Newbie here who didn't realize I'd been approved until now after weeks of stalking this thread! I have a couple questions about my most recent reading with Yona. So I attempted to read with her back in 2015 and ultimately she could not connect with me and refunded after two attempts. I decided to try her again this year to see if anything changed.
I still had her added on Skype and surprisingly enough, she said she remembered my name as my last name is pretty unique and I confirmed it had been many years. She then asked if all the predictions from back then came to pass so she definitely forgot she couldn't connect with me which is fine, but in order to not psych her out (cause originally on the second attempted read, I reminded her that we couldn't connect with her the first time and it threw her off completely resulting in the refund), I just said "I don't really remember!" And let her do her thing. But I'm wondering if its because she assumes we've had a successful reading before that she didn't ask for my birthday/age? What does she usually ask during a first read?
Also she stated that I was a bit difficult to read and that it was like I was on the "outside looking in" and "emotionally detached". I'm hoping this doesn't affect the accuracy of the predictions to come because I was at least glad we were able to have a full session this time. Has she made similar comments for any of you, and if so how did your predictions pan out?
Also wondering if the phrasing of this prediction about my POI was what happened today, or something that might happen in the future. I'd scheduled to meet up with my ex to exchange things today, and we'd planned the exchange last week (6/15) for today (6/21) while my reading with Yona was 6/19. My notes read:
"There's an approach made to you by someone from your past, it's distant and curious, and you're not convinced. Not an apology but a reaching out. You're on the defensive - why now? You need to hear more than just the initial reach out because you want consistency...But they will approach again and you will make up your mind after the information given."Summary of today (6/21) my ex and I exchanged belongings and had a very emotional conversation. He still stands beside his decision for the breakup because he deems us to be incompatible, and I said if he ever wants to reach out under the premise of being friendly (NOT friends) and seeing where things go from there later if he wants to reach out. Before saying goodbye he said "There's more than just the exes are exes for a reason thing, so if it makes you feel better, I want you to know that I'm not shutting the door on you completely."
I know there's no definite answer, but does this exchange sound like the prediction Yona gave me, or should I be looking for a future reach out from this POI? The phrasing she used gives the impression of something later but I can't be too sure and she didn't provide any physical identifying markers. I think I'm just psyching myself out because she didn't work for me previously and I would really really love a reach out in the future ugh.