I started reading with Dawn Maree last year, up until January, for maybe 6 months. She has a real gift, but most of her predictions were wrong (job and relationship). For awhile everything was supposed to happen in "3 weeks" and then she started extending the timelines out more or not giving one. Then she started saying things could go either way and I would know by February which way it would go. It depressed me because I knew without a doubt which way it would go, and it has, but she had already been telling me for months it would go the other way. Her explanations made perfect sense and still do, but I feel like she should have known about that sooner and not dragged me along with false hope.
What really annoyed me though is she kept grandstanding during the readings to talk about herself. I overlooked it for awhile because she was so kind and she was accurate about some things. If I kept it short it was okay. But when I started having longer readings with her, it got worse. If I asked a job question she would go on and on about how she started doing readings and how much she enjoyed being able to do that as her job now. If I said something about my mother then her mother was like that too. If I asked about a relationship then she said she was in the same situation...but hey, I was not asking about anyone who is married.
I don't feel good about taking advice from a reader who is waiting on a man to leave his wife - not that I judge her morals - I just felt like that made her prone to giving out fairytales and false hope.
And then she started going on and on about Mercury retrograde, and I didn't mind the first time she made that point, but it started getting really repetitive. I was asking a really specific question, which I guess she couldn't answer, and I didn't want to hear anymore about Mercury retro. I felt like my money was wasted, not to mention all the other times I put up with her talking about herself, but that time I left her a 3 star rating for it. And she blocked me.