He asked where I was and then told me he is in NY (not that I was really interested in knowing). He then said "We've talked before, right?" I said No. The reading was, and this is verbatim "It's showing me a spiritual union, mentally, physically, and spiritually blended together as one. Messages received from him coming up". What else do you want to know?. It says lies deception and hidden enemies. I have anew offer or proposal coming for the beginning of January - past knowledge that ha a blessing attached to it bringing financial gain. I get a spiritual union, blended together as one. Lovers, "deep-ass" emotional feelings. Going through trials and tribulations and ending up together as one. She was in the way now you will be in her way - adversary arising in opposition, but we come into a union a partnership likened to a marriage. A waiting - let's see. OK, renewed passion, engagement and partnership likened to a marriage, committed. End of February to mid-March. 2 months until he makes a declaration to you".
I asked "are you sure?" and his reply was, and I quote, "I am pretty damned sure, babe!" :-)
Sound familiar?