Author Topic: JOEANA  (Read 54318 times)

Offline wishfulthinker

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« Reply #75 on: March 27, 2013, 10:12:39 PM »
Thanks so much ladies for your thoughtful replies.  I am requesting another sign - maybe something more specific.

Offline Zenia

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« Reply #76 on: March 28, 2013, 12:21:24 PM »
So intresting this with signs,can we open another tread about the topic?

Offline wishfulthinker

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« Reply #77 on: March 28, 2013, 07:08:27 PM »
Ok guys, This is sorta freaking me out.  I posted yesterday about seeing the red bird at my window @ 10:00 at night after I had asked for a sign if I was on the right path with this man.
I asked the universe yesterday to send a red bird again.  Because I am apparently dense. Lol
This morning I was pouring my bath and sat on my bed for a moment looking through mail, and guess what?  A little red bird appeared at my french doors and sat there for a moment.
Ok.  Thoughts anyone.  I live in an area where spring is very late coming this year.  We just got 6 inches of snow this past Sunday/Monday.
Not really seeing birds as of yet.
@Zenia - Maybe we should start a new thread.

Offline Bark angel

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« Reply #78 on: March 28, 2013, 07:46:34 PM »
Was the bird a cardinal?


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« Reply #79 on: March 28, 2013, 08:13:27 PM »
Birds are spiritual signs. They bring messages. Even in the bible they are used a lot.

It depends on the question you are asking. For example ask 'if am on the right with so and so show me with a bird? Something like that.

Birds are very spiritual messengers @zenia a thread on this would be nice.

Offline Zenia

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« Reply #80 on: March 29, 2013, 10:32:36 AM »
Since i am probably her client on here,that has been using her for the longest time,i will share some of my views on her,and hopefully that my help you.
I hear you are frustrated about her timing.She cant do timing in my experience,and i have yet to find someone on Keen that does this(.Except Lakhei and Sweetheart tarot that uses cards,and where i myself ask them to lay out cards for a specific time.)

So when she says "soon",or "a month or two",that is nothing to rely upon.

She told me something like that 4 years ago,and it has yet to manifest..Her timing has never been accurate,things have taken longer than expected,and something has yet to transpire.And it might never ...She is not a 100% psychic.Her strength is remove viewing,which she does exceptionally well compared to others on Keen.(cookie for instance,,imo)

So far my main topic in all these years,have been for a lover to return,which she has never wavered from that he will do.Now we are friends again after a 2 years period of separation.She has given me tonns of accurate insighs on him,which she NEVER could have guessed.This is an extraordinary complicated person with lots of drama in his life.I far as i can verify she has been on top of everything going on.
That said,i cant confirm everything.I am not a fly on his wall,and can tell whats going on behind his walls,,and with other women.

She has gotten some other predictions correct,but as i said,the latest year when i started to be intrested in other men,she was surpricingly inconsistant on them.Perhaps the energy from me wasnt strong enought for any of them..and the reading became vauge.

Most of all she is a wonderful support for me,and a person to lean on.She is gifted,dont mind she uses the same frazes.What would you have done if you were a reader with 10 cliens a day year after year?Come up with new terms everytime?Be reasonable.

So conclution:Dont be caught up in timeframes.This isnt the one in a million reader that we finally found that can do timing.But as final outcomes goes,she has been better than most.

Offline angelina66

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« Reply #81 on: March 29, 2013, 12:57:14 PM »
Just readw Joeana. Started out w rollercoaster, karmic tie, etc
 Very generic and way OFF for me. Sorry gals.


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« Reply #82 on: March 29, 2013, 04:26:07 PM »
Just readw Joeana. Started out w rollercoaster, karmic tie, etc
 Very generic and way OFF for me. Sorry gals.
oh no!! Well my own specific predictions are to unfold now to first week of may. I will give her a week or two extra before I post her failure unless she is sucessful. Will let you know if she is 'FOR ENTERTAINMENT ONLY' as advertised or if she is what we seek here which is the real thing.

She may connect to others but will let you know wether she is a fairy tale for ME.

Offline 1sweetday

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« Reply #83 on: March 30, 2013, 12:23:46 AM »
   This is my first time posting (I've been reading forum posts here since 2010), so please be patient with me and what I'm about to express.  The phrase "for entertainment purposes only" has been bandied about in an accusatory fashion for a the last few days and I feel compelled to add my two cents on the almost draconian standards to which inherently fluid things like time lines are being held to.  Any physicist will tell you that time does not move in a linear fashion, in fact they are looking into the possibilities that timelines run concurrently ( i.e the past exists at the same moment as the present and the future). 
   This is going to sound cheesy as all get out, but here goes:  I watch the show Once Upon a Time, and in a recent episode (called Manhattan) they touch on the topic of being able to see the future and knowing one's own destiny and how that shapes your actions.  One character has the opportunity to interact with and eventually gain the gifts of a seer; not to go into too much plot detail but this does not work out in quite the way it was desired to. The metaphor used to describe the ability is this: "Seeing the inevitable can be a terrible price" and  "That's the great trap. The future is like a puzzle, with missing pieces. Difficult to read and never, never what you think."  What I personally gleaned from this is that when we talk to any one of these physics, some who are genuine and some who are charlatans, even for those who are truly gifted, for every person they are talking to, they are getting flashes of many puzzle pieces within that moment, that reality we are in right at that moment.  Let's say that at that moment you are asking about a picture of a garden shed, and they are seeing a piece from a picture of a boat or a forest.
   I happened to be someone who thinks that free-will is not a load of bs, the actions and intentions of others can change in an instant and when we ask about them, readers (the real, honest ones any) can only give insight to what is going on right in that instant, unless you have a direct line into their consciousness it is nigh impossible to predict what other human beings are going to think/do in the future.  At best, and let me reiterate again that the honest ones will admit this to you up front, that when psychics give readings they are trying to piece together the puzzle; to discern between what can happen and what will. I've found that for me, the ones that have been right on the money admit that anything they predict can change based on my actions or the actions of others. 
   I realize that some have been burned by the frauds and have placed their hopes on predictions and have experienced the panic of doubt in those readers that we have come to trust, but I think that we should trust our instincts. We know when we've found someone we are able to connect with and when we've just been jerked around; we just need to learn be patient and try to understand the nature of a  reader's gift. They can show us the pieces that they can see and tell us what path we are on in that moment and where it might take us. But, everything is fluid, nothing set in stone.  Ultimately we do have a hand in shaping our futures and we need to own up to that and not get angry or frustrated when we want immediate answers.  Thanks for indulging my mini dissertation.  I hope everyone has a good Easter weekend and check out the show... the guy who plays Captain Hook is ridiculously hot.

Offline Awesomeness

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« Reply #84 on: March 30, 2013, 01:37:43 AM »
Regarding free will and how it changes outcomes, this is why I think, with relationship stuff especially, it's VERY important to stop and think about every action we are planning to take. Should I text him? What do I say? Do I tell him off or do I be gentle with him? Do I wait for him to text me? What if he's doing the same thing?? Should I tell his friend I'm dating someone and see how he reacts????

No knee jerk decisions. Sit on it. If it still feels right, especially if you get a very happy feeling in your gut from it, go for it.

You could screw everything up with a rash decision. The prediction you got was based on your acting rationally. ;)


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« Reply #85 on: March 30, 2013, 02:00:25 AM »
   This is my first time posting (I've been reading forum posts here since 2010), so please be patient with me and what I'm about to express.  The phrase "for entertainment purposes only" has been bandied about in an accusatory fashion for a the last few days and I feel compelled to add my two cents on the almost draconian standards to which inherently fluid things like time lines are being held to.  Any physicist will tell you that time does not move in a linear fashion, in fact they are looking into the possibilities that timelines run concurrently ( i.e the past exists at the same moment as the present and the future). 
   This is going to sound cheesy as all get out, but here goes:  I watch the show Once Upon a Time, and in a recent episode (called Manhattan) they touch on the topic of being able to see the future and knowing one's own destiny and how that shapes your actions.  One character has the opportunity to interact with and eventually gain the gifts of a seer; not to go into too much plot detail but this does not work out in quite the way it was desired to. The metaphor used to describe the ability is this: "Seeing the inevitable can be a terrible price" and  "That's the great trap. The future is like a puzzle, with missing pieces. Difficult to read and never, never what you think."  What I personally gleaned from this is that when we talk to any one of these physics, some who are genuine and some who are charlatans, even for those who are truly gifted, for every person they are talking to, they are getting flashes of many puzzle pieces within that moment, that reality we are in right at that moment.  Let's say that at that moment you are asking about a picture of a garden shed, and they are seeing a piece from a picture of a boat or a forest.
   I happened to be someone who thinks that free-will is not a load of bs, the actions and intentions of others can change in an instant and when we ask about them, readers (the real, honest ones any) can only give insight to what is going on right in that instant, unless you have a direct line into their consciousness it is nigh impossible to predict what other human beings are going to think/do in the future.  At best, and let me reiterate again that the honest ones will admit this to you up front, that when psychics give readings they are trying to piece together the puzzle; to discern between what can happen and what will. I've found that for me, the ones that have been right on the money admit that anything they predict can change based on my actions or the actions of others. 
   I realize that some have been burned by the frauds and have placed their hopes on predictions and have experienced the panic of doubt in those readers that we have come to trust, but I think that we should trust our instincts. We know when we've found someone we are able to connect with and when we've just been jerked around; we just need to learn be patient and try to understand the nature of a  reader's gift. They can show us the pieces that they can see and tell us what path we are on in that moment and where it might take us. But, everything is fluid, nothing set in stone.  Ultimately we do have a hand in shaping our futures and we need to own up to that and not get angry or frustrated when we want immediate answers.  Thanks for indulging my mini dissertation.  I hope everyone has a good Easter weekend and check out the show... the guy who plays Captain Hook is ridiculously hot.

Welcome to the board. But I'm not buying that "nothing is set in stone" hoopla that psychics like spouting  when they are wrong. Things can change course...but usually there is a course that is unmoved and a good psychic should be able to see with certainty where things are going. I really doubt when a psychic tells me "Yes, you will get in a serious relationship with that guy"..and two months later he marries some chick he met months ago....I highly doubt that things can just change so fast like that.

Ultimately, the psychic was wrong...wrong because she couldnt see the whole picture...not because "Oh, things changed". You stated in your post that they see the puzzle and may not get all the pieces correct. I think this is the problem with incorrect predictions. They really don't know...especially about the big stuff.


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« Reply #86 on: March 30, 2013, 02:04:41 AM »
Life isn't like water. Things just cant change instantly like that. It really burns me that psychics go to their old
"free will" standby. If life were so fluid, we wouldnt really be living. And if life were so fluid, why are there no equal good endings to most of the posters on here. About 90 percent have been wrong on the big stuff.


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« Reply #87 on: March 30, 2013, 02:42:03 AM »
Hi 1sweetday,

Since there are they real ones and the charlatans.

1) How are we to know the real ones since some find ways to get info to 'wow' us but predictions never come?

2) How long are we to have patience as some callers have been waiting for their predictions for more than 3 yrs?

3) How do we protect our money, should we read with a reader once and then wait for the prediction to happen before we go again?.

4) Since will power exists, is there a need then for psychic readings or should we read with a psychic once a day as things are 'fluid' and can change constantly, even daily?

4) Do you think that with this 'fluid' theory that it opens callers up for fraud as the psychic can always say that 'fliudity or will power changes'?

5)If for example you ask a reader if you will get a job(any job) and they say next month, is it okay that I get a job two years later?. Is the reader still right and was I a good understanding caller for being patient?

5) How do callers protect their hard earned money?

6)How do callers protect their hard earned money?



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« Reply #88 on: March 30, 2013, 03:00:04 AM »
I have seen psychics and they surpass this will power BS.

They will tell you an outcome and it will remain the same. When you ask if it will change they will tell you 'no' but your stubborness may prolong it but you will arrive at that outcome.

My dear I have seen powerful people. Its just that I cant go to them right now.

Take jonah in the bible God sent him somewhere and he refused to go and tried to escape but at the end he still went albeit inside a fish. Lol

If I tell you what kind of psychics I have seen in my life  you will know that this will power thing is pure BS.

There are people that sees your different directions and your ultimate outcome.


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« Reply #89 on: March 30, 2013, 03:12:08 AM »
Ok people.

Go for an interview come out and then ask if you will get that job.

Get ready , major confusion coming why? Because there is no space for will power, no excuse.

Guesswork comes into play. Some will say yes, some no, some will give percentage (huh?), some will go around the question never really answering.

This is bulls+++,  that's why a reader's livelihood and business depends on relationship matters because they have that clause of 'will power and 'fluidity'.

Don't believe them people.

