Author Topic: Recap  (Read 35743 times)

Offline Bark angel

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« on: January 01, 2014, 07:07:05 PM »
Ok, so I have gone through all of my notes and made the following list of psychics that I would NOT look to read with again.  The individuals mentioned on this list are there for one or a variety of reasons, being that I sense that either they:
  • Were completely off and I question if they could connect with me properly
  • Offered such a generic reading that it did not reflect the situation closely enough
  • Offered what I "wanted to hear" and not what has transpired in the last 1.5 years
  • May have gotten some facts but nothing has transpired as predicted yet
  • Got some facts but timing for something to happen has been off and off by many months (not a short period of time like weeks)

I do not mean to indicate that psychics on this list did not get any facts correct, but just that what they did get was not significant or was negated by something else that  is significant that they omitted.  Given that situation, I feel I would not be inclined to call them again.

Best American Psychics   
Joanne Salem   

Advisor Eve   
Aeson Knight   
Anna's Agapi   
Cali Angel   
Doctor White   
Hailey Star   
Lady Steps (Sasha)   
Love Healer Sufi   
Love Insights with Connie   
Love Readings by Tina   
Love Spy Connie   
Mystic Lady Jade   
Mystic Rachel   
Psychic Hope   
Psychic Tina   
PsychicLove 411   
Rains Loving Insight   
Readings by Jacqui   
Rebecca (rebel72)   
Robin Bluedragon   
Soul Reader Elizabeth   
Soul Reader Elizabeth   
Tarot with Aisha   

Contact Psychics   

California Psychics
Gina Rose   
Miss Krystal   
Mikki Reno   
Madea Michelle   
Gold Psychics   

Hollywood Psychics   
Taja 7337   

Advisor Arieal   
Apache Widow   
Arial Ananda/Aurora   
Brigid Bishop   
Caroline Lynn   
Clairvoyant Lisam   
DA Consultations   
Eli Casey   
Ellen Hartwell   
Fairie Moon Child   
Find Your Spirit   
Golden Dawn Tarot   
Golden Shadow   
Jane Wilcox   
Lady Ashley15   
Lady Marilyn   
Lakhei Tarot   
Leslie Hale   
Lil Mel   
Maa Avatara Visions   
Master of Destiny   
Mystic Skye   
Mystik Lady   
Mystik Raven 11   
Persian Medium   
Phoenix Burning   
Psychic Readings by Gail   
Readings by Gail   
Readings by Rayna   
Samantha Wild   
Sandy Esther   
Sir Cheo   
Soul Love 11   
Soul Navigation   
Sweetheart Tarot   
Tina Zubia   
Violet Flame   
Vision* Beyond   
Your Message From Above/Aurora   

Life Reader   
Lady Sarah


Psychic Access   
Clair C   

Psychic Power Network   
Chad Boykins   
David G   
Healings by Rob   
Lilith Morgaine   
Master Steve Whitemore   
Michelle Caporale   
Midnight Magical Spirit   
Thea Woodruff   
Trish Helm   
Vallentina Rose   
Psychic Source      
Psychic Center   



Offline Bella

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Re: Recap
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2014, 09:20:16 PM »
Hi Bark Angel

Thank you for this list.  Quite impressive.  I am sure it was time consuming.... I have read with quite a few you mentioned and NOTHING ever, ever, ever, ever transpired with those readings. 
So don't feel bad, you're not the ONLY one.

As you can see, there are some, quite a few actually, Well, more like the majority of people here, that NOTHING ever happens for.  Not a phone call, nothing.....More like the opposite happens in real life.
  :(  It just goes to show that TO ME, they are more like 5% accurate, if this board is any indication....
And as far as the NOW with feelings, for me there is no way to validate.  I am acually jealous of those who at least get THAT!!!  lol.  And quite frankly, I think anything that was said to me was B.S. There is no way that someone can be so IN LOVE and not reach out.  lol.  Just my take on MY readings...

Yes I still check in all the time here hoping against hope that something happened for someone at least. But, alas, nothing for anyone.  It's a shame.... I haven't called in months, however still hope.   Silly I know.  BUt I just think of all the money and the things I could have had, the things I could have fixed in my house,  Or OMG a great big down on a new car...Since mine is 14 years old...

I have given up on "him" and the psychics. I haven't heard from him in just over a year now...Doubt it will ever happen.  At least not in the reconciation realm.  That ship for sure has sailed. 

I mean we all have doubts about an ending of a realtionship at some point in our lives.  I have ended some. Some I loved at the time. There are two that I can think of right now, and We know as much as  what we may "think and feel"  for the person we ended things with, WE DO NOT WANT TO GET BACK WITH THEM.  And sadly, for me, my guy does NOT want to get back with me.  No matter what the people whom I pay on the phone to tell me.

But in the months not calling, I have realized that my happiness depends only on me.  NO ONE else.
Yes a broken heart hurts like hell.  And sometimes takes way way to long to heal.  But calling psychics only keeps your heart broken longer.  Takes longer to heal.  They keep you holding on to something that is no longer there. 

And some of the wiser members have told me "if he wants to be with you, he will"  Isn't that the truth?   That if someone want to be with you, they WILL.  regardless of the situation.  And my situation doesn't include anyone but the two of us.  So that says it all to me.  Actions.  And again, sadly for me, there have been none. 

But I will say, I have NOT let him take me down....Oh yes in the first 7 months I almost let it and him take me down, as I have given way more money to the psychics than I like to admit, I am still standing, and happy, broken hearted, and broke, but happy with all that I DO HAVE. 

Wishing Everyone here a Happy, Healthy New Year!!!!!

And thank you EVERYONE for sharing.. It really does make a difference for all of us. xo

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Recap
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2014, 09:45:06 PM »
Hi Bella - Nice attitude and yes attitude is important because whether you believe in psychics or not, the future will be what it will be. 

As far as a summary on what this list represents - well, in my opinion it simply represents that these readers are not the ones I am going to place a lot of stock in.  It doesn't mean they are not talented (although I have to say that a  lot on BitWine, where I cut my "psychic-calling teeth" might have been less talented that on other networks, but I was soooo naiive at that stage and thought, "if a psychic sees this, then it must be true!")

We all know that certain psychics work for some and not for others. So, please take this list with a grain of salt.  Your mileage might vary.  What this list does indicate is that amongst a sea of readers that are competent-enough there are some that are highly-skilled.  That's where I am inclined to place my trust and hard-earned money.

When I have a chance I will compile the list of readers I DO feel I would read with again.  WHile the list is certainly not as long as this one, there are enough readers on there to confirm for me that some special individuals can perceive past, present and future events  and with a certain measure of accuracy (and not unlike other industries of professionals it is not 100%, but close) and that these people do have talents that I do not have, and for that I am grateful.

Offline Bella

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Re: Recap
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2014, 01:43:50 AM »
Hi Bark,

First, please don't take my post as confrontational or anything of that nature.  That was not the intent. Honest.  It is just as I said, I read here quite often in the hopes of something happening for someone, and when I saw the list of readers you had mentioned that predictions have not transpired, I recognized quite a few that I read with. AND nothing has come to pass with those particular readers for me as well.

I guess I also went into "MY" bit of ranting about "MY" experience.  I agree that not all work for everyone.  But again, just saying with MY experience that I have read with the good and the bad, and still nothing.  Except for the only one who said an absolute NO.  And with that said, for the most part, they ALL got the past and present situation correct.  Some pretty detailed.  However, I can only assume they got the correct feelings in the now, as I haven't been able to confirm.  The point I was trying to convey is, how do you know that there is a correct psychic if nothing ever happens?  Or the person in question isn't able to confirm?  Quite a few I have read with said things soooo specific to me and my situation, but again, nothing......

I did not mean to say that YOUR experience is the same as mine.  We all walk our own paths, however we choose.  Some might work for you, but alas, not for you said, my mileage might vary. 

But I am curious as to who has worked for you, and have predictions come to pass for you from them?

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Recap
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2014, 04:15:28 AM »
OK - to answer your questions let me just say this.  If it is true that psychics, a fair number of them in fact, are able to pick up past and present then unless we are giving them that information in one form or way or another, then the psychics have a gift.  Not true? 

Now, whether that gift permits psychics to the same sort of clarity to envision events and situations that have not yet occurred I can't say - but why not?   I am also not good at this and I am the first to admit that but I believe that part of the accuracy in predicting the future relies a little on us, the subject of the reading.  I don't believe we can just do what we want after receiving a reading and rest on the fact that it will turn out as it was seen.  I think there is a role that we play as well, and if we do not play that role the predictions might not occur as anticipated.

So, you might ask, what is it we are to do?  Well, if I understand correctly a psychic reading is a road map of where we are heading, a projection of what is coming based on current conditions.  If we change current conditions then the road map might change as well.  One psychic I read with recently said that the energy has be right as well - there has to be an openness, for someone or something to occur, and if there are grievances or bitterness that closes a door to it.  Timing complicates matters too, because if something does not happen in a time we consider reasonable, our interest level changes, and quite possibly, with that interest level, so does the openness.  I guess, in my opinion, one has to take a reading as if it had not been given, yet at the same time maintaining the openness to it.  It's tricky to do.  If one dwells too much on the outcome, we are not taking the reading "as if it had never been given", yet, if we "consider we had not been given that reading" we might not be able to maintain the openness to whatever is to come.

It's for this reason that I tend to believe we have just as big a part in a reading as the psychic and yet  we tend to be quick to suggest that the psychic was not talented.  Perhaps the real recipe is a dash of a talented psychic and a dash of a receptive client.

When I first began to get readings I was terribly naiive.  I gave far too much information away and was like a sponge soaking up all sorts of scenarios given for why things were as they were and what was to come.  For a large percentage of those readings I was on BitWine and as a result I have all but written every reader on there off as either psychics that are not connecting with me or psychics that are not as talented as they should be. Correct me if I am wrong but most gave me the same predictions and most were positive.  None read the situation correctly, in that they missed the greatest obstacle in my situation or dismissed it as an obstacle.  I blew credibility with more than a couple of good readers in the beginning, since I agvce too much information away at the beginning of the reading and therefore cannot turn to them now I have a better technique for posing my question.

I too an caught up in the final outcome.  That's my goal, but I have to be fair and give credit to readers that offer predictions that occur along the route as well.  And predictions that suggest something might not happen, as well as something that will happen. And of the readers I have listed below, all without exception saw this as a process that would take some time.  The rest of the readers I consulted that have not worked for me indicated that I would see results within a matter of months - well, as you can imagine, those predictions came and went with nothing.
In the last year or so I have drilled down to hone in on readers that present information to me that I can validate.  The readers that have given me predictions that have materialized are:

1. Cookie
2. Lady Persephone
3. Jenny Alton
4. Uli
5. Kisha/Aries Intuition
6. Readings by Raven
7. Ness21

Hi Bark,

First, please don't take my post as confrontational or anything of that nature.  That was not the intent. Honest.  It is just as I said, I read here quite often in the hopes of something happening for someone, and when I saw the list of readers you had mentioned that predictions have not transpired, I recognized quite a few that I read with. AND nothing has come to pass with those particular readers for me as well.

I guess I also went into "MY" bit of ranting about "MY" experience.  I agree that not all work for everyone.  But again, just saying with MY experience that I have read with the good and the bad, and still nothing.  Except for the only one who said an absolute NO.  And with that said, for the most part, they ALL got the past and present situation correct.  Some pretty detailed.  However, I can only assume they got the correct feelings in the now, as I haven't been able to confirm.  The point I was trying to convey is, how do you know that there is a correct psychic if nothing ever happens?  Or the person in question isn't able to confirm?  Quite a few I have read with said things soooo specific to me and my situation, but again, nothing......

I did not mean to say that YOUR experience is the same as mine.  We all walk our own paths, however we choose.  Some might work for you, but alas, not for you said, my mileage might vary. 

But I am curious as to who has worked for you, and have predictions come to pass for you from them?

Offline Zee

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Re: Recap
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2014, 08:50:38 PM »
My word Barkangel, you are the queen, aren't you? That list is awesomely impressive.
Without checking my notes, only two stand out in your Bitwine list.
I read twice with AboutAGirl via recommendations from this forum and she was so very, very wrong.  I don't care for her really.
Aeson Knight was also terribly wrong and so unsure even of his own reading.

I still like Bitwine, mainly for the specials and the cheaper rates. I can spend $5 and get a 30 minute reading.

I've posted about this before, but there has been one extremely accurate person from Bitwine:, but man oh man, she is so hard to get a reading from. She is hardly on and Bitwine is her main platform, although she will Skype with some callers.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 06:59:39 PM by Zee »

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Recap
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2014, 09:42:34 PM »
@Zee.....$5.00 for 30 minutes. Wow....who else could you recommend that might be good on Bitwine?

Offline Zee

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Re: Recap
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2014, 10:11:23 PM »
I'm not at home, but I can compile the good, the bad, the ugly later tonight I guess. There are a lot on that site, but not a lot of good ones.

This chick has been a really good tarot reader. (Geena), but I've had my review for her changed by the Owner. I'm not sure why, although it was a thumbs up.  I mentioned in my post that I was told I would get a life reading, but it ended up only being 15 mins. WTH? The reader kept saying that the cards ran out, as if that makes a difference. Ever heard of reshuffle?  She was still accurate. I read with her during the happy hour, which is half off, so it was only $5.

Oh Bitwine is basically a chat site, so some of them I'm so surprised at their lack of typing skills. This should sort of be one of the job requirements. A lot of time is wasted with slow typers and especially slow readers.

A few I thought were ok, were actually fired, pretty much after I read with them. I'm not saying it's my fault, because it wasn't. I spoke to one of the readers who was fired and his reasoning was very vague. He did something he didn't want me to know about.  Anyway, I'll make a list, for the ones I'd recommend.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 07:00:20 PM by Zee »

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Recap
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2014, 10:29:12 PM »
@Zee.....thanks...I think I will skip Bitwine for now, because I have not gone the chat or email readings yet.

I have only done phone or in persons.

Thanks anyway.

Offline Zee

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Re: Recap
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2014, 10:54:58 PM »
Really, how are phone readings done through Bitwine?

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Recap
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2014, 11:20:37 PM »
@Zee....I thought you meant chat only....I have only talked on the phone with a psychic or seen them in person....not through chat....did I mess this I'm confused!..... :-\    sorry

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Recap
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2014, 11:22:49 PM »
I have never read with Bitwine either. Maybe that's why I got confused! Also fighting the lousy flu....foggy head does not help either. All this crappy snow and cold weather sucks!

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Recap
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2014, 11:24:04 PM »
BitWine is only chat readings, I believe
Really, how are phone readings done through Bitwine?

Offline Zee

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Re: Recap
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2014, 07:05:36 PM »
Ah, I got what BellaLife was saying. She only gets readings via phone or in person and has never used the chat platform on any site, whether it is Keen or Bitwine.

It confused me for just a sec. because I thought she spoke to someone on Bitwine and it's mainly a chat site, but some of them do have skype accounts, which I've found via google (the reader, not their account).

I still don't have my list ready. I'll try and get it up this weekend. TGIF....

Offline optx888

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Re: Recap
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2014, 08:49:47 PM »
Hi!  Can I ask what your experience was with Seha?

