Author Topic: Everyone was wrong - except 1  (Read 11729 times)

Offline Truth

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Everyone was wrong - except 1
« on: March 21, 2013, 02:37:10 AM »
okay. some of you know i had a matter come up last week that would have a finality this week. this was a very black and white situation, with a YES or NO answer. there was no free will involved, no emotions involved. it was a very logical situation.

first thing was, i was calling an advisor last week to check in on some stuff and i decided to just throw this out for fun. she mentioned the outcome would be a certain way. i thought - there is no way. i KNEW in my heart the situation would turn out differently than she said. however, she had me intrigued (as well as made me second-guess my own gut) so i decided to ask some others. basically, i was setting up a test because i knew i would have an answer in a short amount of time and i wanted to see who was right/wrong. well, mostly everyone was saying the same thing so i got really nervous. i wanted the outcome to be the other way, the way i really KNEW it was going to go down. however, all of these readers told me it would play out 1 particular way.

the ones who were wrong:
Mystic Raven11, NorthStarJulie, Lady Persephone, Sweetheart-Tarot, WhiteLightAngel and Lakhei Tarot

the 1 person who was right:
Tarot with Jane

now, Jane could have been lucky, but everyone else was pretty sure the situation would work out in a very specific way. this has nothing to do with love. or employment. or money. or any of that stuff we normally call about. most of these the readers tell us that it's free will getting in the way. well, there is no way in this case. trust me.

i'm really upset because a few of the people i listed above were literally my go-tos. i have used them for a long period of time and they have gotten NUMEROUS things correct for me (that would be Raven, Julie and Lady P). however, there were VERY wrong here. i'm so shocked!

i guess it goes to show that a lot of this can really go either way even when it's not free will, and sometimes we pay a lot of money and put our trust in people when we really should listen to ourselves. i for one, was really upset and nervous that the situation was going to play out the way all of these readers said. i was filled with so much doubt and anxiety. luckily they were wrong.

i guess i could say "i" was also correct in this situation. so.. that makes 2 right people. :)

Offline oben

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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2013, 02:45:14 AM »
I am sorry to hear something did not happen the way you were looking for, Truth. Just wanted to say something, which is my own personal opinion, I never bought that "free will" bs. I think, my definition of a psychic who can see and predict the future is someone who can really see what one will do, so basically can see what their free will, will be. If some one is going to predict something and when that does not pan out blame it on the free will, to me it is not a psychic reading, it is more of a smart guessing or smart reading into a situation...

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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2013, 03:44:14 AM »
hi oben
actually it worked out EXACTLY the way i wanted and expected. it's the readers that said the opposite.

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2013, 04:33:42 AM »

Thank you for sharing with everyone and I appreciate you being honest with your review considering 3 of your go-to's were also wrong. I can only imagine how shocked that not even 1 of the 3 were correct. Reading this I can relate to your frustration and the anxiety you were feeling.  Thank you because this is a real eye-opener.  :o

Hugs and smooches babe!


Offline hope4love

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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2013, 05:40:50 AM »
I've had this happen to me and it just reinforces my belief that your own gut knows best.
I did read on one psychic's blog that when you intuitively know the outcome of a situation then often times, the reader(s) will give the opposite take. Why?
Apparently your intuition supposedly overrides the psychic take and getting an opposite take is supposed to make you listen to your gut.

I'm not sure if I buy that theory lock, stock and barrel but it has happened to me enough times to make me think there is some truth to it.
And yeah, maybe one reader will gauge the situation accurately and confirm your gut and yes, even your most trusted readers can be dead wrong about something. (I've had that happen to me too)

And sometimes we're just not meant to know the outcome of a situation. 

Offline oben

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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2013, 05:53:03 AM »
Perfectamente then Truth  8)

Offline Zenia

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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2013, 10:05:19 AM »
I've had this happen to me and it just reinforces my belief that your own gut knows best.
I did read on one psychic's blog that when you intuitively know the outcome of a situation then often times, the reader(s) will give the opposite take. Why?
Apparently your intuition supposedly overrides the psychic take and getting an opposite take is supposed to make you listen to your gut.

I'm not sure if I buy that theory lock, stock and barrel but it has happened to me enough times to make me think there is some truth to it.
And yeah, maybe one reader will gauge the situation accurately and confirm your gut and yes, even your most trusted readers can be dead wrong about something. (I've had that happen to me too)

And sometimes we're just not meant to know the outcome of a situation.
There is something in my opinion.I has happened to me also.IF you intuition is strong about something is overrides the readings so you get the opposite take on the situation.
I dont know if the universe plays a part in this,to teach you something.
But it sure has happened to me!

In one question i had i KNEW there was a third party involved,and ALL readers,told me i was wrong.That almost caused me to delete at least 5 good,solid,favourite from my list.I was devastated.After all it was my trusted readers..

Offline Zenia

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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2013, 10:06:39 AM »
@Truth: I am so sorry to hear this,and i know how you feel.The next time i am sure you will listen to your intuition:)


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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2013, 02:58:11 PM »
These are exactly the stories that keep me from calling!

Thank goodness i've become so disenchanted with it all...

I had one recently tell me that my ex from last year - the one i called so much about - was coming back in April...I laughed hysterically and hung up...

Thanks for sharing Truth!  :D

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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2013, 03:55:46 PM »
Truth, thanks for sharing your experience with us.  I really appreciate it because it sounds like this was a cut and dry/ yes or no situation that wouldn't lend itself to variance.  I think there is no excusing these readers for being wrong.  They're just plain wrong.  It is what it is.

Why do we keep calling?  I think this is the most important question we need to ask ourselves at this point.  Look through the forum. I've been on here awhile, and besides my own experiences and disappointments, I've seen many people come and go and I can't recall one who has reconciled with an ex that was predicted to return.  NOT ONE.  We do see small middle predictions manifest.  Stuff like contact, communication, etc... but none of the big, positive final outcome predictions.  NONE.  Shouldn't that tell us something?  How long are we willing to wait and be on hold emotionally?  I know that I continue calling because sometimes I'm bored, or I need to hear some good news because reality just isn't going the way I'd like it to go.  Or I call because my friends just don't want to hear me complain about a guy they think I shouldn't be hung up on. What's the point of doing that? 

I ask myself these questions everyday, and I really don't have an answer.  So, the calls and chats continue.  I keep trying new readers.  But how much longer will we keep torturing ourselves?

It's best to get the readings about the small stuff... will I get contact?  Will I see this person?  Will they respond favorably if I initiate contact?  But other than that, I think it's dangerous to keep asking if someone will return.  These readings end up stripping us of too much power.  If you want to call someone, call them.  If you want to ask them what the heck went wrong, ask them.  We are human beings who were blessed with the ability to communicate, and for some reason (whether it be pride or fear), we decide not to use that gift as often as we should.  Seeking answers in real life is better than seeking answers from a psychic. 

Maybe this post will end up coming off hypocritical because you all know I'll probably keep calling about every little detail, but we really need to stop and take a look at how much power we've taken away from ourselves and have handed over to these strangers at the other end of the line or on the other side of the computer.  It's not ok. 

Offline Awesomeness

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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2013, 04:05:33 PM »
I've had this happen to me and it just reinforces my belief that your own gut knows best.
I did read on one psychic's blog that when you intuitively know the outcome of a situation then often times, the reader(s) will give the opposite take. Why?
Apparently your intuition supposedly overrides the psychic take and getting an opposite take is supposed to make you listen to your gut.

I'm not sure if I buy that theory lock, stock and barrel but it has happened to me enough times to make me think there is some truth to it.
And yeah, maybe one reader will gauge the situation accurately and confirm your gut and yes, even your most trusted readers can be dead wrong about something. (I've had that happen to me too)

And sometimes we're just not meant to know the outcome of a situation.

This makes so much sense. More often than not, my gut is right, and when a reader tells me something contradictory to my own intuition, it just feels wrong. And it's not a wishful just KNOW they are wrong.

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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2013, 04:15:02 PM »
i'm glad i was able to help out and review my experience and you guys can understand. i totally agree with some of you in your responses. esp with Synergy when she brings up the question of why we keep calling. i've gone through a similar situation multiple times in the past - readers tell me something, it doesn't turn out to be true and after a while i've had enough and stop calling. however, i always end up using psychics again.

i wonder if this type of psychic connection is wrong. it's like a "fast food" type of reading we get where we can call and just get answers, and the psychic is just sitting by the phone waiting for calls. it's quick and easy. we are out 30, 50, 100 bucks. i know i'm just generalizing, but the point is how can readers really expect to give constant accurate predictions (even if they are legit) if it's just one call after another?


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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2013, 07:52:03 PM »
Thank for the post Truth. Only one reader got it right....amazing.

We see this time and time again on the one getting it right in the end or just one odd reader that somehow tuned in. If we all look deep down, I think we can determine why we still call. For me, its just simply a lack of confidence in life. Too many things not going our way..feeling like we don't have the power to get where we want to go...and hoping that a stranger on the other end of the line can guide us with their divine gifts. Another big reason is just boredom...I mean, I have pretty much found me trusted few. Why keep trying new readers? I promised myself I would get my last few reads in this month and move on from the psychic world. Lets see if I can honor myself. lol

Offline hope4love

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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2013, 05:34:31 AM »
Yes, when something feels wrong to you intuitively, then your feelings are accurate.
I hate it when readers try to dismiss my intuition because their psychic take is correct. Hooey!  >:(

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Re: Everyone was wrong - except 1
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2014, 04:33:46 PM »
Interesting. I also think that these people are not a curate on everything. I will look into tarot Jane - thanks.