Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2038100 times)

Offline jqc103

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6705 on: January 26, 2025, 08:52:37 PM »
Committente partnership
I quote this from someone else reply!
“Partnership is different from relationship to Yona

Ongoing situation is different than relationship to Yona

Unless Yona says “committed relationship”, it’s rarely a relationship that people have reported back on”

I believe she used partnership and saw holding of hands. I'd have to go back and check on the "committed relationship" phrase

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6706 on: January 26, 2025, 09:32:08 PM »
Committente partnership
I quote this from someone else reply!
“Partnership is different from relationship to Yona

Ongoing situation is different than relationship to Yona

Unless Yona says “committed relationship”, it’s rarely a relationship that people have reported back on”

Yea so she may be describing the relationship during the prediction but not necessarily the outcome

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6707 on: January 26, 2025, 10:01:19 PM »
I can agree that Yona sees the prediction but not the outcome as that’s what happened with the hazel eyed man she told me about.
Does anyone have any upcoming readings with Yona so that maybe they can directly ask her about the relationship stuff so that we can all get clarity on it?
I’d also wanna know what’s the difference between a long lasting relationship vs a short term relationship for her.

Offline Florallover87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6708 on: January 27, 2025, 02:23:43 AM »
What does holding hands mean when Yona says it?

Committente partnership
I quote this from someone else reply!
“Partnership is different from relationship to Yona

Ongoing situation is different than relationship to Yona

Unless Yona says “committed relationship”, it’s rarely a relationship that people have reported back on”

I believe she used partnership and saw holding of hands. I'd have to go back and check on the "committed relationship" phrase

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6709 on: January 27, 2025, 03:36:09 AM »
I am devastated right now. I've had many readings with yona throughout the years, first one being in 2017. It took about 7 years for her predictions to play out regarding my romantic life. Everything that happened matched to a tee to what yona told me through many of the readings. Description of the person, how the relationship starts and some of the issues we would go through, etc. She said I would be with this person for a very very long time and that we would move in together.

This person just broke up with me tonight. Of course she is not God but with everything else she said matching up so perfectly, I really didn't think it would end this way.

I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm sorry for your pain. Did you guys move in together? Did she see the break up as well? Sending you big hugs <3

We didn't move in together yet, we were planning to this summer. She never mentioned any breakup in my first reading in 2017 which looked out very far. All she said was that she saw a healthy relationship that would last very long. She saw us holding hands and us making space for each other in our homes and moving in together by choice.

I'm going back and listening to some other readings I have recorded to see if anything has been mentioned. I do remember in one reading, she said she specifically saw one fight where I thought we were going to break up but we wouldn't. That fight happened early on in the relationship and we did not break up, we calmly discussed through the issues. She also mentioned along with this that she did see many other up and downs but never mentioned a break up.

I will throw a few things here:

1. Please, please, please, do not take advice from a person (philosopher) who she herself is in a toxic situation despite her blindness to see it and has been doing psychics on different partners at least since 2018 that she is registered here. She needs a therapist and not psychics. But then again she already stated that psychics is the same as going to therapy. This is so crazy adn so telling.

She doesn't know your story as she herself has stated and yet, she is already telling you that she thinks it is a temporary break up. She has a co- dependency issue that screams out loud.

She is feeding you hope that it is only temporary when it may be permanent and probably beneficial for you in the long term even if you cannot see it now. Yona fails many times at outcomes and she tends not to give them. She can see a situation but not how it ends.

2. If you need to go to psychics to find out, ask or whatever you want to call it about the person you are with, you are most definitely with the wrong person. When you are with the ONE you will forget psychics even exist. Whatever you have to deal with you will deal with it together with your partner. I will say that if I found out that my partner is going to psychics to find out about me or about how I will behave...just anything I would cleary see that this person does not trust me one bit and subsequently a relationship with him not possible. If he has to put a psychic between us for him to be fine with me I would send him to therapy and finish with him.

3. A healthy and worthy relationship is one where communication and a commitment to sort out the issues is there on a constant basis. Consistency is what leads to be able to trust a person. And breaking up, moving out, etc is nowhere close to consistency, all the opposite. One where building trust and a safe space is present. A person who is living with someone like this other person miss Philosopher and picks up his stuff and moves out is an immature teenager who is not relationship material.  But she is not either mature, she is co dependent and will tolerate anything just to feel she is saving him because she committed. Who cares if he went through a family member dying or whatever. If every time that something in life goes wrong I am going to move out, break up or the like that means that person is IMMATURE to the core and not reliable. Therefore, no relationship material. Committing to stay with someone is not synomous of tolerating anything and everything and excusing horrible behaviour. That is where communication is at play. What are your deal breakers? What are his deal breakers? And you communicate them to each other. Other tham that it is all the dynamics of codependency and toxic relationships- a rollercoaster where one day you are up and the next down and not being able to let go. It is laughable how one day they live together, the next he moves out and shortly after they are buying a home. Believe me when I say this screams toxicity left and right and from both sides - she and he. And with break ups the same thing. Trust is broken and without trust you are fucked. You will be waiting for the next argument, break up or moving out because it is the only way immature people know how to deal with things (and there will be arguments no doubt, that is inevitable in any relationship). The point is how two people deal with them without running away. And he is going to move out again, he will. In your case this is applicable on your break up because you don't live together and better you don't until you know a person in and out.
A relationship where the way out is to break up, pick up his stuff or move out is just shit. No excuses here to whether his uncle died or whatever. Can you imagine the instabilty of being with someone who every time life doesn´t go according to plan is going to move out or break up? You will always be expecting another one and it will happen and TRUST is broken. It will never work and will be sustained at the expense of your misery.

She is paying 80 dollars a minute for a scammer to talk to her about her "relationship ". She has being doing so for years on end on different partners. That already tells you how toxic,  immature and not relationship material the person she is with is. Don't go the same road. To have a healthy relationship both people have to be mature and healthy. In her case none are. In yours I don't know but if a person breaks up with you there will be more if you go back together. It is a warning of more to come. Things should be resolved without break ups, packing things and moving out. And if all comes to all break up is ok but for good, not as a pattern. No healthy relationship and no mature relationships can be built on coming and going.

She was saying he moved out, then they were talking two days a week about trivial stuff, now they buy a house LOL...
TOXICITY. Like a drug makes you feel high and then low. SO TOXIC.
Trust is built with consistency and that element is missing everywhere.
I don't know your story but this break up doesn't give me good vibes.

I think it is quite telling how you said that HE broke up. It wasn't both of you but just him. It would be important to know the reason why HE broke up and how. This is a good sign of what would come up later on if you went back together and maybe it is better that happens sooner rather than later. Remember that past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour.

As for Yona, I would not trust her outcomes. A friend read with her and while she explained what was happening perfectly she failed to give an outcome of what would happen in the end as a result or outcome and in fact the reality was that despite being a great description of the events the outcome was very negative and Yona never predicted one. In any case what Yona or anyone else says is irrelevant. Look at how he is behaving and not at his words and that will tell you what the future will be like with that person. Look at how mature that person is to handle adversity and his communication skills, at how he doesn't fly away when things are not attention. These break ups and moving out is only typical of teenagers and immature people not ready for relationships. That is not a way to solve issues unless it is something really really big in which case a sudden break up could be justified.

@catherines Coming from the liar that says she doesn't get readings. You seem to know a lot about Yona's readings. You need to get a life.

And I don't get readings. Should I prove that to you? 😆
Please, seek therapy. That is what you need to get.
Toxic relationships and codependency plus feeding false hope to others whose life you know nothing about.
But with your codependency it does not surprise me you tell others their break ups are temporary.

If you knew anything about common relationships psychology, you would know that it's highly probable when someone breaks up with you after 7 years of being together, the person who leaves typically returns. It's normal to have a few breakups before the final sever. I'm not feeding false hope. I'm using relationship psychology, which clearly, you don't know much about nor do you know about human behavior. The only two words you seem to know very, very well are "codependency" and "toxic". You should probably look in the mirror when referring to toxic. You're the poster child for the very definition of that word. I see most people aren't even responding to your negative comments. It's clear you like to go around dragging people down, pouring salt in their already freshly open wounds. You keep saying you don't get readings so tell me, why are you part of this forum? I have to find some way to block you. Your energy is just ick. I bet you have no partner and if you do, I feel sorry for that person. To have to deal with your negativity day in and day out must be hell.

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6710 on: January 27, 2025, 05:47:52 AM »
I am devastated right now. I've had many readings with yona throughout the years, first one being in 2017. It took about 7 years for her predictions to play out regarding my romantic life. Everything that happened matched to a tee to what yona told me through many of the readings. Description of the person, how the relationship starts and some of the issues we would go through, etc. She said I would be with this person for a very very long time and that we would move in together.

This person just broke up with me tonight. Of course she is not God but with everything else she said matching up so perfectly, I really didn't think it would end this way.

How did she refer to the relationship? Ongoing? Fun?

I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm sorry for your pain. Did you guys move in together? Did she see the break up as well? Sending you big hugs <3

We didn't move in together yet, we were planning to this summer. She never mentioned any breakup in my first reading in 2017 which looked out very far. All she said was that she saw a healthy relationship that would last very long. She saw us holding hands and us making space for each other in our homes and moving in together by choice.

I'm going back and listening to some other readings I have recorded to see if anything has been mentioned. I do remember in one reading, she said she specifically saw one fight where I thought we were going to break up but we wouldn't. That fight happened early on in the relationship and we did not break up, we calmly discussed through the issues. She also mentioned along with this that she did see many other up and downs but never mentioned a break up.

She stated it was ongoing and going to be very long and that we would move in together. she saw holding of hands and that it was a healthy relationship. We would have been together for 1 year in about 2 weeks. The relationship was a healthy one for the most part, of course there are up and downs but we generally talked through everything calmly and I didn't feel there was any toxic behaviors within the relationship.

In the most recent reading I had with her back in 2022, she saw me meeting her family. She noted that its not a big family, just one or two other people. That just passed this Christmas, she has no siblings and I met just her parents.
Why did she break up with you?

Her reasoning is that she feels asexual on Lexapro and that she needs to explore this sexuality alone. Alongside bigger issues she says, that has made her realize the relationship isn't right and that it just doesn't feel right to her. I asked about the issues that led to her decision and she wouldn't say as she was afraid she would hurt my feelings...

So if she is on Lexapro really bigger issues any case it does not feel right to me to break up just like that if the person is mature, stable and serious.
As I said Yona doesn't seem to see or give outcomes.
I wouldn't want to be with someone who breaks up whenever an issue is there

@catherines you of all people should NOT give others advice as unhinged as you are. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with people that need to take Lexapro. I would caution you from ever providing guidance to others as you are in serious need of mental health help from a medical professional. You’ve been reported to the moderators as you have in the past and had your posts deleted. Please seek help and stop interjecting as your views and comments are incredibly toxic to this forum.

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6711 on: January 27, 2025, 11:24:42 AM »
@catherines awww, I think you have a little girl crush on Miss Philosopher!! You are like a little kid on the playground who incessantly berates their crush because you don’t know how else to express your feelings! It’s actually quite flattering, there’s clearly something about her that you admire and it’s bringing out your own insecurities. Seriously, the moment you change your attitude will be the moment good things start happening in your life. You are surrounded by negative energy and it’s no wonder you feel the need to lash out on a psychic platform, things just aren’t going well in your life, are they? And it’s embarrassing to tell your story bc of how bad it is bc you’ve dug yourself in this hole you can’t get out of, right? So you sit here as a user reading everyone else’s stories seeing their predictions come through while you eagerly wait for yours, but they never will. Why? Bc you are a dark soul. Spread positivity instead and watch your life change for the better. K?

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6712 on: January 27, 2025, 12:34:45 PM »
@catherines awww, I think you have a little girl crush on Miss Philosopher!! You are like a little kid on the playground who incessantly berates their crush because you don’t know how else to express your feelings! It’s actually quite flattering, there’s clearly something about her that you admire and it’s bringing out your own insecurities. Seriously, the moment you change your attitude will be the moment good things start happening in your life. You are surrounded by negative energy and it’s no wonder you feel the need to lash out on a psychic platform, things just aren’t going well in your life, are they? And it’s embarrassing to tell your story bc of how bad it is bc you’ve dug yourself in this hole you can’t get out of, right? So you sit here as a user reading everyone else’s stories seeing their predictions come through while you eagerly wait for yours, but they never will. Why? Bc you are a dark soul. Spread positivity instead and watch your life change for the better. K?

You are lucky girl!!! the moderators have listened to your prayers and my posts have been deleted!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Keep up with the good work!!! That is magic!!!
Your intellectual coeficient is a bit low by the looks of it.....

Yikes! Maybe learn to spell “coefficient” before trying to mock someone else’s intellect 😂😂

Offline bemily

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6713 on: January 27, 2025, 12:43:47 PM »
LOL I'm so glad someone finally said this!! I've seen Catherines try to bully Miss Philosopher on two different threads - for someone who says she doesn't even use psychics, she's doing an awful lot of posting on this forum.

Miss Philosopher has been handling it like a champ. You're definitely right about Catherines admiration, but she's too wrapped in ego to see it as that right now. When people recognize a part of themselves that they're deeply ashamed of (in this case, maybe relationship insecurity or general anxiety) in someone else, and that someone else isn't ashamed, it can trigger such a strong reaction. MP is out here being open and nonjudgemental with herself about her calls with psychics, approaching the whole thing with grace. Catherines can't even admit on an anonymous forum that she uses them. I hope she gets some of the help she's trying to prescribe to others.

Offline Florallover87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6714 on: January 27, 2025, 01:33:31 PM »

What does holding hands mean when Yona says it?

Committente partnership
I quote this from someone else reply!
“Partnership is different from relationship to Yona

Ongoing situation is different than relationship to Yona

Unless Yona says “committed relationship”, it’s rarely a relationship that people have reported back on”

I believe she used partnership and saw holding of hands. I'd have to go back and check on the "committed relationship" phrase

Offline bemily

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6715 on: January 27, 2025, 02:43:45 PM »
LOL I'm so glad someone finally said this!! I've seen Catherines try to bully Miss Philosopher on two different threads - for someone who says she doesn't even use psychics, she's doing an awful lot of posting on this forum.

Miss Philosopher has been handling it like a champ. You're definitely right about Catherines admiration, but she's too wrapped in ego to see it as that right now. When people recognize a part of themselves that they're deeply ashamed of (in this case, maybe relationship insecurity or general anxiety) in someone else, and that someone else isn't ashamed, it can trigger such a strong reaction. MP is out here being open and nonjudgemental with herself about her calls with psychics, approaching the whole thing with grace. Catherines can't even admit on an anonymous forum that she uses them. I hope she gets some of the help she's trying to prescribe to others.

There you go. We have a few psychologists here.
Drogaddicts, neglect, abuse, codependency, toxicity, abuse and the list goes on.....yes, yes, yes, very healthy.
The level of Intellectual Coefficient on this forum is below zero.

Yawn, yawn, yawn...keep talking

Are you talking to yourself now? Because none of those words appear in my post, but they're exactly what you tried to diagnose MP with on another thread lmao

Look, I'm not interested in feeding a troll, but maybe this will help you find some peace:

Best of luck <3

(Oh, and if you are going to stick around to insult people, I think you mean "intellectual quotient" not "coefficient")
« Last Edit: January 27, 2025, 02:46:55 PM by bemily »

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6716 on: January 27, 2025, 05:54:06 PM »
@beans @bemily: Thank you for your support. I appreciate that a lot. Everything you both said to catherines is very accurate. Sending you all lots of love and blessings!

@catherines: I really don't wish you any bad vibes at all. What I DO wish is that you would heal though. We're all mirror images of each other and there's something about my posts that's triggering you. I'm really not sure what it is but it is. If you'd like to talk about it privately, we can. There's no need for all the hatefulness and judgment. Every single person on this planet has their own shadow sides to work with. For you to judge what other's are going through on their path is wrong. You can plant seeds of knowledge/wisdom, sure. But to come across as cruel as you are isn't a good way and it's causing more harm than good. On another note, please see the law of attraction at play right this second. You came on here attempting to drag me down, berate me, degrade me, etc. At the end of the day, it all circled back around to YOU instead. Life is like an echo and what you put out WILL come back to you in various ways. Change your frequency and much better things will happen for you, as beans said. I genuinely do send you healing and divine love.

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6717 on: January 28, 2025, 11:42:10 PM »
Miss Philosopher - girl, all I'm going to say, thanks for your posts and don't let some emotionally burdened hater (who DID get readings on the only POI they have had since at least 2019, a POI who DOESN'T reciprocate their feelings - yes, they might have deleted their posts, but quotes and screenshots are here to stay:) get to you or your nice energy. You have contributed to this forum with legit reviews and opinions based on legit experiences, and that's what this should be about.

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6718 on: January 29, 2025, 12:36:32 AM »
I think we should really start practicing the idea that if you don’t have anything nice to say… then don’t say it. It’s truly unnecessary to be rude, mean, arrogant, pushing your opinion onto others and so forth on these forums instead of contributing to a supportive community. Unfortunately there will always be a bad apple or two that tries to put out negative energy into the bunch, I rebuke that energy towards you Miss Philosopher and I rebuke negative energy for anyone else on this forum that comes here with good intentions, a supportive heart , and wanting to healthily engage with others as we help each other through rough experiences.

Write as much as you want to on here, we’ll read it and still support you Miss philosopher. Sending you love and support towards you and your relationship.

Offline Domichan

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6719 on: January 29, 2025, 02:11:28 AM »
Hopefully this is the end of all that mess--I'm here to get & give reviews of readings with Yona and half of the posts are negative derailments wherein all the legit posts are getting buried.

I'm enjoying reading about everyone's experiences with Yona, however they turn out. Some of her predictions have come to fruition for me (work/money related) and I'm still waiting on the romantic one that's supposed to happen sometime in the spring. This tracks with what other readers have said, so I'm crossing my fingers.