Author Topic: 99.8% W R O N G  (Read 53106 times)

Offline Bella

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #30 on: March 02, 2014, 04:20:21 AM »
Oh I have pm'd some Bark.  Their accounts are still active.  So how come you haven't?

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2014, 04:22:14 AM »
Well Bark, I have PM'ed several original members and like most of us nothing happened that was predicted.  The members that did respond have moved on with the lives and this forum is a reminder of where they don't want to be again...I can relate.

This post was not necessary!

If you are so interested in knowing why all these old members haven't come back, why haven't you PM-ed them, yourself?

Offline nikkii

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #32 on: March 02, 2014, 05:03:32 AM »
I love your post Bark and agree 100%.

I know my reply will not be popular, but I am not here for popularity, so here goes.  Whatever works for you, personally, is what you have to go with.  If it works for Kicking to turn the page and put this in the past, then so be it. It may not work for others, but it works for her.

All I wish to say or contribute to this thread is that hyperbole is hyperbole.  "All psychics are", "none of the psychics were", "predictions never", "every prediction is", "100% of predictions", "0%  of the members" - these are all hyperbole.  And the truth lies somewhere between. What does that mean?  It means that while it may appear that psychic predictions are not accurate to some people, it is simply that - a perception by some people.  While it might be that former members have NOT come back to report on predictions there are any number of reasons why.  One of those reasons could be that their psychic predictions did not manifest, but it could also be for some other reason.

I'll give you an example.  I was married once.  To a man that I loved dearly.  He cheated.  They stole everything and the only way I was able to heal was to blog about that experience.  I did so daily.  I blogged about as the events unfolded, each event, each incident,. day-by-day for years.  Until one day I met Mr. Wonderful and the blog - out there in Cyberspace - remains just as it was that day.  I never went back to complete it...although events continued to unfold.  Although events turned out in my favor.  Why?  Because my focus was shifted.  It didn't mean that nothing worked out in the end.  It meant that I was distracted and by the time my life returned to its normal pace and cadence..."that" episode that prompted me to chronicle each experience became less significant.

Perception is everything.  I have learned that while reading with psychics.  I maintain that it is highly possible that we control whether psychic predictions manifest or not. I believe, and you are all welcome to disagree if you wish, but I believe that in order to see what so many of these talented 6th sense seers can see, it involves a paradigm shift in our own thinking.  If we don't do it, chances are it might not become our reality.

So, if I were to advise anything here and today, I would simply say this.  Believe what you wish.  Accept the reality that is before your eyes, but remember, what you see today is what is here today.  Tomorrow is completely a different case.  For those of you who feel in order to debunk psychic readings you must face the cold harsh reality that you face today, please do so.  But remember statements like "I know 100% he is not coming back" are simple hyperbole.   If psychics have no ability to see the future, then what makes you believe you can see it either?  Today's reality is today's and not tomorrow's. Open your mind to the possibility that you also cannot possibly know what tomorrow will bring.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #33 on: March 02, 2014, 01:16:12 PM »
Kicking and Bella,
Why is my post unnecessary?  Bella asked me to contact old members, she said she was curious.  I am not curious at all. If people are curious as to why older members haven't come back to report then by all means reach out the them and ask, but in the meantime, and this was my whole point, please don't speculate or resort to hyperbole.  There's no doubt in my mind, by the way, that some of the members' predictions didn't turn out the way they wished, but certainly not all of them.  and finally, there is something we are all supposed to be doing with this information.  If we choose not to pay attention to that, we can hardly be surprised when things don't work out the way we expected.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 01:49:44 PM by Bark angel »

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #34 on: March 02, 2014, 01:55:59 PM »
Give it a flipping rest. I get sick of reading your distorted BS!

I HAVE emailed many that were here and ALL of them that responded said NOTHING HAPPENED!


STOP EFFING UP MY THREAD! IT IS MY EXPERIENCE!  I'm going through enough right now and sorting out how/why I jumped back on this crazy train!  The last thing I want to do is come here and read your confrontational, irrational post.





Kicking and Bella,
Why is my post unnecessary?  If people are curious as to why older members haven't come back to report then by all means reach out the them and ask, but in the meantime, and this was my whole point, please don't speculate or resort to hyperbole.  There's no doubt in my mind, by the way, that some of the members' predictions didn't turn out the way they wished, but certainly not all.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #35 on: March 02, 2014, 02:55:15 PM »
I think you are overreacting to my post and your anger is uncalled for. It is quite plain to see that.
And for the record, I am not trying to distort anything.  You have spoken with some members that said nothing worked for them.  OK. I accept that you spoke to some of the members. That was my point. It does not represent all of the members. And by the way, you objected to my reply to Bella, claiming it was unnecessary but you did not object to Bella who asked the question of me.  Is that playing fair? Bella is the one that wants feedback from old members not me.  I have no interest in speaking with old members that don't post here anymore.  Why take out your frustrations on me?  I am not trying to change any of your views at all. But I respectfully ask that you not represent me in your claims.  While I have had success with predictions, your mileage may vary.

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #36 on: March 02, 2014, 03:15:08 PM »
Hi all, once again...

First, I am so truly moved by some of the posts today.  They all seem to resonate with me in some way or another.  Thank you.

But I would like to say to all the people out there who seem to think that people just don't come back to post anymore, because the guy came back, or they made other decisions, broke their addictions, or whatnot.
What I would like to say to them, is why not PM them?  They'll get notice on their email accounts.  And MAYBE they'll be able to answer as to why they haven't come back to post.  I know I have to a few....There are a lot of original members that still are members.  You can email them yourself to find out the WHY.  Some go back to 2011.  And their membership is still active, which means they'll see if you pm them, even if they don't log on here anymore. 

Even look at the membership...see who ever at least posted once.   Send them a pm and see what they say.  I would love to hear how some people are doing.  Where they are in their lives.  I too hate the story with no ending.  Whether good or bad. 

Why not find out first hand?  Find out WHY they don't post anymore.

Just playing Devil's advocate as many others here like to do...I do not see anywhere in this post that this was directing to any one person. In fact, it seems an invite to everyone and no one specific. As I was included in this invite, I perceived it as a light and non-aggressive post and felt Bella was simply attempting to find even more avenues to find answers to the little mysteries we all or some of us may wonder as to what happened with final outcome for past members. She even clearly states that she herself has done this. Perhaps the invite was for all of us to reach out to any past members we may still currently have or had a rapport with or better yet an invite to the ones of us who are skilled at cold contact. Either way. I do not and did not detect a snarky tone in this post at all.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 03:23:32 PM by decibel.diva »

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #37 on: March 02, 2014, 03:34:22 PM »
Whatever bark.  I'm under enough stress and will not argue with you.  I am happy you had some predictions manifest, however the main prediction you are calling about has not...and probably will not based on the the experience of MANY here, with the exception of MAYBE two.

I know you want to believe your favorite readers but those same readers were wrong for me and many many many others here.  Cookie got some things right, the color of the chair I was sitting in ect, but outcome 100% wrong.  Ladypersephone got the details of what was happening but outcome 100% wrong on several occasions.  Kisha got some things right but a lot wrong including a recent thing that she said would not happen and it sure enough DID happen, it was something that she shouldn't have missed.  These are just a few that you you talk about frequently.  I really do hope they are right for you, honestly I do...but as timelines are pushed further and further out and no action is happening to back up their predictions one can only see the reality as it is presented...simply put, the prediction is NOT happening and probably will not.

I am frustrated because I know first hand how disappointing it is when we hear the same story from so many readers, we have hope only to find out that what they are predicting is wrong.  I know you will say but it may come down the road and it possibly could...but at what point do you stop and admit they are simply wrong.

I almost lost myself because of all of the readings, I questioned my ability to perform in a position that I am trained to do....if a 3.99 min card flipper/psychic can fool me, brainwash me, and make me believe fantasy then how in the hell can I NOT be fooled by anyone else.  The sadness I have experienced over all of this has crippled me in so many ways, and then to come here and and share MY experience and have someone analyze my words to keep their fantasy alive breaks my heart.

I think we can all agree that some small things have happened along the way, I can not argue that but the outcome we all want just doesn't happen.

PLL, synergy, Bella, hope4love, sagitiria, and many others have written their experience on this thread and it mirrors mine.  I cried when I read each post because I know the pain they all experience and I hope you are the one that does not have to fell what each of us did.

I don't know why I felt that my situation would turn out different than theirs, it was wishful, distortion on my part.  I wanted to believe and I set myself up for disappointment and heartbreak.
PLL has written about her situation in detail and if you read her post, and Synergy's post you will find that the outcome was not what they were being told.  Both of these ladies have been honest in their reviews and have experienced what I am feeling now, their reviews should not be discarded.

Believe what you choose to believe, but I feel confident predicting that you will be here reporting the same disappointment that the majority of us are reporting.  You can tear my words apart to make you feel better and believe that you will be the exception but reality will come knocking on your door like it did for the majority of this forum.

For all of you that have PM'ed me I can't thank you enough, and for the ones who PM'ed me and said you don't want to post on the forum because you don't want to be tore apart I totally understand!  I felt I needed to pay-it-forward and that is the reason for sharing the failed outcome with those who choose to read it, and perhaps accept that these readers are WRONG...period!

Offline Bark angel

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #38 on: March 02, 2014, 04:49:28 PM »

Just playing Devil's advocate as many others here like to do...I do not see anywhere in this post that this was directing to any one person. In fact, it seems an invite to everyone and no one specific. As I was included in this invite, I perceived it as a light and non-aggressive post and felt Bella was simply attempting to find even more avenues to find answers to the little mysteries we all or some of us may wonder as to what happened with final outcome for past members. She even clearly states that she herself has done this. Perhaps the invite was for all of us to reach out to any past members we may still currently have or had a rapport with or better yet an invite to the ones of us who are skilled at cold contact. Either way. I do not and did not detect a snarky tone in this post at all.
Perhaps the post you selected wasn't directed to anyone in specific, but Bella's following post was.

Oh I have pm'd some Bark.  Their accounts are still active.  So how come you haven't?
You can't reasonably suggest that I made that up can you?
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 04:51:33 PM by Bark angel »

Offline Bark angel

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #39 on: March 02, 2014, 05:05:21 PM »
Whatever bark.  I'm under enough stress and will not argue with you.
I am not arguing with you kicking.  How you can read my personal opinion and classify it as anything other than my own opinion, is beyond me.

I am happy you had some predictions manifest, however the main prediction you are calling about has not...and probably will not based on the the experience of MANY here, with the exception of MAYBE two.
You have no idea everything that is happening in my life.  I have had predictions manifest. Predictions related to the issues at hand and other predictions that are not significant to those matters - both have manifested.  Why even last night I had a big prediction manifest.  You simply do not know.

I know you want to believe your favorite readers but those same readers were wrong for me and many many many others here. 
I am not concerned with whether a reader has been wrong in the past.  We all know that different readers connect with different people. 
Cookie got some things right, the color of the chair I was sitting in ect, but outcome 100% wrong.  Ladypersephone got the details of what was happening but outcome 100% wrong on several occasions.  Kisha got some things right but a lot wrong including a recent thing that she said would not happen and it sure enough DID happen, it was something that she shouldn't have missed.  These are just a few that you you talk about frequently.  I really do hope they are right for you, honestly I do...but as timelines are pushed further and further out and no action is happening to back up their predictions one can only see the reality as it is presented...simply put, the prediction is NOT happening and probably will not.
I have had no timeline pushed out and out as you say.  The timing that was given to me at the outset has not come and gone.  So once again, you are mistaken in your assessment of MY case.

Believe what you choose to believe, but I feel confident predicting that you will be here reporting the same disappointment that the majority of us are reporting.
Well let me understand this properly.  More than 200 psychics can't predict anything, but you can. OK.  So be it.  I don't know how you can possibly know what will happen in my life tomorrow.  I don't know what will happen tomorrow.   

You can tear my words apart to make you feel better and believe that you will be the exception but reality will come knocking on your door like it did for the majority of this forum.
Kicking, I am not tearing you or your words apart.

For all of you that have PM'ed me I can't thank you enough, and for the ones who PM'ed me and said you don't want to post on the forum because you don't want to be tore apart I totally understand!
I have no idea what this means, but I am not tearing your post apart, I am simply saying that I am entitled to my own opinion, just as you are entitled to yours.  It appears to me you not only believe yours is the only valid one, but you don't want me to even have an opinion.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 05:07:41 PM by Bark angel »

Offline Bella

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #40 on: March 02, 2014, 05:59:24 PM »

First off, my original post about sending a PM to prior posters on this forum WAS NOT directed at you.  AT ALL.  YOU then asked a direct question of ME.  To which I answered.  That is all.  Why are you now trying to say MY ANSWER to YOUR QUESTION was a direct target on you?  At least own up that maybe you are blowing my ANSWER to YOUR QUESION out of proportion? 

YOU are not the first person that has wondered "why" people stop posting.  If you look back, it is mentioned quite a few times over the past 3 years.  When I read your post about why they don't come back, I just figured that a really good way to find out is to go straight to the source and ask why. As I HAVE done a few times.  THAT IS ALL.  NOTHING WAS ABOUT YOU. 

I honestly don't see how you can take a suggestion that was put out there for everyone who may wonder why as well, and turn it into an attack on you.  Please.  Enough.  If you have a problem with me, then please leave it with me and me alone.  You can PM me anytime with any of your problems you may have with me.   
We should leave this petty stuff OFF the board, as it is for reviews.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #41 on: March 02, 2014, 06:17:32 PM »
Yes, it was directed at
all the people out there who seem to think that people just don't come back to post anymore, because the guy came back, or they made other decisions, broke their addictions, or whatnot.
I happen to be one of those persons, however, I was simply responding to this statement of yours...
I would love to hear how some people are doing.  Where they are in their lives.  I too hate the story with no ending.  Whether good or bad. 
That is why I then asked, "why don't you PM them yourself".  You turned it into something more.

And please, and once and for all, understand I am not in the slightest bit curious why people don't come back to this forum.  Let me repeat it again so there is no misunderstanding, I am not in the slightest bit interested in why.  I believe, if I read your post correctly, you are.   

And finally, I don't have a problem with you.  Kicking was the first to suggest something as petty as that, and  in fact, accused me of having a problem with you, but she is mistaken.  So, kindly hear it from me and me alone " I don't have a problem with you".  I don't agree with your opinion, but you're entitled to one, just ass I am entitled to mine.

I have opinions on psychic readings and why they do or do not manifest for those that secure them.  That is the entire purpose of this forum, to share opinions on readers and readings and accuracy and such.  That's what I do on this forum.  I don't think I should be ganged up on, as is what is occurring right now, or misquoted, or mistreated so that I feel unwelcome and choose not to participate anymore.  That could be one of the other reasons why older members don't come back and report.  It could be that they experienced a chilly welcome as I am now.  You never know.  It happens. More often than many would like to admit. By the same players. But it is still not right.

Offline sagitira

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2014, 06:20:37 PM »
bark how long have you been getting readings if you don't mind me asking? reason why i ask is the statement you made: I have had no timeline pushed out and out as you say.  The timing that was given to me at the outset has not come and gone.   - if you have not had timeframes pushed out then you are very lucky.

i have had my timeframes pushed out since 1.5years ago. it is extremely devastating waiting for months for the timeframe to come only to discover that absolutely nothing psychics predicted was happening, instead they come up with the "free will bs" everytime and timeframes are pushed further and further away. for some members who are not as strong it can be debilitating and very very heartbreaking. especially for new members who are just starting psychic journey. i felt it was my duty to state my experience because i do not wish for people to wait their lives away like i did. i've wasted 2 years of my life. yes it was my own mistake but it was also posts like KTH's that made me open my eyes and research a bit more into the subject. so those posts are very helpful - for me it was. posts like syngergy's - i followed her story and it really helped me to see the reality for what it is. i can totally understand KTH. it is her experience and feedback about the readers who were plain wrong! and for me too. so i'm happy if you have predictions come to fruition all i'm gonna say is you are one of very few people i know who had predictions manifest.

your statement: Kicking, I am not tearing you or your words apart - it really looks like you are. i don't understand the need for that because KTH is only stating her experience stating that no psychic got the outcome correct - same as for me. i don't mean to upset anyone here and hope you won't take offence to my post.

you had predictions manifest and that's great. i and many others didn't. the reason for posting at least for me to warn others not to rely on readings because i know first hand what readings and relying on them too much can cause. they really can ruin your life if you allow them.

readings served their purpose to me in extremely difficult times when i couldn't even get out of bed because of how depressed i felt with things not manifesting.

my outcome was negative and sadly i believe out of possible 200 readers i read with only 2 or 3 readers said outcome was negative. Kisha was one who predicted that i will not end up with my ex. however the way she predicted the outcome was completely wrong (don't wanna go into too much details). i respect her because i didn't feel she was selling me any fairytale, she missed out on 3 huge things happening and was wrong about all 3 things completely. it was simple yes or no question and she got them wrong. i believed she connected with me as she was accurate on past and present - so how come she's wrong on future since she connected? because she did getting past and present correct. bare in mind 80percent of readers got my past and present right but future wrong. so there was no connection problem it was simple - they could not see my future. i have become a skeptic after my experience i admit it. but i cannot say yes i believe psychics have a gift because no future prediction happened for me.

however i am happy that predictions manifested for you and continue to manifest. it is always good to read when predictions happen.sadly i cannot say the same because things turned out completely different way then predicted. the good thing about it is that it is exactly stories like KTH's that helped me pick myself up and start living my life, understand that life does go on after you lose the one you love and perhaps see how the other members coped after break up, like what they did to distract themselves - i found baggage reclaim website here and i am so grateful for this. i would still be upset getting reading after reading spending my all money to hear fairytale if i haven't read people's posts about their experience here.

so i'm not saying psychics are all fake. and we all know we don't connect with everyone. but is it really a connection issue when they all pick up your past and present but absolutely nothing they pick up regarding future happens the way they see?

Offline Bark angel

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2014, 06:32:30 PM »
bark how long have you been getting readings if you don't mind me asking? reason why i ask is the statement you made: I have had no timeline pushed out and out as you say.  The timing that was given to me at the outset has not come and gone.   - if you have not had timeframes pushed out then you are very lucky.
That is correct. No timing has come and gone.  I guess I am lucky.

your statement: Kicking, I am not tearing you or your words apart - it really looks like you are.
sigitira, I am not tearing apart kicking's post and I do object to that. How can you disregard what I said about kicking.  Read what I wrote again, please
Whatever works for you, personally, is what you have to go with.  If it works for Kicking to turn the page and put this in the past, then so be it. It may not work for others, but it works for her.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2014, 06:44:39 PM »
bark how long have you been getting readings if you don't mind me asking? reason why i ask is the statement you made: I have had no timeline pushed out and out as you say.  The timing that was given to me at the outset has not come and gone.   - if you have not had timeframes pushed out then you are very lucky.
That is correct. No timing has come and gone.  I guess I am lucky.

But you HAVE had FAILED predictions:
I read with her about 6 months ago. She hit on a couple of facts that I can say are true, but overall the reading was rather generic and not all that impressive.  Looking back now I think it could apply to a multitude of people.  She predicted that something would turn around right away that did not.

And it seems in the past, you were curious as to why people didn't post their updates:
Is that because they don't actually reconcile or is it because once they do the don't come back here to report?

This is the entire thread:,1110.msg16517.html#msg16517

Again, I'm going to AGAIN agree with the others and say that psychics were wrong for me. I spent over 10K, have not called in over 2 years and will probably have another 2 years to finish paying it off.  Dumbest thing I ever did in my life, was to get addicted to psychics.

