Author Topic: volleying between faith and predictions  (Read 11342 times)

Offline divine wishes

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volleying between faith and predictions
« on: November 11, 2013, 06:03:41 PM »
Hi Everyone,

I am certainly not new to the site, as I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your posts, but I am new in the sense of active participation. I think that boils down to two things: laziness and fear of verbalizing it all.

I decided to share with everyone today because I made a pivotal decision (sans psychic advice) this weekend. I have been entangled in a romantic relationship for a very long time, which vacillates between we're on/we're off. Our on and off periods can be anywhere from hours, days, or months. I can unequivocally say that I love him dearly. Obviously, he has my heart, and has captured my faith in him. Unfortunately, all too often his fear supersede his love me, which both he and psychics have told me.

Like most here, I have read with everyone that I can reach. I have had lovely predictions as well as scary, doom and gloom prophecies.

But going back to why I have decided to share: most recently, I was advised to sail through the month of November without rocking the boat. Basically, I should just accept from him whatever he was willing to throw my way, and then spark the true conversation in December. I thought about this all weekend long. Why in God's name should I sit in misery and uncertainty for three weeks? So I acted; I put it out there -- I was no longer willing to do what we do. I didn't *want* to continue doing the same old thing, and getting the bare minimum from him. I NEED more. I have yet to receive a response, which is not freaking me out as much as it could have in the past. I am nervous that he'll never respond and walk away, but that is my worst fear, which I know doesn't mean the end of the world.

Honestly, prior to sending this message, I prayed and asked that the words coming from me would be inspired and led by the divine. I believe they were, because the message was not fear based or anger filled. It was brimming with love -- for myself. I have had enough of his wishy-washy ways, and realized that this "relationship" was no longer fulfilling.

Do I hope we will have our fairytale ending? Yes! Am I relying on it? No.

Like I said above, I have read with *many*, but have found that the ones who really help are the ones who encourage you to listen to your own intuition and guidance. Those that fill you predictions simply capture your power, leaving you feeling dependent. Don't get me wrong, I love a prediction like any other, especially a prediction that manifests, but these get expensive, whereas prayer and faith are free.

At the moment, I am behind on my bills, my account is overdrafted, and I waiting for payday to come so I am out of the negative. It is BAD. But, I am to blame. I have put my power in his hands, or the hands of psychics, when the most potent place for that power to be is with me.

I turned to psychics when I felt God wasn't acting quickly enough. I needed answers now, and for some reason God wanted me to relax and allow life to unfold. Patience is for suckers, right?  ;)

I now have on-going conversations with the divine, and I see that I am not alone in this universe. There is a power guiding and protecting me. Also, I have seen, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the universe, S(s)pirit, G(g)od(s), divine, is as invested in my love as much as I am. I now believe in a divine plan, which allows wiggle room for exploration, but ultimately all paths lead to the same destination: oneness with love and grace.

Will I continue to call psychics? Most likely, but I need to develop a healthy relationship with psychics, and this post is the first step to that.

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this community.

ps - the readers I have come to trust:

as of today, Feb 2016 - they were all terrible. in hindsight, they put a bandage on a huge fucking sore
LadyP (Offers me a consistent message of hope, but pushes me to gain strength).
MalikaHelena (She is very kind and soulful. She also encourages me to deviate from fear-based living)
Ikshvivek303 (Has been killer in terms of timing-based predictions)
Ness (Just an overall sweetheart, who undoutedly has the best interest of clients in mind.)
ReadingsbyRaven (Raven has been stellar in terms of timing predictions)
Vicki Parker (She has been mostly right in regards to timing, and isn't afraid to give it to your straight)
SoulAngel (SA has been very consistent with her message, and has predicted things I thought would never happen, but somehow did. She will not give timing, as she holds firm to the message of divine timing)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 02:57:25 AM by divine wishes »

Offline nikkii

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2013, 07:12:56 PM »
Welcome Divinewishes, thanks for sharing. I can empathize with you, I was told by a particular month my relationship would get better..just hang it there & wait it out. Based on the readings I got, if I could Just...Be...Patient things would be fine. So I tried laying low and tried my best not to rock the boat.

Well it got to a point with my boyfriend where he pissed me the hell off and I was done.
In fact - I did this approximately 2 months before things were to balance out between us. I just couldn't take it anymore. My self-respect and happinesss were worth so much more than "what is supposed to happen". Mind you, in all the years I've been with this man I never thought I'd be the one to end the relationship. I wasn't strong enough to do it.

Long story short, I didn't call anyone to see what would happen next, or how did he feel, etc. I just let it be - and believed if he loved me and if it's meant to be I'd hear from him.

Lo and behold, heard from him the very timeframe I was told and things are balancing itself out. I agree that when you listen to your own intuition and guidance it is more beneficial to you. I felt a sense of peace and no urge to find out 'what's going on'.

I had to just rely on my God-given intuition which seemed to be dim when I did call frequently. I have learned things seem to move at a swifter pace the less we call looking for answers.

P.S. Lady P, my go-to and only advisor I seek on Keen was the one who made the prediction. For months she saw the same and never wavered. We just had to go through certain factors to get where we are now.

Offline melancholia

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2013, 08:21:29 PM »
You just earned yourself the biggest high-five on the planet.  Well done, divine, and welcome to the board! :)  Glad you found the courage to post.  We can all do with more posts like this.

Hi Everyone,

I am certainly not new to the site, as I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your posts, but I am new in the sense of active participation. I think that boils down to two things: laziness and fear of verbalizing it all.

I decided to share with everyone today because I made a pivotal decision (sans psychic advice) this weekend. I have been entangled in a romantic relationship for a very long time, which vacillates between we're on/we're off. Our on and off periods can be anywhere from hours, days, or months. I can unequivocally say that I love him dearly. Obviously, he has my heart, and has captured my faith in him. Unfortunately, all too often his fear supersede his love me, which both he and psychics have told me.

Like most here, I have read with everyone that I can reach. I have had lovely predictions as well as scary, doom and gloom prophecies.

But going back to why I have decided to share: most recently, I was advised to sail through the month of November without rocking the boat. Basically, I should just accept from him whatever he was willing to throw my way, and then spark the true conversation in December. I thought about this all weekend long. Why in God's name should I sit in misery and uncertainty for three weeks? So I acted; I put it out there -- I was no longer willing to do what we do. I didn't *want* to continue doing the same old thing, and getting the bare minimum from him. I NEED more. I have yet to receive a response, which is not freaking me out as much as it could have in the past. I am nervous that he'll never respond and walk away, but that is my worst fear, which I know doesn't mean the end of the world.

Honestly, prior to sending this message, I prayed and asked that the words coming from me would be inspired and led by the divine. I believe they were, because the message was not fear based or anger filled. It was brimming with love -- for myself. I have had enough of his wishy-washy ways, and realized that this "relationship" was no longer fulfilling.

Do I hope we will have our fairytale ending? Yes! Am I relying on it? No.

Like I said above, I have read with *many*, but have found that the ones who really help are the ones who encourage you to listen to your own intuition and guidance. Those that fill you predictions simply capture your power, leaving you feeling dependent. Don't get me wrong, I love a prediction like any other, especially a prediction that manifests, but these get expensive, whereas prayer and faith are free.

At the moment, I am behind on my bills, my account is overdrafted, and I waiting for payday to come so I am out of the negative. It is BAD. But, I am to blame. I have put my power in his hands, or the hands of psychics, when the most potent place for that power to be is with me.

I turned to psychics when I felt God wasn't acting quickly enough. I needed answers now, and for some reason God wanted me to relax and allow life to unfold. Patience is for suckers, right?  ;)

I now have on-going conversations with the divine, and I see that I am not alone in this universe. There is a power guiding and protecting me. Also, I have seen, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the universe, S(s)pirit, G(g)od(s), divine, is as invested in my love as much as I am. I now believe in a divine plan, which allows wiggle room for exploration, but ultimately all paths lead to the same destination: oneness with love and grace.

Will I continue to call psychics? Most likely, but I need to develop a healthy relationship with psychics, and this post is the first step to that.

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this community.

ps - the readers I have come to trust:

LadyP (Offers me a consistent message of hope, but pushes me to gain strength)
MalikaHelena (She is very kind and soulful. She also encourages me to deviate from fear-based living)
Ikshvivek303 (Has been killer in terms of timing-based predictions)
Ness (Just an overall sweetheart, who undoutedly has the best interest of clients in mind.)
ReadingsbyRaven (Raven has been stellar in terms of timing predictions)
Vicki Parker (She has been mostly right in regards to timing, and isn't afraid to give it to your straight)
SoulAngel (SA has been very consistent with her message, and has predicted things I thought would never happen, but somehow did. She will not give timing, as she holds firm to the message of divine timing)

Offline Calypso 13

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2013, 09:37:05 PM »
Hi Divine!

I did the same thing last year. Walked away from an ex when all psychics said to hang in there.

Turned out my decision was for the best as I started to heal. If I would have listened to psychics, I would have been hanging on a very long time.

And yea he came back around, a year later, but wasn't ready for commitment though treating me like he was.
After 3 months, walked away again.

Offline hope4love

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2013, 04:08:10 AM »
We have all been there, myself included. It annoys me when readers tell callers to be 'patient' and 'rock the boat' when in fact, that is the very thing we must to do in order for things to move forward as they should.
This gives the love interest a clear message that we will not tolerate being treated with disrespect and we deserve better than bread crumbs.
Our intuition will never steer us wrong and it usually trumps the psychics.
Kudos to you for listening to your gut and putting yourself first.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2013, 04:17:52 AM »
Are there really psychics out there that will offer such advice in the face of really adverse situations for the caller?  Or is it more a case that the psychics offer that sort of advice BECAUSE the caller either does not have the strength to stand up to a situation at a particular time or is not ready to face whatever consequences there might be?
We have all been there, myself included. It annoys me when readers tell callers to be 'patient' and 'rock the boat' when in fact, that is the very thing we must to do in order for things to move forward as they should.
This gives the love interest a clear message that we will not tolerate being treated with disrespect and we deserve better than bread crumbs.
Our intuition will never steer us wrong and it usually trumps the psychics.
Kudos to you for listening to your gut and putting yourself first.

Offline bstalling

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2013, 02:01:41 AM »
To your first question, yes a lot of psychics will give this advice to their callers. They will repeatedly tell them not to "rock the boat" and basically wait until he is ready to come back around and give you crumbs. To your later question, even if they sense that they are not ready to stand up to the situation, it is still very poor advice to give someone. If it is their intention to protect them from a situation that they may not be ready for (ex:the guy running away for good)...they should tell them why it is important to have clear boundaries, not tell them to avoid speaking up at all and let the person do whatever. That is called putting yourself first...and I think a lot of people on this board have problems with doing that. Once I got smart about this poor advice, I began speaking up for myself and putting everything out on the table...whether the other party wants to hear it or not. It trains them to be better people. Was their reaction always good? NO. But I sent a clear message that they won't be treating me poorly again, no matter how "confused" they are. So no, we can't just meet up for coffee and a casual chat. You will court me like a lady and show me you think of me highly in a romantic sense. No, you can't pop in and out of my life. You are either in or out.

I think I posted this before, but never have I been in a situation where waiting it out, accepting casual coffee dates,  and being patient when the other party is misbehaving...never has that advice worked out in my favor. It reinforces the dysfunctional pattern and lets the other person know that you will stick around no matter what.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 02:07:26 AM by bstalling »

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2013, 02:50:12 AM »
I wish we could "like" posts, lol. This is fantastic and so so true my dear!!

To your first question, yes a lot of psychics will give this advice to their callers. They will repeatedly tell them not to "rock the boat" and basically wait until he is ready to come back around and give you crumbs. To your later question, even if they sense that they are not ready to stand up to the situation, it is still very poor advice to give someone. If it is their intention to protect them from a situation that they may not be ready for (ex:the guy running away for good)...they should tell them why it is important to have clear boundaries, not tell them to avoid speaking up at all and let the person do whatever. That is called putting yourself first...and I think a lot of people on this board have problems with doing that. Once I got smart about this poor advice, I began speaking up for myself and putting everything out on the table...whether the other party wants to hear it or not. It trains them to be better people. Was their reaction always good? NO. But I sent a clear message that they won't be treating me poorly again, no matter how "confused" they are. So no, we can't just meet up for coffee and a casual chat. You will court me like a lady and show me you think of me highly in a romantic sense. No, you can't pop in and out of my life. You are either in or out.

I think I posted this before, but never have I been in a situation where waiting it out, accepting casual coffee dates,  and being patient when the other party is misbehaving...never has that advice worked out in my favor. It reinforces the dysfunctional pattern and lets the other person know that you will stick around no matter what.

Offline nikkii

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2013, 03:27:13 AM »
I agree, good way to put it decibel. Bstalling, I loved your post! 

Offline Bark angel

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2013, 03:38:20 AM »
Guess I haven't read with those psychics then.  All the readers I speak with are clear on one point - one should not adjust one's behavior for another person.  Just "live your life and when the Universe feels you are both ready you'll be placed in each other's path".

Offline hope4love

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2013, 07:02:11 AM »
Guess I haven't read with those psychics then.  All the readers I speak with are clear on one point - one should not adjust one's behavior for another person.  Just "live your life and when the Universe feels you are both ready you'll be placed in each other's path".

These readers are the ones who have ethics and their client's best interest at heart. An ethical will tell a caller to not put her life on hold for someone who can't or won't be with you, to put yourself first, to love yourself and live your life passionately.  And yes, if it's best for the parties involved, they will reconnect when the time is right. Or else, the estranged love interest returns and asks for a second call and you've long moved on and have no interest in re-connecting or re-kindling anything.

Offline bstalling

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2013, 07:46:40 AM »
Guess I haven't read with those psychics then.  All the readers I speak with are clear on one point - one should not adjust one's behavior for another person.  Just "live your life and when the Universe feels you are both ready you'll be placed in each other's path".

These readers are the ones who have ethics and their client's best interest at heart. An ethical will tell a caller to not put her life on hold for someone who can't or won't be with you, to put yourself first, to love yourself and live your life passionately.  And yes, if it's best for the parties involved, they will reconnect when the time is right. Or else, the estranged love interest returns and asks for a second call and you've long moved on and have no interest in re-connecting or re-kindling anything.

To be fair, some supposedly decent psychics have offered this advice...and tons of other misguided advice. Just because you are a gifted psychic does NOT mean you are gifted in human psychology and counseling, unfortunately. Of course, there are those that tell you to do nothing to keep calling back for updates.

Offline melancholia

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2013, 12:54:11 PM »
The vast majority of this thread, all I could think of was this:

I'm so glad so many of us have come to the realization that the ball's in our court.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2013, 01:02:24 PM »
Just because you are a gifted psychic does NOT mean you are gifted in human psychology and counseling, unfortunately.
Actually, I don't think this is true, unless there are two distinct and different definitions for "gifted".  To me,  if a reader is gifted it is because they have the capability of communing with a higher spirit and acting as a conduit for the messages and life lessons we learn while here on earth.  I can't imagine any message given from a higher spirit through a gifted psychic (the messenger) not being grounded in good psychology and counseling.

Offline divine wishes

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Re: volleying between faith and predictions
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2013, 01:45:16 PM »
Perfect gif, somnus!!!

The vast majority of this thread, all I could think of was this:

I'm so glad so many of us have come to the realization that the ball's in our court.

