Author Topic: 99.8% W R O N G  (Read 52338 times)

Offline hope4love

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2014, 09:16:31 PM »
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 01:20:09 AM by hope4love »

Offline Bark angel

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2014, 10:16:08 PM »
I'm glad to read the last post because I do believe, like it or not, as humans we tend to bring data in and analyze it with filters that we choose to use in particular situations.  I am not endorsing psychic readings, mind you, but what I am saying is that we have no idea why people that used to post here about exes and stop doing so, have decided not to come back. It could be any of the below. Because they are:
  • fed up
  • done
  • indifferent
  • happy
  • reconciled
  • moved on
  • other
All we can do is speculate.  There are instances of couples reuniting.  Whether those stick or ultimately fail we don't know.  But clearly from the prior message and probably many other members that don't post here or are too busy with their lives to do so, there are likely many other cases of it.

Offline divine wishes

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2014, 11:29:16 PM »
I'd say it is fairly evident there are a difference of opinions here, and those opinions serve the individuals' best interest. Believe in what you need to, but don't feel the need to convince others to adopt your opinion, even if the "numbers" are on your side.

Offline bstalling

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2014, 04:15:05 AM »
I know I said I would not post again, but just want to say sorry to Kickingthehabit. Although I still value a select few readers, I give up on them. I think most of us call because we want to be told that everything will be alright, even though reality shows otherwise. I think that is the reason why 90 percent of us don't get what we want in the end...because most of our relationships are dysfunctional in one way or another.

Its pretty clear that a lot of us lack confidence in our lives. The only thing that can help this is counseling and making an effort to apply healthy coping skills when life lets us down. Its the only way. Counting on psychic predictions is living in a dream world. If we keep on attracting jerks, we need to find out what it is about ourselves that is letting it happen...and make an effort to change it.

I too tried Hillary twice and she offered some fantastic details that she couldn't have known. However, she described two different guys that were to show up in my life for a serious relationship. Ends up, the first guy was a friend of a friend that liked me, but I wasn't in anyway attracted to. The other guy she was describing ended up being my personal banker that called me out of the blue for financial dealings...although he did make some real estate suggestions like she said he would. I'm in no way attracted to him. You see? Right, but dead wrong in the end. That is what it comes down to with these readers.

Offline Bella

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2014, 07:48:13 AM »
I honestly don't know where to begin....but Kicking is right. 

They're all 99.8% WRONG.  I have called and wasted way too much money on false hope.  I, at this point have given up.  Honest.  However, it does become tempting to get that feel good feeling that the guy that dumped me so cruelly, does love me.  He misses me.  He is so distraught.  He never meant it to get to this point.   He doesn't know what to do.  Really? 

Doesn't anyone here think that if he actually felt any of those things he would call me and tell me that? Ok, so maybe they're shy and not accustomed to putting it all out how about a simple "how you doing" text....ummm no. haven't gotten that either. How about Happy Birthday?  No? not even that? well, uhhum,  time to think about things then, don't you think? He can't even text a Happy Birthday?!?!?!  Honestly now.  For how many birthdays?  Yeah, he's depressed.  He's struggling. 

I know in my heart that if that were me?  Well then I would reach out and tell that person whom I LOVED so much.  Again, I guess that's just me, a regular person.   But I guess I'm not just a regular person, as I have called psychics and paid them to tell me how much he loved me.  Something most regular people do not do.  But I never received that call, that so many told me would come.  No, that call that they all said was coming, never ever came.  And it never will.  I know that now.  No matter how many phone calls that made me feel better, that he loved, that call will never ever come.

I know I speak only for myself, but also for so many others, that no, that call never came. 

If you want to play those timing, gambling games, then go ahead, waste your time doing that.  How many bets of phone calls actually paid off? Or rather how many just made you feel able to make it though the night.  I don't say that lightly, as I have been there.  I am not passing judgment.  Some calls have helped me sleep so peacefully.  For a night or two. 

I cannot validate what some have told me.  And yes some have been so spot on, as they say, with past and possibly present.  As I add more money to the call. 

It's been 15 months for me.  Maybe more, or possibly less for you.  but has that call come?

I am done with him, and most of all them....  The psychics.  They keep you holding on to something that isn't there.  It's all just a fantasy. They keep you in what they tell you is real, but it's not. It's just a fantasy.  But I finally realized I want REAL.  I want real in my life.  Not something that isn't there. I want something tangible. Something I can touch. 

Heal and move on. 


I am saying this for me more than anyone else.  I am also saying this for anyone who happens across this forum.

Offline sagitira

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2014, 12:35:54 PM »
i agree Bella, we can all try and say it's a 50 50 chance. i know a few members who are around but do not post anymore...why? because nothing came true. nothing. if you have a reader telling you your future shouldn't at least something come true? i have not had a single solid prediction come true - none! only a few readers were able to pick up past and present. not a single future prediction happened.

if someone wants to rely on 50/50 chance, it's their decision. the way i see it and that is my own experience no psychic can predict future - NONE OF THEM.

for those who have just discovered psychic world i understand that they have hopes. year ago when some people told me not to read with psychics i didn't listen. i still held hopes..why? because psychics could pick up on present and past i wanted to believe that the future will be as they saw. so i continued readings also to relieve pain. there was a therapeutic side to the readings - as Bella mentioned i often got a reading to get through the night, to be able to calm down and sleep. but this does not change the fact that no predictions happened. 2 years waiting for outcome that was supposed to come 1.5 year ago is enough time for me to wake up and realise that the guy i love will not end up with me and chose a different path. i'm here lost thousands because of him. i feel like a fool for believing crap.

i highly value kicking's feedback. it is honest review of her situation. i did the same because i thought let me not leave the forum without letting everyone know if predictions happened or not. mine did not happen. and clearly many many other people's predictions failed to manifest as well.

the only way is to open your eyes, look at what's in front of you, look at actions - do they match the words? and instead of consulting psychics speak to the guy. see how he feels. if the guy is saying clearly no i can't be with you then it's a no! there's no need to consult psychic for that. heal, move on and if the guy comes back or changes his mind then you can decide what to do. of course there's always a chance for them to come back. most of them do come back in one way or another at some point. it could be that right now it is not the right time for the two of you to be together. who knows...

but important message here what i'm trying to put across is this. do not spend your life waiting for the one person who made you cry, depressed and heartbroken. it will ruin your life. it really will. try and live your life in the meantime, do things for your own growth. i spent 2 years waiting - most of my days were spending at home, in bed with my laptop researching new psychics, checking their reviews and getting readings, crying, thinking of him and feeling low. worst 2 years of my life. you think it got me anywhere???? NOPE...only now i'm realising i have to start living because he's not coming back and life does go on. do not prolong the healing process, don't try to take shortcut, go through the pain because when you do you heal faster. i wish i knew this before. now i'm going through the pain but at the same time i feel like i'm healing, making progress. if you have no friends join  i did so and i for the first time went out and enjoyed with others with similar problems and i enjoyed it. do something for yourself that does not include him. the more you do the faster you will heal. this does not mean you are closing the door on the person you just look after you first. it's the hardest thing i've had to do...

i'm not bashing any psychics this is my personal experience based on which my PERSONAL OPINION is that absolutely no psychic can see MY future. i allowed them to ruin my life. i don't blame them. i had the choice to call or not call. i made wrong choice and wish i never ever discovered the psychic world.

hope there will be at least one person whose prediction manifest fully. i have not come across a single person yet who was able to confirm that predictions manifested. not even one! so much for 50/50 chance...

honest feedback good or bad is important. thank you KTH for sharing your story with us. wish you LOTS OF STRENGTH and the fastest healing possible. pm me if anything, as i said lot of emotional support is very important and it helped me a lot in my journey.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2014, 01:26:06 PM »
Bella and Sagitiria,

I thank you both for confirming your experience with psychics as it is no different than mine.  I was in tears as I read both of your posts this morning, I know all to well the disappointment that comes with readings.

Bella, you and I have shared along the way and you have been so supportive even though you were going through so much.  I felt every word you wrote and the emotion behind those words.

I am facing reality head on and it is not comfortable, in fact it is very painful.  I hope the information I am sharing will help someone heal.

I will keep this short and simple:  There are 5 stages of grieving associated with any loss, breakups and letting go of a relationship follow the same process as mourning a death.

Denial- we have all experienced this! Our heart takes the lead as we try to adjust to losing the person we thought we couldn't live without.  Even though we know the relationship is over we cant help but entertain the fantasy that somehow it will all work out. 

Anger-we project our anger to God, him/her, everyone and anyone that may be involved with the situation. How could this person do this to me?  Anger for the other woman/man, anger directed toward friends that are still friends with him/her.

Bargaining-negotiating, threatening, promises.  This is the stage when many people look to psychics and/or astrology, yes there is clinical data to back this up!   

Depression-Hopelessness is most pervasive and debilitating, It is the thing that leads us to believe that nothing will ever be or feel different than it is right now. Hopelessness makes it feel like you will never move on and that nothing will ever work out for you in the future.

Acceptance-making peace with the loss, this is gradual and sadness will still linger.  Making peace with what happened, letting go of the hopes and desires for that particular relationship, and slowly moving forward with your life.

There are no time limits associated with this process, everyone will move at their own pace. 

I hope this helps, if the stages of grief are identified the healing process is in motion and as time moves on so do we.

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2014, 02:35:51 PM »
Kicking!!! I just wanted to say I adore you, lady. You are a rational and loving soul and you call it like you see it. I can not express enough how meaningful your words are to me and thank you for taking the time to review your latest bout with psychics.

This is my second time around with readers and I should also know better, lol! I have yet to have a big picture prediction manifest. If anyone wants to challenge this, fine, go for it. But, the first time I started calling psychics about a relationship crisis was in 2006. I saw that ex for the first time since 2008 six months ago randomly with his new, and perfectly suited for him, girlfriend. She was delightful. According to most (98%) of my readings then he was "the one", my soulmate, we were far from over, he's coming back in 3...I mean 4...I mean get the idea. Anyway, he's a nice guy but not my guy and at the time I was devastated! hahahaha

Fast current ex and I have been split well over 2 years now. He moved on quickly, had a new girlfriend 4 months later and has been with her ever since. They live together and seem to be moving forward. Have I had glimpses here and there that he is still attracted to me? Yes. Lots of times. His actions were fleeting and inconsequential. Unlike some, I am socially involved with my ex and see him often. I am lucky or cursed, however you want to perceive it, that I don't have to constantly guess what is happening in his life. I actually see it with my own two eyes. Whether this is his forever girl or not, I don't know, but at this time he is with her and has moved on from me.

According to...oh I'll be generous here...about 94% of my readings he and I should be back together by now and they should have broken up about 10 times. Ce la vie. Does it hurt? F**k yes. I even tear up if I think about too much. But, it's time to put my healing into overdrive and stop this merry-go-round of false hope.

I do believe there are some with a gift, and like Synergy mentioned, the truth is I really do enjoy getting readings. That's my demon to deal with but I have limited my readings severely and am being very selective. For me personally, I am staying away from the platform readers from now on. That's my choice and is mostly based on the anxiety I get from being on a timer, lol.

I agree that everyone heals in their own time and maybe I needed this experience this time around for whatever reason I or the universe deemed it necessary. For any newcomers reading this please understand that psychic readings are a slippery slope to start down so please proceed with caution.  ;)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 02:37:30 PM by decibel.diva »

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2014, 04:27:03 PM »
I know my reply will not be popular, but I am not here for popularity, so here goes.  Whatever works for you, personally, is what you have to go with.  If it works for Kicking to turn the page and put this in the past, then so be it. It may not work for others, but it works for her.

All I wish to say or contribute to this thread is that hyperbole is hyperbole.  "All psychics are", "none of the psychics were", "predictions never", "every prediction is", "100% of predictions", "0%  of the members" - these are all hyperbole.  And the truth lies somewhere between. What does that mean?  It means that while it may appear that psychic predictions are not accurate to some people, it is simply that - a perception by some people.  While it might be that former members have NOT come back to report on predictions there are any number of reasons why.  One of those reasons could be that their psychic predictions did not manifest, but it could also be for some other reason.

I'll give you an example.  I was married once.  To a man that I loved dearly.  He cheated.  They stole everything and the only way I was able to heal was to blog about that experience.  I did so daily.  I blogged about as the events unfolded, each event, each incident,. day-by-day for years.  Until one day I met Mr. Wonderful and the blog - out there in Cyberspace - remains just as it was that day.  I never went back to complete it...although events continued to unfold.  Although events turned out in my favor.  Why?  Because my focus was shifted.  It didn't mean that nothing worked out in the end.  It meant that I was distracted and by the time my life returned to its normal pace and cadence..."that" episode that prompted me to chronicle each experience became less significant.

Perception is everything.  I have learned that while reading with psychics.  I maintain that it is highly possible that we control whether psychic predictions manifest or not. I believe, and you are all welcome to disagree if you wish, but I believe that in order to see what so many of these talented 6th sense seers can see, it involves a paradigm shift in our own thinking.  If we don't do it, chances are it might not become our reality.

So, if I were to advise anything here and today, I would simply say this.  Believe what you wish.  Accept the reality that is before your eyes, but remember, what you see today is what is here today.  Tomorrow is completely a different case.  For those of you who feel in order to debunk psychic readings you must face the cold harsh reality that you face today, please do so.  But remember statements like "I know 100% he is not coming back" are simple hyperbole.   If psychics have no ability to see the future, then what makes you believe you can see it either?  Today's reality is today's and not tomorrow's. Open your mind to the possibility that you also cannot possibly know what tomorrow will bring.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2014, 04:43:34 PM »
I'm not getting too much into this since I've vowed that I'm not calling anyone except maybe Kisha towards the end of this month, but KTH, you know we all love you. <3 I'm sorry you're going through this all over again.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2014, 07:03:02 PM »
Hi my old friends, some of my best friends, and some people I've never had the pleasure of meeting,

My name is Liz and I am a psychic addict who has spent thousands of dollars on the place that I'm currently in (my path was to call psychics in order to stop calling psychics, I guess and as everyone is well aware - it is a very expensive habit/path). This is not calling psychics except for a check in once every couple months because I am, in fact, addicted. I like to hear my ex misses me and is going to break up with his current live in girlfriend. I like to hear these things because I don't like to admit that he may very well be fine and moved on when I still have moments, albeit fleeting at this juncture, where I miss him and certain dynamics of our relationship.

I wanted to post today because this week marks the 1 year mark of not ever hearing from my ex again after the entire ordeal we went thru. I honestly can't believe it's been a year. If you click on my username, and my posts - you can read the whole ordeal/drama for yourself. 2 years of back and forth. 6 years of a relationship. And 2 years of calling for readings that manifested little things and ultimately held me back from all of the happiness and potential life can provide you with. I'm not going to say my ex wouldn't have/or won't come back eventually. Okay - who knows? However, he's had years to make those moves and I couldn't partake in actions that mirrored me disliking myself any longer (you can see it how you want and I will see it how I want. I think I obviously was acting like I didn't like myself). I was miserable when I wouldn't hear from him for days or weeks and was obsessed with my own sadness because we weren't seeing one another. The only happiness I found was when I was calling psychics about him. Or when I was talking to people about the predictions psychics gave me about him. Time moved by so slowly and all I did was try to wish it away so that these predictions would manifest. What a terrible, terrible way to live. Timeframes passed and I stayed in the same place for years. In a holding pattern convinced we were meant to be together because I felt it in my heart and had predictions happen so OF COURSE the bigger stuff would come as well. It didn't come. I'm not saying some version of some truths won't manifest at some point but nothing that the psychics said would ultimately happen has happened within the time frames described or timeframes outside of those time frames.
Ultimately I snapped out of it. It had been a couple months since we had seen one another and I was sick of the excuses. Up until the day we stopped speaking we were communicating regularly and he was telling me he loved me and was going to break up with his gf. He had the opportunity a year ago and he didn't take it. I was sad but I had my answer. I had to take control of my life and destiny and move forward. I believe there are things that are destined and that people can still love us if we are separated and may not be calling us because they are confused or whatever. HOWEVER - you can't will someone else to be with you if they don't really want to. You can choose to stay and wait all you want and think positively and change your mindset and all that but you can't make another person do ANYTHING that they don't want to do.

This was my journey and I'm not sad or regretful for what I have gone thru to get to this place. I'm not even sad to have lost the time and the money. In retrospect, I can't believe how much I led my life based on what I was being told by the psychics I trusted. No matter what anyone says, it does affect our lives. It changes what we think about situations that should be left in the past or are obviously over. If power of thought has so much control over what manifests in our lives then no wonder so many of us spend time thinking about this person and not moving forward. We position our lives in that matter by our thoughts. As soon as I decided to move on and accept my life for reality as opposed to what I was being told by the psychics (hell - what I was even being told by my ex) - I let it go and moved on. I met someone else. I stopped calling psychics. I re-learned how to live in the moment and accept life as it comes. I'm happy again. Even better - after a YEAR of not hearing a PEEP from my ex and being with someone else - I love this other person more than my ex boyfriend. I don't have to call a psychic about my relationship because it's a real relationship based on truth and wanting to be together and building a life. I thought my ex was my soul mate and we were destined to be together since I was 23 years old. I'm 30 now. He was the only man I ever called about. I even thought for the first few months of my current relationship that I could never love anyone like I loved my ex. I promise you that I have been you and FAR WORSE 10000x over. Today I am with a man who loves me and is there for me and I would never in a million years give up to go back to my ex. Never ever ever ever ever. I truly believe now that NOBODY who is worth your life is someone you would constantly have to call a psychic over.

I don't want to be preachy and I don't really have too much of an objective in this. It's your life and you can do whatever the hell you want with it. I didn't have predictions manifest the way I was told and my ex isn't coming back although we did love one another. I didn't change the course of the predictions. When it came time for my ex and his current gf to break up - he didn't want to break up with her and he didn't. So yes, I have had things happen but then they didn't and what does everything else matter then? What do the small predictions manifesting matter if nothing turned out like I was told? The best thing I ever did for myself was move on and stop calling and start living my life again. If you're afraid that you won't meet someone else, or love someone else as much as your ex - I promise you will. I can't express enough the amount my ex bf and I were "soul mates" in every single sense of the word. I love someone else more now than I ever loved him because he shows up and is a man inside this physical world that we are currently living in and I get to be happy in the present as opposed to hoping I will be in the future because someone gifted told me I would be with someone that none of us have any guarantee wants that same thing.

I love you all because I know your hearts and I hope you find some peace in your journey moving forward. Holding on or not. I truly hope everyone does get what they want but sometimes we don’t even get to know what that is until after everything is said and done. I thought my happiness would be getting back together with my ex boyfriend as these psychics saw and it just wasn’t that at all. Do whatever you want. Know that others have been in your situation and use this forum as a sounding board to help you thru whatever you have going on. Don’t attack one another for your opinions. My experience and your experience may have parallels but that doesn’t mean we can draw conclusions from one person’s testament. I can say 100% certainty that psychics are real. I can also say that life is not on their course and they can’t predict the future. I can also say that they are trying to make money and fill in the gaps of what they see with whatever they can to keep you on the phone. They can pick up on pertinent nuances and things that may unfold – but they can’t predict the future. Take everything with a grain of salt and make your life what you want it to be. It's sad when we have to accept we aren't going to get our heart's desire in that moment but God or whatever you subscribe to has a plan that is far better/greater than anything you can even think to ask a psychic about. I promise you.

Be well.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2014, 07:05:43 PM »
KTH, you know I pretty much went through the same thing, and have the same conclusions. Even when I started to be interested in someone else (who I'm with now), psychics continued to say my exbf was the one. Some even told me that once he got wind of my new r/s, he'd be right back to claim what was his. He just didn't feel the need to because I was always "there".

This was summer 2011. Reality is this:
IIRC the last time I saw him was August 2011. I remember seeing him on a bike ride but now can't remember if that was 2011 or 12

This man, who was so hurt, confused, scared - all those things that psychics tell us - inserted himself into my marriage in late 2006. If my marriage didn't have issues, it never would have gotten as far as it did, but truth is I had huge issues with my husband and the flattering attention my new found friend gave me was much appreciated. I was trying to figure out how to get out of my marriage by this time anyway.

So he professes his love for me. Hangs around me all the time. Visits me at work. Does events with me. All while I was married. People started to suspect and told him to chill, which made him more determined to spend time with me. This goes on for years.

My marriage ends in 2008. He has never been shy about telling me how he feels and that doesn't stop now. We spent 2009 together, though not officially living together, we still have our own places.

He suddenly stops talking to me in early 2010. Nothing I said to him would get him to talk. I called psychics from June 2010 - Aug 2011. Fed all the same fairytales you were.

We were oddly enough still FB friends (he had 2 accounts), though we rarely commented on or like each others pix or posts in the last couple of years. August 2013, he deleted the account that he was friends with me on, and refriended most of our mutual friends on his "main" account. He has had me blocked on that account since he created it in 2009, when we were together. Funny though, that his profile pix on the account I couldn't see, were often ones he took of himself at my house.

So this man who was inappropriate with me during my marriage (I'm not talking physically, I'm talking the way he acted, even when asked not to), for years, suddenly is too shy to say one little word to me afterwards? Then removes the one impersonal way we could communicate, if he truly cared like they say he does? This man who was by his words and theirs, my soulmate? Best friends? Would always be there for me?

I think not.

My current bf doesn't have a fb account, and I know it would bother him if I plastered his pix online. So there is very little mention of him in my account. IOW that isn't a reason my exbf deleted that account and still has me blocked from his other one.

I'm with you guys - future predictions were 99.8% WRONG

Liz - you posted after while I was. I'm so happy you've found someone. Like you, my I would never go back to my exbf. The guy I am seeing now is so wonderful and tells and shows me daily how much he loves me. He doesn't play any games and I am never guessing how he feels. It's the best r/s I've ever been in and I am grateful every single day that I was able to release the ass that was restricting me from living. Not calling psychics and allowing my life to be lived, helped so much.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 06:36:28 PM by sunandmoon »

Offline hope4love

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2014, 09:38:03 PM »
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 01:19:53 AM by hope4love »

Offline Bella

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2014, 01:34:56 AM »
Hi all, once again...

First, I am so truly moved by some of the posts today.  They all seem to resonate with me in some way or another.  Thank you.

But I would like to say to all the people out there who seem to think that people just don't come back to post anymore, because the guy came back, or they made other decisions, broke their addictions, or whatnot.
What I would like to say to them, is why not PM them?  They'll get notice on their email accounts.  And MAYBE they'll be able to answer as to why they haven't come back to post.  I know I have to a few....There are a lot of original members that still are members.  You can email them yourself to find out the WHY.  Some go back to 2011.  And their membership is still active, which means they'll see if you pm them, even if they don't log on here anymore. 

Even look at the membership...see who ever at least posted once.   Send them a pm and see what they say.  I would love to hear how some people are doing.  Where they are in their lives.  I too hate the story with no ending.  Whether good or bad. 

Why not find out first hand?  Find out WHY they don't post anymore.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2014, 04:03:12 AM »
If you are so interested in knowing why all these old members haven't come back, why haven't you PM-ed them, yourself?

