Hi Everyone,
I am certainly not new to the site, as I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your posts, but I am new in the sense of active participation. I think that boils down to two things: laziness and fear of verbalizing it all.
I decided to share with everyone today because I made a pivotal decision (sans psychic advice) this weekend. I have been entangled in a romantic relationship for a very long time, which vacillates between we're on/we're off. Our on and off periods can be anywhere from hours, days, or months. I can unequivocally say that I love him dearly. Obviously, he has my heart, and has captured my faith in him. Unfortunately, all too often his fear supersede his love me, which both he and psychics have told me.
Like most here, I have read with everyone that I can reach. I have had lovely predictions as well as scary, doom and gloom prophecies.
But going back to why I have decided to share: most recently, I was advised to sail through the month of November without rocking the boat. Basically, I should just accept from him whatever he was willing to throw my way, and then spark the true conversation in December. I thought about this all weekend long. Why in God's name should I sit in misery and uncertainty for three weeks? So I acted; I put it out there -- I was no longer willing to do what we do. I didn't *want* to continue doing the same old thing, and getting the bare minimum from him. I NEED more. I have yet to receive a response, which is not freaking me out as much as it could have in the past. I am nervous that he'll never respond and walk away, but that is my worst fear, which I know doesn't mean the end of the world.
Honestly, prior to sending this message, I prayed and asked that the words coming from me would be inspired and led by the divine. I believe they were, because the message was not fear based or anger filled. It was brimming with love -- for myself. I have had enough of his wishy-washy ways, and realized that this "relationship" was no longer fulfilling.
Do I hope we will have our fairytale ending? Yes! Am I relying on it? No.
Like I said above, I have read with *many*, but have found that the ones who really help are the ones who encourage you to listen to your own intuition and guidance. Those that fill you predictions simply capture your power, leaving you feeling dependent. Don't get me wrong, I love a prediction like any other, especially a prediction that manifests, but these get expensive, whereas prayer and faith are free.
At the moment, I am behind on my bills, my account is overdrafted, and I waiting for payday to come so I am out of the negative. It is BAD. But, I am to blame. I have put my power in his hands, or the hands of psychics, when the most potent place for that power to be is with me.
I turned to psychics when I felt God wasn't acting quickly enough. I needed answers now, and for some reason God wanted me to relax and allow life to unfold. Patience is for suckers, right?

I now have on-going conversations with the divine, and I see that I am not alone in this universe. There is a power guiding and protecting me. Also, I have seen, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the universe, S(s)pirit, G(g)od(s), divine, is as invested in my love as much as I am. I now believe in a divine plan, which allows wiggle room for exploration, but ultimately all paths lead to the same destination: oneness with love and grace.
Will I continue to call psychics? Most likely, but I need to develop a healthy relationship with psychics, and this post is the first step to that.
Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this community.
ps - the readers I have come to trust:
as of today, Feb 2016 - they were all terrible. in hindsight, they put a bandage on a huge fucking soreLadyP (Offers me a consistent message of hope, but pushes me to gain strength).
MalikaHelena (She is very kind and soulful. She also encourages me to deviate from fear-based living)
Ikshvivek303 (Has been killer in terms of timing-based predictions)
Ness (Just an overall sweetheart, who undoutedly has the best interest of clients in mind.)
ReadingsbyRaven (Raven has been stellar in terms of timing predictions)
Vicki Parker (She has been mostly right in regards to timing, and isn't afraid to give it to your straight)
SoulAngel (SA has been very consistent with her message, and has predicted things I thought would never happen, but somehow did. She will not give timing, as she holds firm to the message of divine timing)