I hope this message finds you all well. I;ve been away from here for a while, and this is my last post.
I just wanted to post a message to everyone here about putting your faith in psychics. This, as many of you have found out, is not a good thing. I used to do the same, but not ever again will I make that mistake. I put my faith only in the Lord. Every single time I left all my troubles, burdens, wants, worries, etc. in the Lord's hands, He made things right.
Some veteran members here know I am into manifesting, but not in the way it is taught by certain books like the Secret. I manifest things by going NOT to the 'universe', but to God himself. My creator. Do I get all that I want?? No. Have I gotten many things that were much, much better for me? YES. In every single aspect of my life, when I was able to 'let go, let God', things have always worked out. Always. He has blessed me so much, and I am so eternally, forever grateful and thankful. I give Him the praise, the glory, and thanks for all things, for NOTHING is impossible thru Him. This is the message I want to get across. For those of you struggling with whatever is going on your life, I urge you to put it in God's hands to take care of, and He will. He does not lie. He knows what we need and He delivers.
Do I still believe in psychics? Yes. HOWEVER - they are not God, they are not allowed to see all, only glimses of things. Even then, they often times misconstrue what they 'see'. But, I will never call on a psychic again. My faith, my truth, my TRUST will only be in God, now & forever. I've been going through a serious health issue for the last several months. I;ve seen many doctors, specialists in their fields, and have gone through various treatments, and really, nothing seemed to help and I just wanted to die. Surgery was suggested many times, but this surgery is 50-50, and would have undoubtedly left me no better, with the huge potential for further complications years from now. I am not an old person, and I could not see myself living in such pain & misery the rest of my life. I really just felt like dying. Seriously. So, I did the only thing I knew would work - I prayed. Every.Single.Day. For months.
I prayed for healing. I was praying for a miracle. As I type this, I can honestly say I am 80% improved, and I know I will be 100% very shortly - I have THAT much faith - I don't just 'think' its going to happen, I KNOW it. I've come so far, you have no idea. I know God will not ever let me down, never forsake me. His words are true. NOBODY thought I would improve or heal in the way I've been, but here I am. And I thank God, and give him thanks, praise - I owe Him my life, and all that I have. I thank Him for the miracles He made happen for me. There is no other explanation.
I could go on and on, but time and space do not allow for it. I just wish to lead others to Him - whom ALL things are possible. It is true. Just please give Him a chance - throw up all your troubles, burdens, deisres, etc. to Him, and you will always get what you need - what is best for YOU. I promise. Just give Him a chance to work in your life. I know its hard, because we want to control everything, want to know whats around the corner. But patience pays off. Believe me, I know its hard to 'let go'. God works in His own time, but it is so worth it.
I hope this message gets a lot of people thinking and re-evaluating. Psychics are not and never were 'the answer'. Think about all the disappointments and failures of your psychic reads. Putting your faith where it does not belong works against us. I am guilty of this in the past. I now only trust God's words. And I wait. And then blessings come to me. Always. He never fails. Amen.
Peace & well wishes to all.