Author Topic: Readings that Came True  (Read 246882 times)


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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #330 on: January 24, 2013, 10:55:46 AM »
Is ragatag girl trying to say that someone should stay with allynis for at least 3 yrs as she slowly walks through a relationship and get them to the promised land of the altar. Makes sense as long as I pay for the first reading and allynis pays the rest of the 3 year reading with no other single dime coming from me. Please what a joke. I read with allynis and if she is right for people then I believe she cold reads and predictions are very general when she hears your story.people should think back how there reading went and what was said.


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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #331 on: January 25, 2013, 04:46:25 PM »
Hi okay last year I applied for  certain jobs and sapphire said that I would get communication or correspondence from someone called jan or someone with those initials. I just got a call about an hour ago from the receptionist to schedule an interview and her name was JAN. Omg. This is what am talking about, having a team that you can depend on. Of course my guru kisha also got the date right. Uli from cp was also correct with the job interview company. So kisha got the date, sapphire got the name of the person that would call and Uli got the company that would be calling. A perfect trifecta. Am so happy. .....finally some joy in my life.

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #332 on: January 25, 2013, 05:05:02 PM »
I really hope Kisha is correct for me about getting a new job in February...i have been trying to get out of my current company since August of last year.

Offline psychicgirlie

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #333 on: January 25, 2013, 05:24:16 PM »
Wow Jen that's great! It's nice when things actually start to happen. Did Kisha just tell you it would happen in Jan? Or did she give you a certain number for the exact date? I hope you get the job :)

Offline psychicgirlie

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #334 on: January 25, 2013, 05:27:43 PM »
I really hope Kisha is correct for me about getting a new job in February...i have been trying to get out of my current company since August of last year.

Me too Lucky! She gave me a timeframe of something happening by Feb too job wise. Crossing fingers


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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #335 on: January 25, 2013, 06:04:35 PM »
Hi guys thank you all for your good wishes. This job is actually my second choice to keep busy until I get my dream job which kisha has also give me hope on and uli also said I would get that. For this job kisha since last year has been giving me a 1 and 5 and when I called her last week or so she said that she sees communication before the end of this month and that and that she also sees a one. Well the communication came today the 25th and the interview is for the first(1) of february which validates kisha's numbers. Here's a trick  for kisha's numbers if she gets a number for you call again in a week or so and see if the number moves. For example if she gets a 3 and you call in about a week time and the number is now a 7 check to see if that 7 if counted lands on a date that is a 3.or just go with her outcome if you don't have the strength to bother with the numbers. If kisha gave you guys good news about your jobs and you have been connecting well with her before then there is a very very high chance of it coming true.I pray everyone gets what they want we deserve it.

Offline jahida

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #336 on: February 03, 2013, 05:04:54 PM »
Old Seraphim Harbinger told me my ex still loves me and will comeback, said it will just take some time. Correct. She said I will have to choose between 2 men. Correct. She said my tenant will move. Correct!

Offline Synergy

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #337 on: February 05, 2013, 12:58:27 AM »

Ness21 and Aries Intuition (Kisha) both made predictions last week that panned out today!  It's a long story, but I had an issue with the school where I received my Bachelor's degree, and I was worried that I would not have the situation go my way.  I thought my ability to receive my transcripts would be impacted, and I would be unable to apply to grad school.

Anyways, I called both Ness and Kisha to ask about the situation, and they said that the situation would go in my favor and would be resolved in a 2.  Both of them believed this to mean February, and Kisha went as far as saying that it would be early in the month.

There's more to these predictions, as I also asked about the next phase, but after speaking with the school today, I can confirm that the hold has been removed, the issue went in my favor, and they will be sending my transcripts this week!

Since this part was accurate, I am hopeful that the second part of the prediction will manifest.  I'll provide an update if it does.


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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #338 on: February 05, 2013, 03:05:51 AM »
@syngery yah!!! Congratulations. Good news is so great. Keep good news coming. Congratulations again!!

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #339 on: March 05, 2013, 11:30:07 PM »
Ok!  I had two readers provide accurate predictions!!!  I had a falling out with a very good friend of mine a month ago.  I asked both Ness21 and Kisha if I would reconcile with this person and when they thought reconciliation would occur.  Ness21 accurately told me why we had a falling out, described the friend REALLY well, and said we would reconcile in early March.  Kisha didn't give any details regarding why we had the falling out, but she did describe what my friend's position was at the time.  She told me that we would speak in 3, and she thought that would be March.  She added that she didn't see it being too far out, so she would say it would be within the first 2 weeks of the month.  BINGO!!! Both were correct!  Now if only they'd be right about men and promotions and other stuff.  Hahaha.  I know it was pretty much a given that there would be a reconciliation, since it wasn't a super serious issue that we couldn't work out of, but at least they got the timeframe right, so that is correct.

I know these readers don't work for anyone, but I wanted to share that they have both been accurate on timeframe predictions for me numerous times. 


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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #340 on: March 06, 2013, 12:15:14 AM »
Never read with ness but kisha is AMAZING. Congratulations synergy. Good news is always great gives hope to others.

Offline psychicgirlie

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #341 on: March 06, 2013, 04:51:54 AM »
Kisha is freakin amazing!! back in Dec she told me that me and my guy would get back on track in 2 & 3. I was trying to figure out when that would be. I called again in Jan and she gave me a 7 but said it wasnt 7 weeks or 7 months but fairly soon. BAM! Got contact on 3-2. So far things are amazing. I have some other predictions pending and will be back with updates. So glad to hear predictions manifesting for others as well. :)

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #342 on: March 06, 2013, 04:59:34 AM »
I really hope Kisha is correct for me about getting a new job in February...i have been trying to get out of my current company since August of last year.

Me too Lucky! She gave me a timeframe of something happening by Feb too job wise. Crossing fingers

hey psychicgirlie,

did she get the job prediction for you too? I am still waiting to switch jobs at this time....


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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #343 on: March 06, 2013, 05:24:19 AM »
Kisha is freakin amazing!! back in Dec she told me that me and my guy would get back on track in 2 & 3. I was trying to figure out when that would be. I called again in Jan and she gave me a 7 but said it wasnt 7 weeks or 7 months but fairly soon. BAM! Got contact on 3-2. So far things are amazing. I have some other predictions pending and will be back with updates. So glad to hear predictions manifesting for others as well. :)
congratulations psg on you and your guy, by the grace of God everything will continue to work out for you guys.

If your work predictions come true please let us job seekers know. Thanks and congratulations again:)

Offline psychicgirlie

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #344 on: March 06, 2013, 05:31:41 AM »
@Lucky- I'm still waiting on the job situation to manifest. I was supposed to have something last month but I currently have 2 possible leads. I'll definitely come back to update

@Jen Thank you so much!! I'll be back to update on the job HOPEFULLY soon!!!