact, before I cut ties in October 2006, she went from completely supporting my relationship to finding negativity. No, there was no negativity and I've been married to this man for almost 10 years! Anyway, one of the last things I ever wrote her was that I felt whatever "vibes" she was getting were too negative and I was uncomfortable.

Fast forward to when she read for me the other day (I posted in the sub-forum)... she was sooo inaccurate and completely negative. In a post-reading email, I called her on it. What she does is asks people to concentrate on the person in question or themselves and then she gets the answer. But she's almost always inaccurate. I think she is doing some sort of reading, but she's picking up something harmful.

When I first started speaking with her in 2001, to figure out what to do with a POI, her readings were sooo positive in that everything would work out. Well, the POI had moved on and wanted no contact with me! Again, I wonder what she was really picking up on. She should have picked up on the fact that nothing would ever improve with POI and to move on. And five years later, she should have rah-rah'ed the relationship with the man who became my husband.

So what is it? Negative vibes (and vibes is all encompassing here) OR just a negative person bs'ing me? Or, a person with poor psychic abilities who won't admit it?

PS- You guys have NO IDEA how much $$$ I spent on this woman when I was a college student, grad student, and young professional. I remember one reading totalling $300!!! I spent thousands on her alone! And ultimately, she wound up hurting me. Yes, I'll admit my weakness.

Just curious...why did you read with her again?

Offline 5neatguysGAL

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2017, 01:21:57 AM »
Hi Bluebell,
 Thanks for asking!

I had always felt bad for cutting her off so abruptly in October 2006. We were emailing via personal email addresses. But, on a call, she nitpicked my new relationship and that's when I wrote her the email saying "Hi, you are picking up on too many negative vibes. What's going on?" And I never checked that email account again!

But I kind of missed some of her feel- good advice. Like, "This can always be fixed." And I wanted to let her know I was doing well in my marriage and career. I couldn't find her email, so I figured a quick call would work. I also felt like she was my online friend, what with exchanging emails through personal addresses.

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2017, 06:43:44 AM »
If the religion tells us not to speak to psychics etc there is obviously a reason. I think those guides are demons. I stopped reading with these psychics. I only talk to a tarot reader now but I'm not sure how accurate tarot is

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Angels or demons
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2017, 10:35:55 AM »
I am not sure I understand who the "guides" are......and if they are spirits liked directly to God...wouldn't they always be right?
God is never wrong

However it makes sense that some psychics could get their information from a dark place and not even know it

