Author Topic: lessons learned  (Read 10180 times)

Offline divine wishes

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Re: lessons learned
« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2014, 08:08:50 PM »

3. psychic binge calling is much like a gambling addiction trance. asking why it didn't work out? who he is because of his mommy and daddy or ex lovers?  are not empowering questions... but keep you fixated in that trance. if you must keep asking questions, ask questions that will truly empower you.

This is so very true! When in the midst of a binge it does become something of a trance...

Offline Bella

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Re: lessons learned
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2015, 05:11:07 AM »
Hi all... I don't know how to make a new topic or anything...But I just want to give a bit of my experience to you all....Most is not so

K...The three year guy who all said, he loved me and would be back...Ness21 Lady P, and I could go on...Well it's been 2 years and 5 months and I have never heard a peep from him...I'm sure you can read my tally somewhere regarding that situation.

Then I got out there again this past September....I wil give lady P quodos...she said it won't go anywhere...And it didn't.  However Q OF C said it totally would.  Stated how much he liked me...Well turns out he didn't.... Oh and Hilary 80 totally nailed what happened, however, NOTHING she said would happen did....Prediction wise, a big zero. Those are the only 3 I called regarding that situation...And I might say proudly ONLY once each....

Now to today....started seeing a guy end of november...and he bowled me into me...and literally 2 days after I saw him last he started giving me the cold shoulder.....I will say In the beginning...I chatted with Heather Woodward... I don't know why...well I guess cause I am an addict and was feeling uncertain....As she has been wrong in the past...However she totally pegged two things on him...He confirmed such.  So as far as insight on that chat...she was correct.  Then regarding what transpired two days ago, I chatted again...and she was totally wrong...Well, 3/4 wrong....the other 1/4 I cannot confirm.   Too much for me.  Lady P also said he was into me and this would be a lasting thing....NOPE.

I also, on my fall off the wagon, called Trish. Angelic visions...Super nice person....However yesterday was one story and today a tad different. Not in predictions, but to who he is...yesterday he was a great guy albeit confused, today, he still loves me, but should really think twice before I take him back...Not such anice guy today... and not because I don't think she has a gift, but the more I spoke the more the story changed.....I guess I just needed to vent....As he turned out after 2 1/2 months to be a total shit.  Confirmation of his being a shit came from his own realized that if someone says something to you It's real...what the psychics tell you IS NOT....

I don't know what to say anymore....I have in the past called to feel better...I know for the past 2 days I have been doing the same thing, to feel better...... And I hate myself as I was doing pretty good WITHOUT calling....I know predictions don't come through.  And I honestly don't call for them... I call for the NOW.....And with my experience...No one, except for the random as in the one time with Heather...has been even able to do that.  But I keep learing by my mistakes...

I hope I keep learning. I am just glad this fall off the wagon wasn't that expensive.

Be Well Everyone!!!

Offline divine wishes

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Re: lessons learned
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2015, 05:23:05 PM »
big hugs, bella!

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: lessons learned
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2015, 09:00:37 PM »

Thank goodness it wasn't a crazy expensive bender!  I agree that sometimes they are right but most of the time they are wrong.

For ME, and this is only my experience....Yona has been the most accurate reader, her timing of events have all been correct, she has missed a few details but overall her readings for me are accurate.  Yonas readings will not, and should not make sense until after things fall into place.  There have been times she would tell me something and I assumed that it was regarding person A and it ended up being person B....but the predictions happen.  She is not the reader to call and ask a specific question, or any question lol....she is best at General readings only, she usually sees what you want to know anyway.

Offline Bella

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Re: lessons learned
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2015, 07:09:33 PM »

Thanks....Yes, while this at one time could have been a very costly bender, I am grateful this time it wasn' 

I received conflicting readings regarding this situation.  Like I said after our 1st date, I chatted with Heather...And I was shocked when something she said, he leter confirmed.  However, her prediction so to speak, well, was only part right.  Then I did try her after, since I was shocked from the one a few months before... on Tuesday, and she said this guy cared about me and had feelings and didn't want to loose me.  But that he wanted to see other people.  As the reading went on, it got worse....wanting his cake and eating it too...Something about an ex around him that he wasn't really into, but wasn't finished with.  I was like HUH?  But she kept saying how he didn't want to loose me.  The very next day he broke it off.  It was totally out of the blue.  As two nights before, he didn't want me to leave, kept trying to make me stay over....(?)  Maybe he's a professional player?  lol...

I will never know if it's because of someone else.  I asked him, and he said no.  Granted, I'm not saying I believe him. 

I don't want to reveal too much information....But he's got health issues.  He just received a diagnosis, while not life threating, it very well could be without proper care and life changes... (he's got a ton of other stuff too)..When I read with Trish, she immediately picked up on something that he was upset about.  Said a ton of stuff that applied to my situation. And that that was the reason for breaking it off.

Spoke with Empathic Ellen....Was so on point, it was wow.....Said he didn't feel like he had anything to "offer me" was kicking himself...However....How do I really know what the reason is?  I need to go by what he said.  And that alone.  I read with her again this time as she was maybe one or two of the readers who didn't see a positive outcome with the last guy...And she was right. 

People break up every day.  Sometimes, no matter how great one person sees it, the other one doesn't.  I will say, I think he just wasn't feeling it anymore.  No matter how thick he laid things on...till the bitter end though, hence my confusion.  That's just him.  I will take the timing into consideration....right before Valentine's Day....why spend that day with someone you don't see it going anywhere with?  Why put that on it, when the other person can misconstrue the meaning? 

I decided to just go with that.  He just wasn't into anymore, and realized I was into it, so why continue?  Yeah he cared, but not "like that"....They pick up on that he did, and apply that to now. 
Trouble is, he was up my ass all the time....calling texting, cooking me dinner....blah blah blah....but that's just his way.  I took it for more.  And in my defense of being blindsided....I fell for it.  LOL...Yeah, i told him to back it up on more than one occasion...Told him of my trust issues...He assured me he would only be truthful...always told me of conversations he had with his mom, son about me..All his kids knew about me.....But whatever....I need to take what he said, that he wasn't feeling anything more than friendship....and move on from it.  Doesn't matter that he laid it on thick till the day before....

I can't let myself be sucked into the calling game, waiting for a call that will never ever come.  Nope, I decided to cry it out, put my big girl panties on, and try to get over it!!!! 

Thanks for letting me vent!!!! 
Be Well Everyone!!!

Offline Synergy

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Re: lessons learned
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2015, 09:43:52 PM »

Thank goodness it wasn't a crazy expensive bender!  I agree that sometimes they are right but most of the time they are wrong.

For ME, and this is only my experience....Yona has been the most accurate reader, her timing of events have all been correct, she has missed a few details but overall her readings for me are accurate.  Yonas readings will not, and should not make sense until after things fall into place.  There have been times she would tell me something and I assumed that it was regarding person A and it ended up being person B....but the predictions happen.  She is not the reader to call and ask a specific question, or any question lol....she is best at General readings only, she usually sees what you want to know anyway.

Hello friends.  Long time, no post.  This is because 1. Life has been busy. 2.  I've drastically cut back on readings.

I am going to echo the statement above.  I was actually pretty sure Yona was wrong in my second and third readings with her.  Like, really wrong.  Mind you, her first reading was SPOT ON.  Well, a lot has happened for me in the past couple of months, and I went back to re-read my notes from the last two readings with her.  She was actually pretty accurate on a number of things.  The issue is that I read into what she told me.  I assigned people to her predictions, when really it wasn't about those people at all.  Now I can see the predictions were about someone else entirely.  Something else she said about someone going into the hospital recently came to pass as well. 

In time, I will consult with Yona again, as I find her to be one of the most accurate readers I have ever encountered.  What she says does happen, just not as expected, so next time I will try not to inject my own meaning or expectations.  Good luck to everyone. 


Offline allbitenobark

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Re: lessons learned
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2015, 09:42:07 PM »
Thanks everyone for the updates! Life is going rather well for me at the moment and I haven't had a reading in ages so nothing to update here right now. I'm also not dating ANYONE right now which is how I want it. It's amazing how much peace comes into your life when you're not worried about someone else that's already in it or if/when the mystery man will come in. I am quite content being single and whole right now, lol. Sorry, but that's the best update I got!! Haha! xxoo  ;D

Offline Bella

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Re: lessons learned
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2015, 04:07:03 AM »
K...Here it goes for me.....EVERYONE EXCEPT FRON ONE WAS WRONG...

As you all know...I had a fall off the wagon....NOt a big one, but still...about a $700 dollar one.  Too much for me.. however, The  following readers were DEAD wrong.

Lady P....Trusted as I know she's good at 3rd parties...well not this time. (NO RESPONSE TO EMAILS)
Angelic Visons...NOthing....tole me to have faith. Little did I know....
Queen of Cups (I had such High Hopes)  NADA....No response to email as well. 
Emapthic Ellen..NADA....No response to email. 
Maurine36 (I was shocked as she was so negative regarding other situations and was right, but on the positive, was very very wrong) response to email.
Serenditpity007....E mailed her and she stilll stand stood that she was sorry for my situation but that she's not 100%?  Really?  I mean that is all I ever got from her, after about 3 emails. Calling her out.
Ms.Lisa M....I will say she responded right away to my email....however totally back tracked on what she origianlly said...I emailed her back and She RESPONDED...AND even though she was DEAD wrong, it was ethical....More than I can say  for the other readers....NONE of whom responded.

OK...THESE READERS...NONE of their time lines have come to happen...No contact. whatsoever.  NOT EVEN INSIGHT HAS PROVEN TRUE....NONE. NO ONE'S.  I honestly, when I call, want the here and now...and the aforementioned readers have all been wrong on that...The here and now, and prediction wise.  What A Waste of time and energy and money.   

Except for  Heather woodward....groan.  SHe was the one to say he wanted to date other people...BUT she also stated how he didn't want to loose me..(that is the only thing she was wrong in) I have come to find today that he is definitately with someone else, as they just spent the weekend away together...NO JOKE.  I saw it.  He Posted it with plenty of lovey dovey pics....HE KNEW I WOULD SEE IT....Nice, Right?  while the readers were telling me that it was ME that he wanted...Was just preoccupied with health, and business..Was in such a bad contact predictions came and went......OMG!!!!!  REALLY!!!   THIS IS IT FOR ME!!!!  My Thhird Go Around....and NOTHING! 

I honestly don't know how ANY of you have had any predictions or insight verified....I HAVE HAD NOTHING IN THREE DIFFERENT SITUATIONS.  NNot Insight, Not contact. NOThing.  I mean, really.

tired of it all

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Re: lessons learned
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2016, 09:48:46 PM »
If I could give myself just one piece of advice, it would be this:

Don't get too attached to any one reader.  You need to be able to move on immediately if things are not working out.  If they ever start taking a patronizing, know-it-all attitude, tell them you are ending the call and don't call again.  If you keep calling, it will happen again and it will only get worse. 

If they are wrong once about anything significant, don't make excuses for them and don't call again.  It will happen again and it will only get worse.

Be especially wary of the ones who act like they want to be your instant best friend or tell you how much they love you.  People who love you do not take your money to string you along for months with false predictions and false hope, and then block you when you leave honest feedback about it.  So don't get attached and start thinking of them as a friend because it's likely to end in a lot of heartache.

