Author Topic: not sure what to make of this  (Read 5341 times)

Offline hope4love

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not sure what to make of this
« on: December 06, 2013, 08:30:24 AM »
Yeah, as I figured. As much as it upsets me, the truth always does come out in the end.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 08:55:22 PM by hope4love »

Offline bstalling

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Re: not sure what to make of this
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2013, 06:56:09 PM »
Stop getting readings. They mess with your head. If you have a lucky few that you visit occasionally, fine. But it seems like they are more trouble than they are worth.

Offline melancholia

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Re: not sure what to make of this
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2013, 08:05:43 PM »
I had an email reading with a reader whom I've been consulting for several  years. I asked for an email reading as a birthday treat (the question I posed was rather 'fun and silly' in nature).
The question I asked was whether or not this particular person notices(d) certain things about me and she gave me a fairly detailed email response.
Tonight, I was googling randomly and to my surprise, I came across an article about the things that men notice about women and I couldn't believe what I was reading.
Here in this article were a number of phrases and expressions this reader had used word for word in her email reading to me.

I think you already have your answer and you just don't want to believe they were bs'ing you.

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: not sure what to make of this
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2013, 08:17:53 PM »
If you found that while Googling then it seems your "reader" did, too. We are all more alike than we want to admit, especially the lovelorn. After reviewing so many of my notes and recordings over the past few years I'm utterly convinced that many of these readers are just using psychology and may even be counselors (practicing, retired, or wannabe) themselves. I have searched on the internet for less "spiritual" answers to my questions and have found pages of information that I know has been regurgitated and fed to me during a reading. Don't get me wrong, I do believe some have a gift, but if I found out that any of the 3 I still speak to were using tactics like this I'd drop them like a hot potato, too! lol

Offline melancholia

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Re: not sure what to make of this
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2013, 11:51:07 PM »
Don't crash.  It'll just make things awkward for everyone if he intentionally didn't invite you. If you're going to see him tomorrow, just casually ask him about it.  I'm not clear on when this party is, but it can be as simple as, "Oh, I heard you were having a party on [date] for your graduation.  Congratulations - I hope it goes well."  This will give him the chance, if he meant to invite you, to clarify that you're invited, and it will also give both of you the chance that, if he didn't intend to invite you, to convey and accept that message in the least awkward way possible for both of you.  If he has no intention of inviting you, the why doesn't matter.  The why, in that circumstance, is obvious (however painful) - he doesn't see you as a close enough friend.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but if it keeps you from calling a psychic or stressing any further, it's worth it.  The worst thing that will happen is your feelings will get hurt.  If that happens, you will eventually heal and move on and be just fine.  But better to lance the sore than allow it to fester.

well... i apologize, but am going to jump this thread, because getting reading has messed with my head and i dont know what to make of this:
 i wasn't invited to a party from this guy whom no matter how nice I've been he's still a jerk. we use to be close friends. And i dont know if it was on purpose that i wasn't invited, or just forgetful. When i first found out about this party, my heart sank and i cried because he invited my obvious close friends it really seemed off. My first instinct was to call a psychic but being broke and no money made this not an option. My next desperate instinct was to call him and confront him... however every time I've tried to talk to him he becomes quite distant and adds more awkward strain. Plus, calling someone at 10 pm on a friday night complaining that you weren't invited to their party only might justify their actions... maybe, Im not thinking clearly. What do i want from this situation? is it the party or is about him getting to him like me again as his close friend.- because i cant change his mind on he feels about something.

i then talked to some friends and all agree if he did that on purpose that it was a dick move.
some friends suggested just confront him and ask. others said just crash the party and see what he does as a dare on his actions.

...i dunno. i was heartbroken about this all day. And my god, feeling everything the panic burning sensation in my throat, my heart dropping on the horror of his actions, was too much to take in. however, this is the feeling i avoid that sends me running to call a psychic. It was the worst battle of the night, i couldn't sleep, but also felt aware that if i call its just going to mess with my head more. well, after a day and restless night, i did contact two psychics. and i feel it messed with my head even more. one said just tell him it hurt you, and overall it was a mistake he meant to invite me. the other said no, it was on purpose, but he doesn't hate me. the urge to contact more advisors is there... but it will mess with my head.

today, i woke up feeling like, "really?, a party? there are more important things right now than not being invited to a party." my inner voice is saying yes, it hurts but stop caring so much what this guy thinks of me and letting him make me miserable. and yes, its a going away party/graduation/but  if he really didn't invite me thats his karma best not to stand next to him when it happens.

so... i see him tomorrow, i can confront him let him know it bothers me. or... i can crash his party but not confront him, but for now i want to set it aside so i can let my heart rest from crying.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 11:52:44 PM by Somnus »

Offline melancholia

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Re: not sure what to make of this
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2013, 05:12:38 PM »
Thanks. I do like this approach. Wish me good luck tomorrow.

Hoping everything went well!  But if it didn't, here are some puppies to help warm you up a bit:

Offline Ginger

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Re: not sure what to make of this
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2013, 02:23:44 AM »
This guy sounds like a douche. Please don't waste your time with this. And don't remain in this downward spiral either. Pick yourself up and see that he isn't worth your time.
Can I offer you a website that I feel really helps? Big Hug.

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: not sure what to make of this
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2013, 02:23:59 AM »
Im so sorry fluttershy. Did you and this guy like each other before or date? Why is he acting like this?

well... an update. and its not good.

I started work today, and this girl who is a mutual friend came up to me asked whats wrong. I mention that M is having a party and im not sure i dont think i was invited. Well, eventually she sent him a text and asked him me "hey was that a mistake? or did you invite (me)?" she then told me "the email was an oversight. but if i were to show up, i would physically be removed from the party." i did not ask her to talk for me, but i did think it would be smoother. But my heart sank, when I heard those words and then 20 minutes later he showed up to work.
I asked him, "hey do you have two seconds?"
"im busy with this."
"ok, can i call you after work."
"i really dont know what for."
then the girl who sent the text message intervienes and says "why not an email?"
"ok" we both agree to that.

im still at work and my shift is soon about to end. I still have phones ringing, and people requesting things for me as part of my job. Then someone asks "hey whats wrong?" And i lost it.
I then start to sob, uncontrollably and hide in the closet. 
My coworkers keep asking me "whats wrong?" and the guy who im having issues with is around.
Then the girl who intervened comes into the closet and says, "ok, i felt i was manipulated into that situation. you need to understand that he already talked to you and you should know why you're not invited."
-what the hell just happened? i thought this girl was being nice, and instead tells me to buck up and get over it... i am in disbelief.
Eventually, my co workers became involved in what i was crying about.

i drove home crying, embarrassed. i started to write that email, but gave up. ...i feel like im a joke. utterly humiliated and embarrassed.

...thank goodness i'm broke... cause right now, i would not stop calling psychics. i know deep down inside who cares what he thinks. But it hurts, and i'd like to trust that karma is there. (i know that when i bailed on friend once, my flight got delayed by a whole day and was a miserable night.) I dont know, i'd like to think that his party a delayed miserable flight coming his way... but... the main thing is... to wipe the dirt off, and pick myself up and more importantly dont look back.

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: not sure what to make of this
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2013, 08:30:29 AM »
Do you have any idea why he would say something as aggressive as having you "physically removed" if you showed up to this party and why this other girl felt manipulated? Could the wife be causing issue?

On a side note, eff that girl because it seems like she was nosey to begin with then turned her back on you in the end. I hate fair weather friends and you're better off without her kind of friendship. I'm just really bummed to hear about anyone hurting you because it seems like you have a big heart. I hate being taken advantage of but it has happened to me too many times. I hope you feel better about all of this and know that you are the bigger person.

Offline marybell

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Re: not sure what to make of this
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2013, 05:15:35 PM »

thanks for responding. again, luckily, im broke so theres no calling psychics for me. and, if anything, i dont want to even try talking to this guy. i give up with this guy.

Hi Flutterfly
This must be so heart breaking for you. I am so sorry to hear this.  I agree with everyone who says just F him , he is not your friend. Let him go.   If you don't mind my asking , what is it that you feel you could get from a psychic reading at this time??

Offline Synergy

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Re: not sure what to make of this
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2013, 05:37:56 PM »
Hi Flutter,

I actually found myself concerned as I read your story.  As many people have already responded, this guy is NOT your friend.  Friends don't treat people this way.  The most important realization you can come to is that you deserve the best.  Your relationships should be healthy, genuine, and mutually beneficial.  A reading isn't going to change his actions.  A reading won't resolve anything and won't provide you with any closure when it comes to this situation.  I don't understand why anyone would say they plan on having someone physically removed from a party if there is no reason to behave in such an extreme manner.  This person isn't someone you should want in your life.  I know it hurts, and it will take time to heal the wound of losing someone you thought was a friend, but he has shown his true colors.

Offline Calypso 13

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Re: not sure what to make of this
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2013, 12:01:48 AM »
Love this response Syn...a reading won't change his actions!!

Man that's something to tape to a mirror if you're in the thick of calling.
Allow yourself to look at his actions and you'll see that reality doesn't line up with the readings.