Here's my Yona story!
I read with Yona back in October and chose a general reading. I had gone through a bad breakup in July and went on a psychic binge, but Yona has been the one to restore my faith.
1. She told me that a man with brown eyes I already knew would start flirting over the next few days but I would not show interest. Sure enough, this guy I had been talking to but had no real interest in started heavily flirting with me out of nowhere.
2. I would be starting new in Dec/Jan- I'll get to this more in the next point.
3. She saw a trip taken at short notice in the new year- I was suppose to go on a trip in early January (that was planned very last minute) but it fell through.
4. She told me a date would be emerging, someone that I knew already but was not in contact with at the time. The connection would be rapid when contact is made. Twice I would hear of this person being involved with someone else buy it would be inaccurate. Now, at the time I obviously thought/hoped this was my ex. However, there was another man I had been talking to on and off since August that I was not in contact with at the time of the reading. Eventually in November, we finally went on a date and our connection was immediate- after a week it felt like I had known him for years. There was twice where it seemed to me that he still had interest in his ex, but after talking it was obvious this was false. We've know been dating officially for 2 months.
Once Yona brought up an emerging partnership, I did mention my ex to her and things about apologies and second thoughts about reconciliation would happen- I haven't experienced that yet, but I would suggest keeping it general with her. I have another reading with her in a few weeks and can't wait to see what she says this time!