Thanks for clarifying, Bark.
I usually take this stuff lightly and make a joke of it best as I can. But who are you to refer to anyone here as pathetic? If most here are pathetic, why are you here? Why engage with us "evil", "hateful" and "pathetic" people?
You want to be insulting -- here we go:
Each time I choose engage with you I have increased sympathy for those who have no choice. Most readers must have cringed at the sound of your voice, or maybe they celebrated because they knew they could make more money from feeding you insane lies. (by the way, this entire paragraph is an insult)
But unlike you, I can disengage, and from here on out, I will move forward without your bitter, unhappy, combative, domineering, and sad existence on my radar. Yeah, I just insulted you -- again.
And just so that we are clear, my grand declaration of being done with your delusional self (definitely an insult) isn't just for the morning, or afternoon, or for the month of September; but you should definitely feel free to continue ranting and raving like a lunatic (yup, another insult).
Oh please. What "have a great evening" is a grand exit? Or was it the words, "I am done" or "tatah"? Honestly, you just cannot quit. It was neither grand I was simply done for the night.
In the clear light of the day I get it! It's all about you can do anything you damned well please, sling insults, egg-on, taunt, and tease but if anyone objects they're being dramatic. You are all a bunch of pathetic people.
haha. no, I was making light of your grand exit last night in which you were done with all the evil and hateful people of this forum.
I don't need to stir the pot; you're doing well enough on your own.