Author Topic: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??  (Read 25051 times)

Offline Shoe Gal

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The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« on: April 11, 2011, 06:15:54 PM »
Has anyone read with Emma?  She's fairly new and is already a staff pick.  Sometimes the "newbie's" are a good try :)
I just heard Michael is good and picks up details (a bit better).  I'm considering calling him (if I fall out of Gina Rose's queue this week).  Michael is a customer favorite.
I figure since I can't seem to get in Uli's queue, then I'm willing to try Michael (or even Emma since she's a "newbie").

Offline koukou11

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2011, 07:35:23 PM »
Hi shoe Gal
I wouldn't try Emma if i were you, i spoke with her twice not much infos from her, i asked her when i will find a job, she heard my brother calling me (because i was in my room talking to her) so she told me don't worry about the job because you have a husband who has an income. which is totally wrong since i'm single.

Offline Shoe Gal

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2011, 07:37:42 PM »
Yikes!  I hope you called customer service to get a credit for your reading with her.  Sounds like there was no connection at all.
Any luck with Michael?

Offline Libra

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2011, 07:52:39 PM »
Did you get any readings recently Koukou?

Offline koukou11

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2011, 09:18:56 PM »
No, i isconnected with cp after spending nearly 14k form september to february. None of their predictions worked for me in the time frame they gave me, so why waste money for something that is not sure to happen.
I did get a reading from a local reader here in seattle, he gave  a time frame different from Cp.
As far as the guy i was inquiring about, everyone on CP told me he likes you, give him some time he will start to open up for you i found out that he is datinganoter girl,   i was so dissapointed at him, at CP and at myself for wasting 14k.

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2011, 09:21:54 PM »
Wow, Koukou, what readers did you read with at that time?

Offline cj

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2011, 11:39:07 PM »
Michael was very quiet for me...I was like "ok now would be the time to talk Michael" lol

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2011, 11:48:36 PM »
I do think that sometimes it is best to wait and let things happen without talking to psy that tell us timeframes that disappoint. Afterall, if they could see everything then wth is God there for. We have to understand that theres only so much they can see and have access to.

Only God is ALL KNOWING   8)

So from now on Im praying to him for answers. BOOMMMMM lol  :P

Offline koukou11

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2011, 11:49:42 PM »
That's right CJean, that is what i'm doing right now.

Offline optx888

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2011, 06:21:12 PM »

I am so sorry to hear that.  I understand about the disappointment.  That is where I am now.  I have been getting more upset with myself than anything or anyone else.

How can they all be so wrong?  Sometimes I call CP and ask a reader that I never read with about the ex...and sometimes I call and ask a reader if they can tell me what's coming my way in regards to my love life...and they all pick up on my ex coming back.  He eventually did make contact (which none of my friends ever thought he would due to how he ended things) and we were communicating for some time and even saw each other...everything was going great and then it all just stopped and I get random emails...but I haven't heard from him in 3 weeks :-(

My heart would be broken if I found out the entire site was a scam. 

I have never read with either of those readers.  I am not sure who you have read with...but have you tried Nina?  I keep reading great things about Seha...have you read with her?

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2011, 07:36:21 PM »
Seha is wonderful greengrix...She has gotten two contacts for me right and I didnt think it would happen bc I hated him so of them actually happened bc he faked a sickness and called me to rescue him  ??? :-\ that was random...and pretty desperate

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2011, 07:38:16 PM »
I would be heartbroken too...but I think I'm, already there...some of the stuff that has happened wasnt even predicted by some of the best and top psychics.

It sucks because now I wonder what else may happen that Im only hearing from maybe one or two psychics

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2011, 08:25:16 PM »
I agree with you healer..Idk what they're seeing.  :-\

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2011, 08:48:48 PM »

I am so sorry to hear that.  I understand about the disappointment.  That is where I am now.  I have been getting more upset with myself than anything or anyone else.

How can they all be so wrong?  Sometimes I call CP and ask a reader that I never read with about the ex...and sometimes I call and ask a reader if they can tell me what's coming my way in regards to my love life...and they all pick up on my ex coming back.  He eventually did make contact (which none of my friends ever thought he would due to how he ended things) and we were communicating for some time and even saw each other...everything was going great and then it all just stopped and I get random emails...but I haven't heard from him in 3 weeks :-(

My heart would be broken if I found out the entire site was a scam. 

I have never read with either of those readers.  I am not sure who you have read with...but have you tried Nina?  I keep reading great things about Seha...have you read with her?


Have you followed up with any readers since the communication changed?

Offline optx888

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Re: The "no tools" readers - any thoughts on Michael or Emma??
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2011, 04:12:31 AM »
I'm tempted to try Seha...all I read are good things...but I am so hesitant because of how much I have spent...of time lines not coming true (in regards to the big picture)...and of her telling me the same as all others.  I know that sounds silly...but it is just frustrating...ugh!

I am just in the questioning phase...and Natalie leaving CP doesn't really help.  I wish that Natalie or another reader (who is not bitter about CP) would come on here and tell us what the real deal is.

London tells me the same thing Healer...maybe we should start individual posts of our stories and we can be each other's psychics for free :D

Prettylittleliz: "DreamTeam" (which someone said that on here and I found it so cute and loved I hope who ever said it doesn't mind me using it) all say I scare him.  He is working through his fears and insecurities and he will come around etc.  A few (Winter, Jacqueline, and the horrible Miss Krystal) all saw another girl around him from his past and that is why he has backed away but it is nothing for me to worry about...he doesn't feel the same as her...and I think 2 out of 3 said that it is just communication nothing psychical etc...But they all see the big picture...they all say that he is going to come around etc.  But 3 weeks with no communication just does not sit well with me...Everyone said if I reached out he would respond...but that would mean that I am doing all the work...I have contacted him enough...It can't be all me...I am not the one that hurt him...he hurt me.

I just wish we knew what was true with CP...too many have said the same can they all be wrong?