Jean has been correct in predicting short-term little things that she would tell me out of the blue. Generally i have better readings with her the less i talk to her, meaning that i usually allow her to talk to me instead of asking lots of questions. If you just listen for a bit she will throw things at you that make your head spin but they turn out RIGHT!! she has been off dates as far as contact and i did not end up getting that job back in December but general things yes she is often right about. Eden has been very good at picking up intentions, feelings, motives, just general information about other people and what they are doing. She has seen some of the people i have dated, and even told me once that my ex-boyfriend was trying to get me pregnant (i did not tell her we were sleeping together!!) so she gets the big picture i think. mark i was really blown away by, just because usually every reader asks questions at the beginning....but he was just full of information and when i asked about two different guys (one was a guy i am emotionally attracted to- we will call him R... and the other is my SM, we can call him C)-he said R is more afraid of rejection and will continue to sleep with other girls which is going to upset you (he did THAT weekend!!!!) then he said C had a much more deeper attraction to me and he said "there is going to be a very strong connection here and there already kind of is" then he went on to tell me that he would come back around with "some kind of offering".....now my SM is afraid of commitment, but knows that i will not settle for anything less...so i am assuming he means a promise ring or something of that nature. we will see, even though we are soul mates, it's been a really painful two years for me.
libra i will tell you the readers i read with that i feel i "wasted" time on...i don't feel like they necessarily tried to keep me on the line, i choose to stay on the line.....but here they are:
Ariel (was right about contact once, but wrong every other time) Natalie, Kelli (she will talk your ear off if you let her), Miss Krystal, Uriela, Winter (please dont waste your money), Nevaeh, Anasela (all her 2010 predictions did not come true), Abrielle (believe it or not her predictions did not pass either), Genessa (great empath, just not right about her predictions), Alison (my first reading went well though, and some of her timeliness are correct), Devyn, Michelle, Annunciata, Wren (might be an empath, but predictions did not pass), Hern (was off and prediction did not pass).
now....here are the rest of the psychics that i might consider calling again (meaning they were somewhat accurate:
Lori-picks up on general info, good at picking up on others....maybe not so good on predictions though.
Yvonne-one of the only psychics to predict i would not be together with SM by January. I also asked this psychic questions i knew answers to and she did get them correct. also correct about intentions of another person i inquired about.
Lucrecia-only read with her once....she actually said she thought i would marry my SM but that he would have to "work to remove my anger"-------uhh he better? ha, but she was right in the way that she explained how he jumped into a relationship with someone else to try and forget about me and that it was an "illusion"--i think she was great at explaining that.
London-very good empath, she did make a prediction about something that did not happen, and i think she does miss a few things but in general can pick things up well and if you want a "general reading" i think she is good.
Sabrina- poor Sabrina, i hung up on her after about four minutes into the convo...she had told me that my SM was not ready to return to me yet last year and that he would stay in his relationship until 2011 (in hindsight i should have continued to read with her because she was right).
Meryl-very honest reader!!!! she will not feed you BS i really do like this woman. there is one prediction that she has made so far that has not come true, but she does really get what is going on and how people feel. i will update if her second prediction happens but that only gives her one week left....
so those are my experiences. i think its ok to call a reader on that site every so often ( i am still calling once a month) but i dont think its a good idea to feed into all those psychics and into the company as a whole. it is sad that they are charging up to $10 per minute on some of those psychics. i dont think i would call anyone over $5 per minute with the exception of Jean.....and i hope to find out if she reads outside of CP.
did everyone have a good weekend?