Author Topic: TAROTTI  (Read 24356 times)

Offline tellmewhy

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« on: August 31, 2014, 10:23:39 PM »
So which of us is going to try Psychics on TAROTTI 's ? Zee since you have not had any luck why don't you try, prices are very reasonable


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« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2014, 05:36:44 AM »
I gave two readings today from two different ladies on this board. One call lasted 2 hours and the other 3 hours. The three hour call, I gave her a free reading as an introduction. They were lovely women and if only all of my clients were as grounded, sane, rational and reasonable. So perhaps they will share their experience. I felt the readings went extremely well but their satisfaction is certainly what matters most.

Thank you for mentioning Tarotti and I appreciate the kind post.

Offline sunandmoon

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« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2014, 08:27:18 PM »
So which of us is going to try Psychics on TAROTTI 's ? Zee since you have not had any luck why don't you try, prices are very reasonable

Not only that, but the articles are very much in line with what we've been saying here for a long time. .....

Offline tellmewhy

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« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2014, 10:55:18 PM »
I can't believe they pay them 20 cents a mins while the pocket it all. This is ridiculous. My friend is going to have a reading with Tarottie. I can't wait to hear. Have sweet ears. Do they call it itichy  ear? Lol

Offline sunandmoon

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« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2014, 11:37:45 PM »
When I was getting readings a lot, one of the readers I talked to a lot told me that it was pennies on the dollar. She was certainly not getting rich of it.

Offline Truth

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« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2014, 03:42:07 PM »
pennies on the dollar is a lie and if it was really that bad then why would they be doing it? sounds like someone wanted you to feel sorry for them.
here's keen's payment policy that anyone can google and find:

as for TAROTTI, i would not use this person or business, whatever it is. coming on the site and every post being an advertisement for yourself sounds like you are begging for business. this is a psychic review site, not a platform to advertise for yourself.

Offline tellmewhy

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« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2014, 03:49:53 PM »
Truth, I guess it is for the sites that regulates it's members but I don't believe It is .20 for $ 13.00 any psychic will have to be stupid to agree.
pennies on the dollar is a lie and if it was really that bad then why would they be doing it? sounds like someone wanted you to feel sorry for them.
here's keen's payment policy that anyone can google and find:

as for TAROTTI, i would not use this person or business, whatever it is. coming on the site and every post being an advertisement for yourself sounds like you are begging for business. this is a psychic review site, not a platform to advertise for yourself.

Offline tellmewhy

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« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2014, 04:06:15 PM »
You know what, Truth you are right! Unless any of the board members states that TAROTTI is good, we should all hold off on any advertised psychic unless they are well known or recomended by the old members.We want quality read not quantity.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2014, 04:08:03 PM by tellmewhy »

Offline cocoapple

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« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2014, 05:20:05 PM »
I have read with her. You can PM me for details.

Offline tellmewhy

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« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2014, 05:36:06 PM »
 Good news is there is pm message for us. I don't want people to feel that they can't  be open. We don't want Tarotti to use psychological games to make people to feel they cannot post here. I feel if she was really good, people would have posted on her freely but I guess not.:)
I have read with her. You can PM me for details.

Offline Skylizard

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« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2014, 06:28:58 PM »
I've come across a few bad reviews of this site by just doing a quick google search. Hopefully the members who had a reading with her can chime in.


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« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2014, 12:47:15 AM »
Regarding the poor reviews that you ran across on the internet: Those reviews came out within perhaps one month of Tarotti's opening.

There are three bad reviews on Tarotti.

One is on and the other is on

The complaint against Savantace / Tarotti was on November 11, 2013 at

The second complaint against me was on November 14, 2013.

The third complaint against me was on November 14, 2013 as well. Same complaint and same person. 

Those 3 negative reviews were absolutely  filed by the same person, nearly one year ago and none since then. NONE.

Now there are two possibilities here -

1.) Was filed by asknow after I designed my website and condemned them for ripping people off. I have since changed the phrase/words to pay-per-minute psychic networks on my site so as to avoid slander and libel.


2.) The same day the last complaint was filed on November 14, 2013, I received an email stating that "We have found negative reviews of your company and we can remove those negative reviews for a fee. It gave the links to the two negative reviews. That's how I discovered them.

Here is the email that I received the very day of these 3 complaints:


From: Edward
Date: 11/14/2013 7:21:30 AM
To: Psychic Savantace
Subject: Subject: URGENT: Negative Information Found Online On Psychic Savantace

"To Whom It May Concern,

 This is just a friendly heads up.

While searching through reviews I found your website listed on with a negative review done by one of your customers.

Therefore this negative information shows up on the 1st page of Google for a number of search terms such as: your Psychic Savantace, Psychic Savantace + complaint, Psychic Savantace + fraud, or Psychic Savantace + rip off, just to name a few.

Its reported that 80% of consumers check the internet before they buy and this negative rating will hurt your sales and ultimately your bottom line.

This has been done recently in the last month or so. You may be experiencing loss of sales already and may not know why.

Again, this is just a friendly heads up. We are a reputation management agency based in Los Angeles. We can help clear up this information and can do it amicably against this bad review and if more arise in the future so please contact me if you would like us to help.




Here's what's hilarious and ridiculous:

I had just finished designing my website. I hadn't been in business for more than a few short weeks and I was still working on search engine optimization and advertising so essentially that time, I didn't have any clients and when I first started Tarotti, I only charged $30. per hour. So here's the complaint:

Novermber 11, 2013

"Psychic Savantace took thousands of dollars from me when working for a network I've been going to for years. They have always given me good advice and predictions until SHE came along. Not a single prediction she gave me ever came true. She does not have a psychic gift. I called one day to ask her why none of her predictions came true and she had vanished from the network only to pop up on her own site. Could it be because she cannot get hired with another network? Don't waste your money on fake psychic readings from Psychic Savantace."

It would have been completely impossible for me to have taken "THOUSANDS"  of dollars from anyone when I only charged $30. per hour and hadn't developed any business yet. Secondly, if I had taken thousands of dollars from this person, where was I working? Why would it take thousands for them to realize that everything I predicted wasn't coming to pass.

The same person wrote on November 14, 2013, the same day on a different complaints board:

"I spent lots of money getting readings from Psychic Savantace and she is a pretend psychic. She told me all these great things were going to happen and she even gave me a rough timeline. I even gave her predictions several extra months to come true. I really feel hurt that she did this to me...."

LOL @ "I even gave her predictions several months to come true..." That's impossible because several months prior to that I wasn't working as a psychic anywhere.

Three bad reports, ladies. Two of the same identical filed by the same person on the same day and the other with just a few changes in the wording, 3 days prior. ZERO, NONE, NO  negative reviews outside of that.

So the same day I receive the two bogus reviews by the same person, I receive an email stating that this mystery company has found my negative reviews and for a FEE  they can remove them.

Clearly it's a scam. They file poor reviews all over these complaint boards and then write to the company and say, "We saw the negative review you received. We can remove it for a fee."

Oh and how did the bogus company trying to rob me by scaring me into paying them to remove a report they can't remove?

I had filed a complaint on a complaint board prior to that, complaining about asknow and I gave my contact information and my psychic name and my website. That's how.


« Last Edit: September 04, 2014, 12:55:09 AM by TAROTTI »

Offline divine wishes

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« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2014, 12:52:53 AM »
tarotti, I think it's very interesting that you've joined the board and have offered your take on the psychic reading process, while also advertising for yourself.

I'll ask you a hypothetical question: what if I read with you and didn't find our session to be enjoyable or what if I found you to be inaccurate -- how would you then respond to a very candid and honest review that I'd post here?

I'm just weary that your active promotion of your business would hinder unbiased/blunt reviews as are the norm and point of this forum.


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« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2014, 01:12:14 AM »
"We don't want Tarotti to use psychological games to make people to feel they cannot post here. I feel if she was really good, people would have posted on her freely but I guess not."

I've had 6 customers from this forum. Five paid $50. All four of those women received no less than well over two hours with me and two of those women received 3 hours of my time. The first woman who contacted me from here got a free reading from me and I spent 3 hours on the phone with her. I spent 3 hours on the phone with another woman who paid me for a reading.

These women have all been to pay-per-minute psychics and those calls would have cost them at least $1,000.

Who in their right mind would spend 2 1/2  to 3 hours on the phone with any psychic if she didn't have some semblance of knowledge, insight, education and smarts? Nobody. Four of these women will not reconcile with their ex and that's a huge problem for a client. When a client has been hypnotized into believing that their long, lost partner is returning and they come to me seeking validation and I say it isn't happening, they get angry. And then we need to discuss it. Psychics are dealing with LOVE JUNKIES -  often hooked in a toxic relationship with someone who has walked away and the client can't let go.

The pay-per-minute networks make their millions per year feeding the love junkies their drug of choice. I don't do that and I won't start just to keep my name out of any complaints board.

I posted here because this board has seekers and they've been dealing with some of the most expensive psychic networks in operation and I came to give them a new opportunity; someone who won't take advantage of their pain and their heartache and won't drain and bleed their credit card by making up stories that merely comfort them for the moment.

Since it's far too soon to know what is actually going to transpire, the only reason any client from this board would take issue with me is because they didn't hear the Cinderella story they had hoped for and promised by the other psychics.

Offline divine wishes

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« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2014, 01:27:35 AM »
I find it in bad taste that you're posting about people from this forum and their readings with you -- even in a veiled manner.  if they want to speak about their experience, be it your generosity of
time or otherwise, they can.  also, mentioning the fact that they will not reconcile with their exes is no one's business but theirs, and maybe yours, as you gave the reading. you can make your point without referring to members of the forum... now even if they wanted to post a review the anonymity of their reading is partially lost as one might wonder which 4 of the 6 is posting.

sorry tarotti - you seem perfectly nice, but your approach here seems little off.

it would be nicer if you sought to educate on the art of readings and the best way to get a reading than simply advertising for yourself.

