Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2055102 times)

Offline Synergy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #45 on: April 10, 2014, 11:03:31 AM »
I finally had my first reading with Yona yesterday. All I can say is that I was seriously impressed. The woman is certainly gifted. I didn't ask anything and allowed her to move forward with a general reading. She only asked me two questions at the start (birth year and whether I am currently in a relationship). From there she immediately picked up on the person I've been thinking about/the situation I would've specifically asked about. It was pretty impressive. Actually, in the entire 50 minutes I spent on the phone with her, I never once said his name... I didn't have to. She read him and the situation PERFECTLY.

She was realistic, brutally (but kindly) honest, and I can confirm a lot of what she told me.

I usually get off the phone from a reading (especially a not-so-"positive" one) wanting to call someone else, and for the first time in a very long time, I don't feel that way. I actually think she's right.

I'm excited to see if she ends up being accurate. I would most definitely call her again.

Offline sagitira

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #46 on: April 10, 2014, 07:39:50 PM »
i also had my first reading (kinda first reading - cause i remember trying her at the beginning of my psychic journey but put no notes down so all i remembered was that she did in fact see that i won't end up with the ex)

i really respect her and another UK reader Donna Maxine. their reading was very similar, they both picked up the guys traits correctly and were spot on about current issues. yona was no fairy tale reader for me.

i have to say that i wasn't going to have anymore readings but read a lot about yona and wanted to try her again to see what she picks up. like synergy i was very very impressed. it wasn't a good news for me but i felt soo ok with it and after that i have not wanted to have another reading. she also saw new man coming my way this year so fingers crossed but she was also brutally honest with me about things. i like that and respected it. i will update if predictions happen or not.

Offline tammyp

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #47 on: April 22, 2014, 07:22:28 PM »
I decided to give her a go after reading everyone's comments.  I do love a good psychic reading.  And she didn't disappoint.  She was really good at picking up on individuals and circumstances.  She nailed what people looked or acted like.  The very first thing out of her mouth was a prediction for a few days down the road and yes, indeed, it did happen. She picked up on someone who is interested in me but I am not in him, yes, that is true. The phone quality was not the best and she did repeat herself a bit.  But, she did read for me for over an hour.  I asked for a general reading at the start and then asked a specific question at the end.  I really liked her and I will probably use her again.

Offline tammyp

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #48 on: April 26, 2014, 03:30:05 PM »
Just to update, another of her predictions came through last night. It was a contact prediction and those are usually the hardest but, she got two of them in the time frame she stated and they were from two different people.  The first one came up immediately in the reading as a validation and it happened two days later, as she said. And the second came up later in the reading, but the cards were very strong throughout the entire reading for this individual. She said a three month time frame and it happened in about a week or so. Haven't spoken to either of these people on quite some time. Impressive.

Offline kittykato27

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #49 on: August 09, 2014, 07:21:13 AM »
Synergy and Sagitira, did Yona's predictions pan out for you guys?  Thanks to all the recommendations from the thread, I had a reading with her today and was very impressed.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #50 on: August 10, 2014, 08:36:33 PM »
It seems I’ve been beckoned after a bit of a hiatus!  I owe some of you responses to PMs, and I promise to send those soon.  While I’ve taken some time away from the forum due to craziness at work and reprioritizing which has led to me spending more quality time with my children, I can’t say I’ve stopped with the readings.  I can say, however, that I am reading a lot less than I once was… and it feels great!  Part of that is due to the fact that not much of what has been predicted has actually happened, so while I still do believe in the gift and ability of some psychics, I have lost a lot of the faith in readings that I once had.

I apologize in advance for the length of this response… here it goes!

I have been reading for the past year about one particular man/situation in my life, with some work related readings mixed in.  I can say with certainty that at this point Yona has been the most accurate.  It’s amazing because I only read with this woman once in April, yet everything she said (with the exception of one thing which she said would not happen right away) has panned out.  Seriously.  Almost everything she said, as she said it.  It’s not what I wanted to hear, but it was specific and accurate.  She gave me a “5” for when the man in question would return to my life.  He reached out on May 5th.  She said it would be for his ego and that nothing would change or improve from how it was last summer.  This too was correct.  Nothing changed or improved.  She told me that he would attempt to manipulate me somehow.  That he did.  Every single detail she gave about this man and this situation has panned out the way she said.  She also told me I would make a drastic change to my appearance.  Spontaneously, I cut my hair in a different style and dyed it red.  This was months after my reading with her, and it didn’t hit me until after I re-read her notes when someone on the board asked me about my experience with Yona. 
The only other reader to come close has been Ness, who gave me a similar outcome prediction to Yona’s but with different details, which have also proven to be correct.

During this time, I have continued to read primarily with QueenofCups18 (Anne).  Since last summer she has predicted something that has not yet happened.  Although she appears to be wrong about that one key point, she has been extremely accurate about details along the way.  She has predicted random occurrences I never would have anticipated without her. I will say that she has given me some unexpected insight into how these readings work.  I called her one day to discuss the man I’ve been asking about for the past year, and she randomly asked me if he had a black SUV.  He does not.  She said she could clearly see a black SUV pulling up to my house unexpectedly.  She said it would be significant to me.  I had no idea what she was talking about.  The very next day, I met the woman who has been step-mothering my daughters on the weekends they are with my ex.  I had been arguing with my ex for months about not being given the opportunity to meet this woman.  She showed up unexpectedly with my former mother-in-law, unannounced, in a black SUV.  This had nothing to do with anything I was asking about, and I have never mentioned my ex to Anne, yet she saw it.  It goes to show that the messages relayed aren’t always related to what we are asking about, and it has made me think about what we are truly meant to know, versus what should remain unknown to us until it occurs. 

I was reading with Anne once a week and have now cut that down to once every two weeks.  In between, I read with either Angelic Visions (Trish) or MysticRaven11.  MysticRaven11 has been spot on with regards to contact and improvements.  Trish really hasn’t been right yet, but her insights match those provided by Anne and Mystic Raven, two of the few readers I trust and believe are gifted.  Every couple of months, I read with LadyPersephone, who also gives me insight and predictions similar to the aforementioned readers.  Unfortunately, this set of readers is far more positive to Yona and Ness who have actually been most correct considering everything that has happened.

In a nutshell, Yona was phenomenal for me.  I didn’t want to believe her, and I didn’t want her to be right, but she was.  The one tidbit that hasn’t happened yet is a “positive” love prediction.  I now hope she right about it.  Who knows, though… I’m almost getting used to only the bad stuff panning out. The good thing is that I’m also starting to get used to living me life without relying on readings.  Part of me enjoys calling, so I’m not sure I’ll ever stop entirely, but I do finally have control of my life, my finances, and my decisions.  The readings have become more for fun, and I like it much better this way. 

The key is to stop OBSESSING.  Just stop.  I see obsessive behavior as the link in all of our stories.  Stay busy.  Live life. Realize happiness rests with you, not some other person.  Whatever is supposed to happen, will.  We should all know that by now. 

Offline cocoapple

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #51 on: August 11, 2014, 12:49:08 AM »

'The key is to stop OBSESSING.  Just stop.  I see obsessive behavior as the link in all of our stories.  Stay busy.  Live life. Realize happiness rests with you, not some other person.  Whatever is supposed to happen, will.  We should all know that by now.'

You can not be any more right.  I think it's the obsessive behaviour that drives us to these readings.  It's time to close the books and let things happen and if it doesn't, meh~ live your live as it was before all the shit happens.  Staying busy is really important.

Offline sagitira

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #52 on: August 11, 2014, 03:39:30 PM »
my feedback is similar to synergy's really. yona does appear to be accurate for far things she said happened the way she saw...but still waiting for positive love prediction but timing was not given to me. she was accurate about how i felt and how i'm going to feel.

i took some time off and from forums and i have to say i seriously think i'm almost healed :) in a short space of time i went from rock bottom to better to worse again it was like a yoyo effect. it was only when i stopped readings that i improved and today i can successfully say i feel like i'm healed. i feel happy again. truly happy. i'm single but i totally see the benefits of being single and really for the first time i'm enjoying myself and life again. i don't know how it happened but it was a process. stopping readings, getting myself occupied, forcing myself to go out and reading books like thrive programme or the path to wisdom probably really helped.

i know i will no longer be getting readings. i feel much better and much more in control when i don't get them. i feel like i make my choices and i take responsibility for it. there is no such thing as what i took control and once i did that it took me weeks to get back to my old self.

my ex....i no longer want him. we are still in touch but i no longer think of him, comparing to only 2 months ago when i still thought of him majority of my day past couple of weeks i hardly thought of him. my views of him completely changed and i honestly wish he does NOT come back i no longer wanna have to deal with this...i know i'm getting better and i can pick a partner i like.
so this is my last feedback guys, when it comes to predictions only a small number of people were able to predict something - donna maxine white, yona farell, and i do have a few outstanding ones so if they do come true i promise i will return to update. if i'm not back it means they were wrong.

any questions you can pm me and wish all of you all the best.

Offline kittykato27

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #53 on: August 12, 2014, 01:31:21 AM »
Thanks for sharing your stories Synergy and Sagitira!!!  Totally agree that we should just live our lives and keep ourselves busy!  I am down to only getting a reading every 2 - 3 months.  Whatever will happen will happen right?   :)   

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #54 on: August 13, 2014, 11:09:54 AM »
Hi Bark
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 12:01:25 AM by Nottakingthebait »

Offline chrys

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #55 on: August 13, 2014, 01:30:35 PM »
Pretty much the same here, Kicking!  Almost everything has happened just like she said.  I also have a few predictions that are set to happen towards Christmas time and I am working to prevent those from happening.  These are the same predictions that I also received from Jenny regarding my fling.  I am hoping that I can prevent them by changing things now but I don't know.  Can we change what they see happening that is my question?  If it is meant to be will it find a way..  I don't know?

Offline divine wishes

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #56 on: August 13, 2014, 06:07:19 PM »
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 03:18:45 AM by divine wishes »

Offline Truth

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #57 on: August 13, 2014, 06:46:15 PM »
she's been wrong for me a couple times. she would pick up details about a person or situation, but her predictions on them were wrong a time or two. one other time she was very, very vague with me on the outcome of a situation and i didn't know how it would pan out. it panned out sort of like she said, but it could have turned out either way and she could have been correct.

i asked if i would get a job i applied for at work. she had a hard time figuring out the answer, but settled on - i think so, but i see disappointment somewhere. so maybe you get it, but it's not exactly what you want or you don't get it but aren't devastated, just disappointed. so i was left confused on whether i'd get it or not. so.. i didn't get it. i guess she was correct in that i wasn't devastated, but it still bothered me she couldn't say one way or another. and, in fact, she seemed to think i WOULD get it.

she told me another time that i would be hanging out with someone in question by the end of the year (this was last year). it never happened and still hasn't happened the way she said to this day.

having said that, she's picked up a lot of really accurate stuff for me. i will still use her if i need a reading. but i get frustrated with her vagueness sometimes. one time i asked about 2 people - if either would work out. she couldn't sort out who was who. said one had more potential to work out than the other, but didn't know which one... stuff like that.

Offline cocoapple

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #58 on: August 14, 2014, 03:19:46 PM »
Interesting.... I think i'll give her a try just for experiment purposes lol! After that, no more readings. I have a trip coming up which i need to save like mad for. So every time i have the urge to spend monies or replenish my psychic accounts (i keep closing them only to reopen then a couple weeks later T_T.....), i will transfer monies to my trip savings account! Ha! Eye on the prize!! 

I shall report back after the reading!

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #59 on: August 14, 2014, 04:32:23 PM »
i think she is maybe best if you go in for a general reading. she will normally pick up what you want to know anyways, but if you ask a specific question then i think that may be when she gets tripped up or too afraid to be direct.. just a thought.