I've seen some fonts discuss the difference between relationship, partnership, and on going. I have been reading with Yona since 2016 and I am stating things from my own experience just to give additional insight. When Yona told me a romantic situation was on going it turned out to be on going in a sense it was occurring on and off throughout many yeas but it never led to me and this person getting back together officially. I noticed that Yona interchangeably uses the word relationship a partnership but what I also noticed is that she will call a situationship a relationship. For example she told me that my relationship status will be slightly changing and that after having a discussion with a new guy that I would see my self as singlish. To be me its I'm either single or in a relationship there is no in between but the way she read situation was a bit accurate. I was introduced to a new guy by a family member, the new guy and I met up but in his mind it was on a friendly basis though he complimented me on being attractive and though I knew my family ember was reedy much trying to match me up with him. After a month of us talking he then says he no longer wants us to be friends but now wants us to be romantic and get to know each other on a deeper level. So in Yona's eyes I was single before the conversation but now I am singlish and in my eyes I am still single just dating. Also, there have been times where I was in a full blown committed relationship and I would read with Yona and she didn't pick it up. When I would update her about my relationship status she would say oh maybe it's because you're not really crazy about the person. Which in some way it was true or I was not being a hundred percent vulnerable with the person. She would also state since the cards didn't tpick up the relationship there maybe a break up later on. SO, to Yona a relationship is one where you're crazy about the person and a hundred percent invested. From what I gather regarding partnership, partnership is when you're fully committed and working on a future together either living together or getting married.