Author Topic: Ellen  (Read 36253 times)

Offline cocoapple

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Re: Ellen
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2011, 04:14:21 AM »
Hey guys,

I have an update on my situation.  My boyfriend is now my ex...... :'(  He broke up with me during the 'talk'.  When he contacted me earlier that day, i was nervous and was afraid that the conversation will head towards the end so i called Ellen to see and she said it will be fine and that we will talk things out and ensure me not to worry too much.  Well, before the talk he had already decided to break up with me so i guess she didn't work for me.  She might for you guys.  I hope this helps.

Offline Libra

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Re: Ellen
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2011, 12:45:28 PM »
I'm really sorry Cocoapple. Hopefully this is not over yet, if you absolutely stop talking to him, maybe he will realize the mistake and miss you. However, we have to respect the law of free will here and the freedom of choice, we all assume that being with our SM is the best and the right thing for us and them, but they have a right to choose and even if it's not a good choice it's a part of their spiritual path, and we have to accept it.

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Ellen
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2011, 03:37:54 PM »
Cocoapple have you thought to contact Ellen to let her know and ask her to look at the situation again for you?  I agree with everyone else this does not mean this is over everything happens for a reason.  Usually the universe is setting things up to make sure they work out for us in the end...sometimes that means a break in the middle so things work out right.  There are spaces in time when we want to be with someone and we're not and when we aren't it very well could be because if we are with them during that "wrong" time then it could wind up in a permanent the universe steps in makes a separation so the real end result happens.  Keep your chin up and sending lots of hugs but if I were you I would email Ellen and ask for some clarity....she's good with looking at things that don't go quite how it seemed....(((hugs)))

Offline bjr181

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Re: Ellen
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2011, 04:25:07 PM »
I agree, cocoapple.  I'd just update her on the situation and see what she says.  I email her every so often to get her thoughts in regards to things. 

Just reminder her who you are and what she said and just ask her what went wrong?  It couldn't hurt.  And when you send her an email for a short question, she doesn't charge you so it's nothing to lose.

Offline cocoapple

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Re: Ellen
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2011, 05:50:24 PM »
Hey guys,

Thank you for the support.  I did call Ellen back to see what's going on.  It was more in the encouragement area and advice as suppose to a reading.  No one is 100% and i do understand that things change but still, the reality is that he's gone and i'm hurt.  Since the break up i have spoken to: Dawn, Vicki Joy, Kyra, London, Alison, Jacquline, Seha, Abrielle, Summer and Fallon.  I know i shouldn't have....and i was doing so well cutting them off too but i just can't!  They all said he will come back in June....i duno if i should hang on to those words.  Dawn has been the most accurate for me.  I read with her 3 times and one was right before our 'talk' and she actually told me don't be surprise if he wants to break up or propose a break but it's only temporary so don't worry.  A couple days earlier when he was acting weird after he came back from his trip i called her the first time and everything she said was true!  About my salary negotiation, the fact that he will not tell me he's in the city (he moved).  I read with her again after the break up and she said there's too much emotions right now to read too far but for now she read how he feels about the break up etc.  So i have to wait a couple weeks before i read with her again.

As for the others, has any of their timelines and predications come true for you guys?  I actually read with them because they were mentioned on this forum.  I really want to know.....and at the same time wish that what they say are true.  Especially Seha and Jacqueline's predications, how were they for you?  PM if you like.......i made notes for all readings -_-   

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Ellen
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2011, 07:29:07 PM »
Cocoapple keep your energy positive and I know how hard that is.....take some time to pamper yourself now and take care of you and spend that reading money on a manicure, pedicure, and something new!  I have never read with Dawn, Fallon, Kyra or Summer but I have read with Vicki Joy, Jacqueline, Ellen, Alison, Seha, and Abrielle.  Vicki Joy, Jacqueline, and Ellen have all made predicitons that happened for me.  Alison for me was all over the place for me and I only read with her once.  Seha and Abrielle I love but I would say are half and half on things...timing not so great.  On actual things happening yes some small things but not on the right time which is hard anyway.  Take some space between readings I found by learning of course I've certainly had plenty of readings and exactly like you just did but I found when I took a bit of a break the next reading I got was more accurate and I got more clear information.  So just a thought.   

Offline cocoapple

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Re: Ellen
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2011, 07:42:12 PM »
aef, you are totally right.  I think i should stop this rampage and wait at least a week before i start calling again.  Perhaps to Dawn for an update.  All the psychics i read with have some predictions that came true but not all.  Abrielle was 100% correct on my job situation within the timeframes.  Vicki Joy said his friends influenced his decision and during the talk he did mentioned his roomate agreeing with him so i call her back.  Jacqueline said he would confide in me more during a particular weekend and that he did.  One thing they all said was he will return in June.....they were all correct in assessing the situation and describing what he is going through.  But then again it coule be like you said because i've been reading constantly they could pick up on the residual energy from past readings so i should just hold off.  I have spent too too much -_- to the point i don't wanna look at my bill.  I should just go, clothes and food will always make me happy.



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Re: Ellen
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2011, 08:06:11 PM »

One thought, if they didn't see the breakup, that could mean break up will be short and your connection is strong. I'm really impressed with Dawn. I don't really know your story but I do know the ups and downs of a SM relationship can challenge even the best psychics.

Big hug - a lot of us have been in your same shoes

Offline cocoapple

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Re: Ellen
« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2011, 08:41:32 PM »
Indeed it's frustrating.  These are all the same psychics who told me in confidence that he is the man i will marry etc.  I've been reading with CPs since February when our lives were starting to change (school ending, job searching and where the job might be etc.).  I panic every time he gets an interview that is hours away and i would call them to see if that will change our relationship and the outcome but yeah, no one saw it coming at all.  I highly recommend Dawn.  She does tarot readings and has been extremely accurate for me.  Ellen and Catarina was positive about the situation but was sure that it is not what his heart intends.  I will see about their June predications......for now, i've got my new job and this forum to pull me through!

Thanks guys!  Really appreciate it! 

Offline kiki155

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Re: Ellen
« Reply #39 on: May 15, 2011, 08:43:49 PM »
Big hugs to you, Cocoa.

A lot of us in these SM relationships are in the "separation" part. I do believe that the timing has to be just right for things to work out. It could just be that the timing of things is a little off.

I always feel way happier when I limit my readings. I seem to be most mentally stable and way less obsessed about all of this when I call Jacqueline to check in every so often and then also talk to a friend of mine who is psychic.

We are here for you!! ;D


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Re: Ellen
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2011, 08:49:15 PM »
Yeah, and one thing that has really SAVED me is I stopped calling around. I try and stick with the few who have been consistently accurate for me.

I'm sitting on my hands to not call Dawn.


Offline cocoapple

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Re: Ellen
« Reply #41 on: May 15, 2011, 08:55:45 PM »
If you were to call, definitely Dawn and she is $4/min still....I like tarots a lot now.  She tells you what card she sees and explains it to you too and i like that a lot.  Summer is another tarot reader i like and she combines that with her astrology stuff.  When ex was being weird in March, i read with Summer and she did say it'll get better at the beginning of April and it did!  Somehow.....the sound of the cards shuffling made it seems more real that they are doing a reading as suppose to the no tools one like London and Jacqueline.  Not that i'm saying are not good but sometimes i feel that when the informations they give us are like rapid fire, i have doubts and makes me wonder 'this is too good to be true'. 

Offline cj

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Re: Ellen
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2011, 09:33:16 PM »
Dawn is the only one who got that preg ordeal right for me. She`s good. She got a few other things wrong but I think shes good with big stuff


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Re: Ellen
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2011, 10:33:11 PM »
Jacqueline has been the only one that has been accurate for me and I am sticking to her, and I am only getting a ten minute reading once a month with her now. Honestly I dont ask for time lines, because time doesnt matter. I have had most of her predictions a week or two weeks off which is really good, and she does not feed bs that is the only reason I stick with her, she doesnt try to keep you on the phone like others do. Which saves me money I am usually off within 5 or 6 minutes :)

Offline cocoapple

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Re: Ellen
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2011, 10:39:23 PM »
I read with Jacqueline too yesterday.  The call was only 5-7mins and she said he will try to contact me today and in 5-7days he will try to fix this and make it work. far no contact lol.....we shall see~perhaps it will be tomorrow .... being off by a couple days is normal i guess but i really hope she and London are correct!