Some updates on the "persian" again :)As i told you,something about her readings caught me,even though her prize is insane.
While she promised a lot for me,money,amazing success,love and so on,only one part of this has manifested.
But this is the most important part.
Reading 1-Told me the one i have in mind,would contact again,and things move forward,reunion,messages and so on.Timeframe:28th Feb to 14th april.Correct.Contact 2 times within this timeframe.Last time today.
Reading 2-(1 month ago)Told me he would surprice me with something.Accurate.It happened.
Reading 3(yesterday)Told me messages and communication,and a very special developement before mid May.
This has yet to be manifested,but i was surpriced by our second meeting today.I ran into him accidentally and the meeting was indeed positive.
However,i know theres a long road ahead.But i have to give her credit for correct predictions.
She keeps raising her rate.And its waaaaay beyond what i normally would have accepted as reasonable to pay.Her feedback is stunning.It cant all be false.Fraud?Maybe,but she sure hits on something.Guesswork?I cant tell.
But if she guesses this good,it might be worth paying for