Jenna was on fire for me the other night. It took her a minute to connect and then she was off to the races. This is in contrast to the slow starts of earlier readings and in fact, once I had to correct her because she got me and another party mixed up.
Not this time though. I don't know if she was having a good night or, I'm hoping, the energy is really strong in my situation right now. We have had movement and events lately.
One thing I notice is that a lot of people sit around waiting for contact predictions. Generally speaking, in my experience, the female psychics tend to be heavily weighted to the other party calling where the guy psychics (and Cookie) will tell you when you will have to be the one to reach out. I never sit around waiting for contact predictions; when I'm hearing for two-three weeks that he's just about to do it, and he hasn't, I know they're wrong and he thinks for whatever reason that I need to do it. Always works out too. I admit though that my situation is unusual. We were engaged decades ago, I'm the one who emotionally left first, he was devastated, then I came back 24 years later. So yeah. (And see, people CAN come back! Lol)