Author Topic: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics  (Read 31549 times)

Offline Truth

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2014, 10:45:31 PM »
okay, let me give you a couple statements, basically saying the same thing:

1 - you are doing it all wrong
2 - let me show you this way i've found helpful

it's not what you are saying, it's the way you are saying it. you sound condescending or like we are complete idiots.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2014, 11:23:48 PM »
No that's not true.  But, if you like, turn it around for a moment. Put yourself in my position and re-read these posts. 
Isn't this what you are doing to me?
1. my comments are all wrong - I am making comments all wrong according to you. 
2. you have a better way of making comments that you will accept and not criticize me for

Now, in my opinion, when placed in the reverse, it's both what you're saying and how you're saying it.  You don't simply sound condescending you ARE being very judgmental.  And you appear to me to have one huge chip on your shoulder that gets in the way of everything.  You cannot seem to read the words I write without inserting some sinister, underhanded, mysterious agenda that simply does not exist on my part. 

I have hardly posted on this forum for the last year because of the reception that I receive from some of you - just like this one.  Unjustified - Critical - downright ugly-  telling me how to convey my opinions and thoughts just because I did not phrase it the way you think I should.  Not your opinions, mine!  My experiences, not yours! I speak English (my native language) and I know what I write and I do not write in double entendres. How you interpret what I write it is another story.   It is pure supposition on your part. Besides, who made you judge and jury over the manner in which I write?   Yes, I am educated. I believe you are confounding education for condescension, so I suggest you read my posts again.

By the way, even if you are correct in your theory... nowhere in this discourse did I utter or imply that anyone is doing anything wrong.  Not once.  But what is wrong with posting that I found a way to do something that is helpful?  You behave as though this is your forum, and only people that reiterate your sentiments are allowed or welcome.  It's a disgrace and you should be ashamed of yourself for placing people in that position.  Wonder why this place is dead?  Take a good long look at yourself.

End. Of. Story.

Good night!   :o
okay, let me give you a couple statements, basically saying the same thing:

1 - you are doing it all wrong
2 - let me show you this way i've found helpful

it's not what you are saying, it's the way you are saying it. you sound condescending or like we are complete idiots.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #47 on: September 17, 2014, 11:57:46 PM »
Bark, why do you do this?  We can all disagree.  It's healthy.  But you never once accept your role in the turn our conversations take.  Why can't you, for once, see that, yes, it's possible to infer the tone in what you've written.  When you end a post with "try it", it DOES come off as condescending!  Instead of getting defensive and act as if you're being victimized (which you ALWAYS end up doing), just take a moment to accept that we all have differing takes on the matter.  Re-read my initial response to you.  It was in NO WAY agressive.  I stated why I don't think mindset regarding predictions has an impact on whether the predictions manifest or not.  I was offering a differing viewpoint.  I didn't attack your view or you directly.  Yet, your response to me was ONCE AGAIN condescending because you decided to point out that you define "dwell" the same way a dictionary does...  Um, ok? 

I don't understand why we can't all share our views on the matter without being rude to one another.  It's bizarre.  Seriously.  Re-read my initial response to you, Bark.  I in no way attacked you.  I shared my thoughts on why I don't believe dwelling on a prediction impacts it.  I even provided two personal examples.  You can be allowed to have your opinion, as I am allowed to have mine.  Since this is a FORUM, I voiced mine the way you did yours.  Making the decision to respond defensively doesn't make sense to me.  I'm sorry.

This is a valid, thought-provoking topic.  It'd be nice to hear everyone's opinions without it becoming an argument, but that's never possible here when certain people are involved... and this includes you.  Instead of always pointing fingers, look at your own role in this. 

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #48 on: September 18, 2014, 12:01:07 AM »
yes, i was irritated at your post and i admit that. not trying to be a wolf behind sheeps clothing like you come across. normally i don't care and i just don't even reply to the posts (98% of the time), but you caught me on a bad night.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2014, 12:07:03 AM »
Synergy - my beef is and was with Truth.  She was being downright rude. Par for the course here.  We - (you and I) don't always see things the same way - but I find you reasonable.  Some aren't.

Simply put.  I define dwell the way it is defined.  I'm not sure what your is but mine if as I stated.  I can't see why you take issue with everything I write.  You take umbrage with the words "Try it"!  Really? What the hell is wrong with suggesting someone give thought to something? I didn't say they should DO it, I said have you given thought to this?  Try it"  What the Heck. It is really crazy around here!!!!  You folks really take the cake.

This is the way it is here. A few commandeering how everyone else should think,. act, write, post, live. It is ridiculous.  It has and always will be a clique.  Some in - others out.  It won't ever change.  I just don't like to be misrepresented.

So, please, this is addressing those that have MISREPRESENTED ME and you all know who you are. Hear my words.  I AM NOT A PSYCHIC.  I am NOT MASQUERADING as a PSYCHIC.  I am NOT A WOLFF BEHIND SHEEP's CLOTHING.  I DO NOT APPRECIATE THE INSULTS!!

Now please re-read the exchange and see where the first dig, insult, accusation, and barb was tossed.
I'm done!!!  See ya!

Bark, why do you do this?  We can all disagree.  It's healthy.  But you never once accept your role in the turn our conversations take.  Why can't you, for once, see that, yes, it's possible to infer the tone in what you've written.  When you end a post with "try it", it DOES come off as condescending!  Instead of getting defensive and act as if you're being victimized (which you ALWAYS end up doing), just take a moment to accept that we all have differing takes on the matter.  Re-read my initial response to you.  It was in NO WAY agressive.  I stated why I don't think mindset regarding predictions has an impact on whether the predictions manifest or not.  I was offering a differing viewpoint.  I didn't attack your view or you directly.  Yet, your response to me was ONCE AGAIN condescending because you decided to point out that you define "dwell" the same way a dictionary does...  Um, ok? 

I don't understand why we can't all share our views on the matter without being rude to one another.  It's bizarre.  Seriously.  Re-read my initial response to you, Bark.  I in no way attacked you.  I shared my thoughts on why I don't believe dwelling on a prediction impacts it.  I even provided two personal examples.  You can be allowed to have your opinion, as I am allowed to have mine.  Since this is a FORUM, I voiced mine the way you did yours.  Making the decision to respond defensively doesn't make sense to me.  I'm sorry.

This is a valid, thought-provoking topic.  It'd be nice to hear everyone's opinions without it becoming an argument, but that's never possible here when certain people are involved... and this includes you.  Instead of always pointing fingers, look at your own role in this.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2014, 12:09:49 AM »
Clearly, either you are willing to forgive, overlook or you did not read Truth's comments to me.

I don't insult people for fun. I do bring their attention to the inequities when I am under attack.  This place is pure venom at times.  I'll leave you all to revel in your delight and move to another forum.

Bark, why do you do this?  We can all disagree.  It's healthy.  But you never once accept your role in the turn our conversations take.  Why can't you, for once, see that, yes, it's possible to infer the tone in what you've written.  When you end a post with "try it", it DOES come off as condescending!  Instead of getting defensive and act as if you're being victimized (which you ALWAYS end up doing), just take a moment to accept that we all have differing takes on the matter.  Re-read my initial response to you.  It was in NO WAY agressive.  I stated why I don't think mindset regarding predictions has an impact on whether the predictions manifest or not.  I was offering a differing viewpoint.  I didn't attack your view or you directly.  Yet, your response to me was ONCE AGAIN condescending because you decided to point out that you define "dwell" the same way a dictionary does...  Um, ok? 

I don't understand why we can't all share our views on the matter without being rude to one another.  It's bizarre.  Seriously.  Re-read my initial response to you, Bark.  I in no way attacked you.  I shared my thoughts on why I don't believe dwelling on a prediction impacts it.  I even provided two personal examples.  You can be allowed to have your opinion, as I am allowed to have mine.  Since this is a FORUM, I voiced mine the way you did yours.  Making the decision to respond defensively doesn't make sense to me.  I'm sorry.

This is a valid, thought-provoking topic.  It'd be nice to hear everyone's opinions without it becoming an argument, but that's never possible here when certain people are involved... and this includes you.  Instead of always pointing fingers, look at your own role in this.

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #51 on: September 18, 2014, 01:11:28 AM »
All aboard the crazy train has arrived yet again! 

Truth, did you really expect that your post wouldn't be tore apart?  LOL.  If anyone post that psychics are wrong their post get shredded because the person doing the shredding doesn't want to read that PSYCHICS ARE 99.9% wrong!

There shouldn't be any "beef" with anyone, truth stated HIS experience and shouldn't be treated as though he can't read HIS native language. 

Maybe the other forum is the best fit for you Bark.  Maybe they will appreciate your pompous approach and insults because you are educated.

Dwell?  Hhhmmm, I think we all have read your post that named all of the readers you would never read with again, because you made a spread sheet consisting of predictions and failed predictions.  I don't know about you but the way I see is dwelling and WAITING on something to happen!  So before you go bat shit crazy here telling others what works, ask yourself did it work for you. 

My prediction is it did not work for you because you are still here, and now you have joined another forum and my prediction is that you are still searching, dwelling, whatever educated term you want to use, for that which you DWELL on to happen.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #52 on: September 18, 2014, 01:15:24 AM »
Dwelling doesn't mean dwelling on the particular person, - an ex or a new love, or an individual.  It means dwelling on that part of one's life. That it's not OK just as it is.  That one is anxiously awaiting some event that will improve the status quo. That life would be better if just this one thing that psychics have predicted will happen, would happen.  That is what I mean by the term dwelling. It doesn't have to be 24/7, it's a notion that something needs to happen before contentment is achieved.

However, to each his own. Others' mileage may vary. Just saying it happened in my case.

No offense, but that is not what dwelling means. To dwell on something means that you focus on it a lot. What you are saying is that you feel some clients are not okay with one aspect of their life, which can sometimes hold back the universe from manifesting these positive predictions. Is it possible? Sure. Do I think it is the case for most clients, no. I just think a lot of readers are wrong for one reason or another.

Basically, what you are saying is that people should be 100 percent content with their life in order for some positive predictions to happen. I don't know how you can even "try it" as you suggest.

ETA: Also, not everyone is looking for "positive" things to happen. Some just want insight into what may happen, whether it is favorable or not. How does my contentment affect negative predictions, in your opinion?

Offline melancholia

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #53 on: September 18, 2014, 01:49:51 AM »
I'm going to say this, and I want to be clear that I'm not trying to be rude, but I can pretty much guarantee it will be taken that way.

Yes. I spent plenty of time considering that possibility. I, along with many others on here I'm sure, have been doing this dance for about seven years now. Here's the bottom line: there is no evidence to support psychic ability. None. Any experiments - proper experiments, mind you - that have been done have not been able to produce reliable evidence supporting the existence of psychic abilities - certainly not ones that operate "on demand." However, there have been loads of studies and experiments done that show these so-called psychics are able to use psychological tricks to convince you they know what's happening, even making predictions that seem like they apply to you when in reality they could apply to anyone.

Have you ever heard a song on the radio and thought, "My God, these lyrics just speak to me perfectly! The artist must have gone through exactly what I've been through!" Nine times out of ten, no. They haven't. They wrote those lyrics with a completely different intent in mind. But you're hearing them and applying them to you and your situation almost automatically because that's what the human ego is designed to do. We're all breathtakingly self-centered creatures instinctually, no matter how hard we might try to be selfless. We instinctually make things that are otherwise unrelated relevant to ourselves.

It's the same principle with these "psychics" and it's why you really need to just stop before you drive yourself mad...or at the very least, stop arguing with the people who have moved on and trying to encourage them to rethink their newfound decision to stop calling. 

I can't even bear to read the rest of the thread. It looked like it already devolved into a ton of arguments again.

Have you ever given thought to the possibility that perhaps the inconsequential, the insignificant predictions manifest and not the big, significant ones because you're not dwelling on the insignificant predictions?  Try it.
congrats diva! that is awesommmeeeee

i agree with what you guys are saying. after being let down for about 10 years, at points spending THOUSANDS of dollars when i am upset about someone/something (and calling several people a day), i have had way too many bad experiences to ever justify the small amount of good ones. even when a psychic has been right it's usually something current, or random, and on top of that - small and irrelevant.

i also agree with and belive in the Law of Attraction. and usually, when psychics end up being right it's because we've created it in our own heart and minds, therefore it comes into reality. this doesn't usually mean it involves other people (meaning our ex's we want to come back) because you can't control others. however, you can create situations and experiences to your life.

at some point you have to look back at the pages of notes, or multiple voice files from calls, and the amount of money you spend and realize that it's not worth it. it creates anxiety, false hope and just drains your bank account and most of all, happiness.

let's help each other be strong. if it's one thing i've learned from this forum - i'm not alone.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #54 on: September 18, 2014, 01:53:37 AM »
I'm going to say this, and I want to be clear that I'm not trying to be rude, but I can pretty much guarantee it will be taken that way.

Yes. I spent plenty of time considering that possibility. I, along with many others on here I'm sure, have been doing this dance for about seven years now. Here's the bottom line: there is no evidence to support psychic ability. None. Any experiments - proper experiments, mind you - that have been done have not been able to produce reliable evidence supporting the existence of psychic abilities - certainly not ones that operate "on demand." However, there have been loads of studies and experiments done that show these so-called psychics are able to use psychological tricks to convince you they know what's happening, even making predictions that seem like they apply to you when in reality they could apply to anyone.

Have you ever heard a song on the radio and thought, "My God, these lyrics just speak to me perfectly! The artist must have gone through exactly what I've been through!" Nine times out of ten, no. They haven't. They wrote those lyrics with a completely different intent in mind. But you're hearing them and applying them to you and your situation almost automatically because that's what the human ego is designed to do. We're all breathtakingly self-centered creatures instinctually, no matter how hard we might try to be selfless. We instinctually make things that are otherwise unrelated relevant to ourselves.

It's the same principle with these "psychics" and it's why you really need to just stop before you drive yourself mad...or at the very least, stop arguing with the people who have moved on and trying to encourage them to rethink their newfound decision to stop calling. 

I can't even bear to read the rest of the thread. It looked like it already devolved into a ton of arguments again.

Have you ever given thought to the possibility that perhaps the inconsequential, the insignificant predictions manifest and not the big, significant ones because you're not dwelling on the insignificant predictions?  Try it.
congrats diva! that is awesommmeeeee

i agree with what you guys are saying. after being let down for about 10 years, at points spending THOUSANDS of dollars when i am upset about someone/something (and calling several people a day), i have had way too many bad experiences to ever justify the small amount of good ones. even when a psychic has been right it's usually something current, or random, and on top of that - small and irrelevant.

i also agree with and belive in the Law of Attraction. and usually, when psychics end up being right it's because we've created it in our own heart and minds, therefore it comes into reality. this doesn't usually mean it involves other people (meaning our ex's we want to come back) because you can't control others. however, you can create situations and experiences to your life.

at some point you have to look back at the pages of notes, or multiple voice files from calls, and the amount of money you spend and realize that it's not worth it. it creates anxiety, false hope and just drains your bank account and most of all, happiness.

let's help each other be strong. if it's one thing i've learned from this forum - i'm not alone.

Smart observation. I'm one of those people that absolutely believes in psychic ability as I have had readers that have been right about some things. However, I don't think they are reliable when called on to perform on demand, which is how they often advertise their services. It is a little bittersweet, tbh.

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2014, 02:03:17 AM »
Bstalling, I feel the same way. I believe to an extent, and really want to continue believing. The issue is, however, that I think they pick up messages in a manner that may not be clear, and is therefore open to interpretation. That's when it gets fuzzy. Additionally, I do think this format (by phone) makes it even more difficult to interpret the messages. I can't imagine a "psychic" can sit on the phone connecting to all of these energies all day long and be accurate.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #56 on: September 18, 2014, 02:26:40 AM »
Why am I not surprised?  Kicking, think what you will - you know nothing of what has occurred in my situation.  By the way, I joined another forum to get away from you a long time ago, for this very reason - you cannot resist jumping on the bandwagon.

And to correct you, I am not here posting each week - I haven't posted here or anywhere for ages.  I received a notification that I had PM messages, and came to read them.  When I WAS (note the use of past tense) getting readings I did keep a record of my readings.  Sure, I did.  Who doesn't? ... you certainly kept notes. 

Finally, you have no idea what is going on in my life and that is the way I like it.  You can think what you wish but you will only ever be guessing!
All aboard the crazy train has arrived yet again! 

Truth, did you really expect that your post wouldn't be tore apart?  LOL.  If anyone post that psychics are wrong their post get shredded because the person doing the shredding doesn't want to read that PSYCHICS ARE 99.9% wrong!

There shouldn't be any "beef" with anyone, truth stated HIS experience and shouldn't be treated as though he can't read HIS native language. 

Maybe the other forum is the best fit for you Bark.  Maybe they will appreciate your pompous approach and insults because you are educated.

Dwell?  Hhhmmm, I think we all have read your post that named all of the readers you would never read with again, because you made a spread sheet consisting of predictions and failed predictions.  I don't know about you but the way I see is dwelling and WAITING on something to happen!  So before you go bat shit crazy here telling others what works, ask yourself did it work for you. 

My prediction is it did not work for you because you are still here, and now you have joined another forum and my prediction is that you are still searching, dwelling, whatever educated term you want to use, for that which you DWELL on to happen.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #57 on: September 18, 2014, 02:42:10 AM »
bstalling -
I am not going to go back and forth with you on what dwelling means.  Let me settle it by pasting the most common American definition here.

verb (used without object), dwelt or dwelled, dwelling. 

1. to live or stay as a permanent resident; reside.
2. to live or continue in a given condition or state:
"to dwell in happiness."
3. to linger over, emphasize, or ponder in thought, speech, or writing (often followed by on or upon):
There we go, as you can see I was defining the term correctly. I was simply saying (note that I was saying, not ordering, demanding, dictating as some would be inclined to suggest) that perhaps the Universe rewards us when we are content with our lives and not in search mode for something that we regard as missing.   Making the best of the blessings we have already.  Now don't punish me for that message, because they are not my words.  I was simply paraphrasing. And before Kicking and her entourage try to accuse me of supporting psychics, let me say that they don't come from a psychic or a manual on paranormal activity- take a look in any temple, church or place of worship and you'll hear that sentiment repeated over and over again.

Quote from: bstalling link topic=1169.msg20832#msg20832 date=1411002924
Dwelling doesn't mean dwelling on the particular person, - an ex or a new love, or an individual.  It means dwelling on that part of one's life. That it's not OK just as it is.  That one is anxiously awaiting some event that will improve the status quo. That life would be better if just this one thing that psychics have predicted will happen, would happen.  That is what I mean by the term dwelling. It doesn't have to be 24/7, it's a notion that something needs to happen before contentment is achieved.

However, to each his own. Others' mileage may vary. Just saying it happened in my case.

No offense, but that is not what dwelling means. To dwell on something means that you focus on it a lot. What you are saying is that you feel some clients are not okay with one aspect of their life, which can sometimes hold back the universe from manifesting these positive predictions. Is it possible? Sure. Do I think it is the case for most clients, no. I just think a lot of readers are wrong for one reason or another.

Basically, what you are saying is that people should be 100 percent content with their life in order for some positive predictions to happen. I don't know how you can even "try it" as you suggest.

ETA: Also, not everyone is looking for "positive" things to happen. Some just want insight into what may happen, whether it is favorable or not. How does my contentment affect negative predictions, in your opinion?

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #58 on: September 18, 2014, 02:46:52 AM »
JFC, stop. If you joined another forum and only come back to check PMs, grats to you and please stop arguing pretty much all of the time. Why even respond? You already said you joined another forum to get away from Le Drama, so why keep perpetuating it? It makes no sense.

Why am I not surprised?  Kicking, think what you will - you know nothing of what has occurred in my situation.  By the way, I joined another forum to get away from you a long time ago, for this very reason - you cannot resist jumping on the bandwagon.

And to correct you, I am not here posting each week - I haven't posted here or anywhere for ages.  I received a notification that I had PM messages, and came to read them.  When I WAS (note the use of past tense) getting readings I did keep a record of my readings.  Sure, I did.  Who doesn't? ... you certainly kept notes. 

Finally, you have no idea what is going on in my life and that is the way I like it.  You can think what you wish but you will only ever be guessing!
All aboard the crazy train has arrived yet again! 

Truth, did you really expect that your post wouldn't be tore apart?  LOL.  If anyone post that psychics are wrong their post get shredded because the person doing the shredding doesn't want to read that PSYCHICS ARE 99.9% wrong!

There shouldn't be any "beef" with anyone, truth stated HIS experience and shouldn't be treated as though he can't read HIS native language. 

Maybe the other forum is the best fit for you Bark.  Maybe they will appreciate your pompous approach and insults because you are educated.

Dwell?  Hhhmmm, I think we all have read your post that named all of the readers you would never read with again, because you made a spread sheet consisting of predictions and failed predictions.  I don't know about you but the way I see is dwelling and WAITING on something to happen!  So before you go bat shit crazy here telling others what works, ask yourself did it work for you. 

My prediction is it did not work for you because you are still here, and now you have joined another forum and my prediction is that you are still searching, dwelling, whatever educated term you want to use, for that which you DWELL on to happen.

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Re: Don't Put Your Faith in Psychics
« Reply #59 on: September 18, 2014, 02:52:32 AM »
bstalling -
I am not going to go back and forth with you on what dwelling means.  Let me settle it by pasting the most common American definition here.

verb (used without object), dwelt or dwelled, dwelling. 

1. to live or stay as a permanent resident; reside.
2. to live or continue in a given condition or state:
"to dwell in happiness."
3. to linger over, emphasize, or ponder in thought, speech, or writing (often followed by on or upon):
There we go, as you can see I was defining the term correctly. I was simply saying (note that I was saying, not ordering, demanding, dictating as some would be inclined to suggest) that perhaps the Universe rewards us when we are content with our lives and not in search mode for something that we regard as missing.   Making the best of the blessings we have already.  Now don't punish me for that message, because they are not my words.  I was simply paraphrasing. And before Kicking and her entourage try to accuse me of supporting psychics, let me say that they don't come from a psychic or a manual on paranormal activity- take a look in any temple, church or place of worship and you'll hear that sentiment repeated over and over again.

Quote from: bstalling link topic=1169.msg20832#msg20832 date=1411002924
Dwelling doesn't mean dwelling on the particular person, - an ex or a new love, or an individual.  It means dwelling on that part of one's life. That it's not OK just as it is.  That one is anxiously awaiting some event that will improve the status quo. That life would be better if just this one thing that psychics have predicted will happen, would happen.  That is what I mean by the term dwelling. It doesn't have to be 24/7, it's a notion that something needs to happen before contentment is achieved.

However, to each his own. Others' mileage may vary. Just saying it happened in my case.

No offense, but that is not what dwelling means. To dwell on something means that you focus on it a lot. What you are saying is that you feel some clients are not okay with one aspect of their life, which can sometimes hold back the universe from manifesting these positive predictions. Is it possible? Sure. Do I think it is the case for most clients, no. I just think a lot of readers are wrong for one reason or another.

Basically, what you are saying is that people should be 100 percent content with their life in order for some positive predictions to happen. I don't know how you can even "try it" as you suggest.

ETA: Also, not everyone is looking for "positive" things to happen. Some just want insight into what may happen, whether it is favorable or not. How does my contentment affect negative predictions, in your opinion?

..and you used a different definition in your past post to negate the very valid command of the word in my initial post. You basically said dwelling means you are discontent about something in your life. Am I wrong? Go read if you don't remember.

Instead of being agitated, do you care to comment on the rest of my post?