Hey Wildfox - Yes! She pulled the Wheel of Fortune card on me too! and wow all of these changes are happening - again its pretty scary lol (in a good way).
I did purchase the 55 minute reading
. The last reading she was VERY in tune - no stuttering, no confusion - it was like she just KNEW everything in this reading.
Yes it seems she was very in tune with your reading as well! Very detailed outcomes/predictions it looks like
All I can say is WOW. Yona is good when she connects.
I definitely wanted to share the specifics of my predictions with this forum - to show her level of skill - its uncanny.
Now, I'm not a fanboy
lol - (meaning I won't be one of those folk that will rave about her all of the time) but I do want to give credit where credit is due...
It will be interesting how the remaining predictions will pan out! I will definitely update.
I do understand that while my timelines move SUPER FAST - I'm not sure how fast the rest of the pending predictions will pan out...heck what she is seeing this summer about Love may happen next year or the year after that lol...
Until then....