Jili she really is lovely. I like to listen to my recording too!
And hope, thank you! I hope you're right with this part. Here's a little more detail.
I know she can put things from the beginning, as predictions, even though they already had just happened (my event that I'm talking about happened a month and a half before the reading). She does this sometimes and thinks they're still ahead. So luckily for me it was at the very beginning, but, it's an unlikely event, and the negative effects of the event are slowing down, but still ongoing. In the prediction she spoke of the event and the negative "slide" afterword, and spoke as if it were in the future, and I'm still on that "slide", so I don't want to go into detail but it's not something that can happen again until the slide is done with, if that makes any sense. As in it's impossible for it to happen again until the slide ends, so I feel like she's picking up on the past, since I'm still at that spot. What confuses me is the cards she read before that (and they're both in that same initial spread, before she asked me to pick from 3 piles), went "exercise" followed by "this event, and the slide". So I know she can pick up past things if they're quite recent and put them in the "coming up soon" spot, but I'm just confused of the fact that it had appeared AFTER the exercise thing which had JUST happened. Maybe she just read that part first, since it was irrelevant toward what my reading is about, and what I wanted to know about? (She knew what I wanted it centered around before the call, so maybe they just popped up at the same time, and wanted to get that 'side' thing out of the way to focus on the negative slide which has to do with what I was calling about? Or maybe they're in no particular order during that opening sequence?)