Author Topic: Readings that Came True  (Read 246839 times)

Offline lightme

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #285 on: September 22, 2011, 05:08:16 PM »
wow greengrix, i didn't know you have this trait!

do you have intuition regarding your own SM situation?

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #286 on: September 22, 2011, 07:37:09 PM »
Green - wow. You are psychic!! - and a medical psychic I guess? I wonder if you can further develop it? I know this is "out there" but we all know soul mate relationships are so hard because we are meant to learn something from them. Sometimes I wonder if my lesson is to learn about my spirituality. Without all of this pain I would have never started getting readings etc.  So maybe that translates to you also? This experience is opening your psychic experiences - with readings etc.

I don't know. Always looking for the meaning behind our situations.


Offline Sunshinegirl

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #287 on: September 24, 2011, 07:54:04 PM »
Hi everyone!   It's been quite a while since I've been here but I thought I would check in and see how everyone is doing.   There are so many new memebers now, welcome!   I'm so glad to hear that some of your predictions are starting to come true.   It's very exciting!   I really have to say congrats on the great new start with your gal to Healer as well.   It really sounds like your on the right track and with all the help you have offered so many people, you certainly deserve it!

I wanted to tell you as well that most of my predictions have been coming true the last few months.   We are ohhhh... I'd say about 8 months off (late) on the timing but they really are happening.   Now mind you the BIG prediction has not happened but as of right now, it certainly looks like we are headed in the right direction.    There was one detailed thing in particular that Therese from PS told me (although this happened about 3 months early now)....  she said my guy would be giving me something that showed his love and commitment to me and I would know he was serious, although it would not be a ring or jewelry.     Well, it happened last week.  I did receive a very unusual "item" along with a very sweet statement about what it meant.   I was so blown away thinking about the prediction, I was speechless!!!   

I'm sure many of you now want to know who I have read with.   I do have lots of old posts on this site that will tell you that.   I have not read with anyone for a long time other than my true favorite local reader, The Tarot Lady.  Only a few readers have been wrong for me so I'm sort of confused as to why more predictions for others are not happening.      All I can figure is that at this stage in my life, I have been through a lot of heartbreak.   When I met this particular guy, I decided I really wanted to know if this is the right one this time and I wasn't going to get caught up in the whole "fantasy" of love rather than the reality of it.    Maybe that shows through in my readings?   Maybe my readings are not directed by desire of what I want to happen but instead on letting things happen naturally rather than by trying to "make" it happen?  Many years ago I had some readings that were not correct at all but I was in a different state of mind then.  I don't know the answer.  All I can tell you is this time, I almost wanted to push him away (but didn't obviously), and if he were going to leave or wanted to be with someone else, I wanted him to go do it now rather than later and put me through more heartbreak.  If he wanted to be with someone else I wanted to move on with my life now and put that phase behind me.   That is how our entire relationship has been.  Maybe that comes mostly with age and experience?   I can still say that is my overall attitude but I can also finally say I'm comfortable and happy in THIS relationship.   I still have no guarantees about the relationship going forward but I am allowing myself to just be OK with whatever is.   And I truely mean that! Of course, I still want the BIG one, but what will be will be and if someday I have to move on again, I will cry but I will do so, keep the happy part of my memories, and move on.

I hope this little story has helped someone out there at least a little.    I will continue to update as things happen.

Best of luck to all of you out there!   Hugs to all!

Offline lightme

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #288 on: September 25, 2011, 04:29:32 AM »
that is good news Healer!

and good to hear from you Sunshine girl! i read your story you wrote some time back and that was encouraging.

Offline Elaan

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #289 on: September 29, 2011, 10:52:20 PM »
Hi everyone.  I have had a prediction come true.  I had a huge entrance exam and had called to see if I would be wasting my time in even attempting it.  I had heard it was a nightmare.  A girlfriend of mine has taken it 3 times already and hasn't passed yet.  In my panic to 'know' I called several psychics, but here are the ones that said I would ace it and got it right for me.

and Susannah

Love these guys!!

Offline cheetah

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #290 on: March 04, 2012, 05:52:56 PM »
has anyone read with belladonna leveau on keen and if so how was it and also how were her predictions

Offline Synergy

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #291 on: March 04, 2012, 06:34:48 PM »
Belladonna told me I'd be back with my ex.  Sorry, not going to happen. :(

She also didn't give me many details. Her feedback looks like she works for others, but I'm sorry to say she didn't for me.

Offline cheetah

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #292 on: March 04, 2012, 06:56:26 PM »
thanks synergy

Offline cheetah

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #293 on: March 04, 2012, 08:49:50 PM »
has anyone read with prophetess darlene

Offline pinklipstick

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #294 on: March 10, 2012, 03:47:33 AM »
I am new here and I found this forum by accident,but I just have to share....Hope I am posting this in the right place! I have been getting readings it seems forever and talked to many psychics on many sites....and have had my share of good and bad readings,but the best reading I feel I have ever had is with Debra...aka whitelightangel (she has a website with a dot com after whitelightangel). She not only is the sweetest woman ever,she has been accurate 95% of the time. She predicted a new job and exact details of when and where, and she predicted my now boyfriend many many months ago. She really is ethical and that is so hard to find in the psychic world. She is the real deal people! Good Luck all. Love reading the posts.

Offline guesswho

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #295 on: March 10, 2012, 11:51:41 AM »
@pinklipstick  I totally agree.  WhiteLightAngel is a real psychic.  She told me last year that me and my current boyfriend were not going to last.  She told me all of his habits that would annoy me to no end.  At the time, I was still new in the relationship so I overlooked them, but now I see CLEARLY all of the things she said and I wasn't even thinking about that part of the reading this whole time.  I just ignored that because things were going great, but she turned out to be right about the stuff driving me crazy.  We're still hanging in there though.

I agree that she very real and honest.  She picks up on the good and bad about people.  She even called me on myself.  She told me I was really flighty in relationships, and I am and always have been.  I think she's great!

Offline funnygirl

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #296 on: March 10, 2012, 03:14:15 PM »
hi there- I have also been getting readings from Debra since 2008...she does know if a relationship will last or not (trust me I did everything I could to make it work and she still said it would not and she was right) but in terms of contact, sad to say in my case that she has not been on the mark and I do know that contact is difficult to peg. However, I looked back at my notes and she had mentionned contact with this person since 2010...I am approaching the 2 year mark of not speaking to this person and each time I call Debra, she still sees this person coming up to me when he is ready but I find hard to believe after such a long time. In any case, I still enjoy a good reading from her since every time I had a reading with her in 2010 and 2011 and asked her if a new relationship was coming up she said no and I thought to myself how is that possible not meeting anyone for that long period of a time....she was right however the first time she told me I would meet someone was summer 2011. Not sure, if I missed the boat, I am good at that sometimes,  but I did not meet anyone...@pinklipstick and guesswho- does she get little things right for you or do you feel she is very good at picking up the final outcome? I would love to hear your thoughts since I always check in with Debra (less often since 2011 but every 3-4months...). Thanks and have a great day :)

Offline guesswho

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #297 on: March 10, 2012, 06:51:39 PM »
For me, she got little things right.  She could describe how my ex looked (height, hair color) and his personality very well.  She would tell me very specific things about him and who he was dating (older lady, foreign), etc.  I can verify that she was absolutely correct about that.

She also told me specific things about my boyfriend.  This was all with no information from me.  She even knew the financial status on both men.  I'm still waiting for the final outcome this year, but as far as little details, she's right.  I don't know if she's right about my relationship not lasting, but now I can see how it's possible to break up.  If it lasts, that would prove her wrong and if it doesn't that will prove her accuracy for me.  Gotta look at the bright side!  lol

Offline Synergy

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #298 on: March 12, 2012, 11:12:36 PM »
I just spoke with WhiteLightAngel, and she was awesome!  I spoke with her last year, and she was correct about the ex.

I won't go into too much detail, but she knew A LOT of stuff on her own.  She knew the age of someone in my life, and she knew that the person I was calling about had gone back to an ex with just his name.  Anyways, here's the kicker!  She asked me what was wrong with my leg.  I helped my parents move some furniture and a new tv yesterday, and my legs are killing me!!! I had a few freak out moments during the call because she was so in tune and accurate. 

Her predictions match what my other advisors have said, so I'll let everyone know if she was accurate when my timeframes come to pass. 

Offline funnygirl

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #299 on: March 12, 2012, 11:40:39 PM »
I am very happy to hear Synergy! I am still trying to figure out if she misses the little things for me and is right on the big picture/final outcome. She still sees that there is a possibility that someone in my past whom I have not spoken to in close to 2 years will still come around. I find that very hard to believe but she knew from the getgo when I started sort of seeing another guy in September 2010 that it would not work out because of lack of passion! She was right in the end but I tried everything tto prove her otherwise because I thought how could things not work out when the person and I get along great and we were so good and compatible on paper. Lesson learned. The only reason I am skeptical about contact from my past is because she did not get contact timing right several times over the last 2 any case, we shall see what happens in 2012. I have yet to find a reader that reads me well! I am truly happy you were content with your reading. Best of luck!

