I had my top-up reading with Yona mid-Dec 2019. This was my third reading with her. There were 2 major predictions related to POI in the reading. My POI and I have a very surface-level communication at this point, after a devastating breakup in the end of 2017.
1. The first prediction was very specific, did not provide a timeframe.
"You will have a conversation with POI, where you will tell things as it, not angry but assertive, which will lead to a breakthrough. And this is emotional, personal, and being quite direct will work in your favor. You have got the partnership card, with this development, you will take a huge step close to partnership, this is removing obstacles. You have got the star next to it. I'm not saying that this bit is easy, because something pushed you to this point, it shows disappointment. There is something trigger, event, some catalyst that isn't enjoyable. But what it provokes, triggers, it's in your interest. He will be resentful, sorry for himself, but start to make changes slowly."
--> It happened exactly as she predicted, had couple of conversations with him due to an event that came to my notice. I don't know if this bit helped remove the obstacles though, but I made myself clear to him, very straight-forward with how I felt. And of course he was not happy with the convo. 2. The second prediction, she gave a timeframe of 6 to 8 weeks, which puts it end of Jan/start of Feb.
"9 of cups, celebration, don’t think its Christmas/ New year. Talking about celebrations, 6-8 weeks away. Marking this out as timeframe. You got a breakthru. Eating, socializing with people at work, you will have communication around this time that things are changing around this time. Beginning of the change is happening after. Between then and summer, he will make changes and move closer towards relationship. I would say you are not committed but exclusive at this point."
--> celebration happened this weekend with people at work and I'm hoping the next part of the prediction plays out soon. Please note I had 2 readings with her in Feb 2018 and Feb 2019, but those specific events have not played out yet, even though the 2019 reading had a shorter timeframe too. So really hoping and praying this 3rd one plays out soon as she predicted by the summer. Any comments appreciated..
Pearpearmeow - I feel our readings are a bit similar around the celebration part.