Quick rant: I have only 1 prediction left from her - 1!
And that specifically has to do with my POI - commitment and exclusivity.
Honestly, I am not seeing it one bit (with him or anyone else - and no there was no room for her to confuse this guy as it was too specific).
I'm slowly releasing my feelings about this guy....nice dude but he is not giving enough for me right now.
Wow, time for another reading
Maybe him committing will re-interest you. Did she say you’d feel this way?
I thought about it, but I'm holding off. I'm actually dating another guy right now and my ex came back (but Im not interested, just curious).
I literally have 3 other guys around me aside from my POI so I dont focus solely on him...BUT my POI still as my main attention.
I know for sure if I see actions that align with commitment will re-interest me...we do all the romantic passionate stuff - but nothing that seems committal. So yeah...
Oh she did say I would eventually lose patience with him in the April reading....but in the July reading it changed - she was actually surprised at how healthy the relationship was and how it progressed (I wasnt pining or anything and there is a balance) and how patient I was - it wasnt really patience - she saw it as a bit "detached" from my emotions (and outcome) which caused her to say "Your relationship appears to be quite healthy dare I say it!"