Author Topic: JOEANA  (Read 54293 times)

Offline sarahkw

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« Reply #30 on: March 17, 2013, 04:25:05 AM »
I too decided to have a reading with her based on some of the reviews here.

I won't give details for obvious reasons but what she picked up by just my name was absolutely phenomenal. I loved her delivery as well - I felt so comfortable talking to her and the rest of the day seemed to just unfold peacefully, if that makes sense.

I will give one bigger details from the reading though. She said she saw me with a pen that was very busy. I write, not just for a living but as my passion.

Her predictions are a bit in the future and seem realistic. What she said about the present and the people involved was bang on.

One prediction may have actually come to pass, now that I'm thinking about it. She told me not to get hung up on an attractive man that was either engaged or married. I volunteered with a man the other night who was gorgeous, charismatic, so great with the patients, ridiculously talented.... He was the perfect man as far as I was concerned and I was smitten. But he WAS married and that's obviously something I'm keeping way way away from. Besides, I'm moving and will most likely never see him again. :)


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« Reply #31 on: March 17, 2013, 03:03:08 PM »
Sarahhw have you read with pilar from cp before?. Since you are moving that would fall right in with her 'moving' script. Lol

Am just being mischevious and silly today Lol.

Have a peaceful and happy sunday everyone.

Offline guesswho

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« Reply #32 on: March 22, 2013, 11:46:31 AM »
I had a reading with Joeana a couple of days ago and she was excellent.  I have not been that impressed with a reader in a very long time.  All I said was my name and she took off.  She picked up on something major that no other reader has.  Everything she told me about the past and present was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!

Her predictions weren't overly positive or doom and gloom.  I like that she was very realistic and I didn't have to give her any information.  She knew what was going on with me and what I was interested in talking about.  I also like that she didn't go off on telling me that I'm a healer and past lives, blah blah blah.  It was just straight-forward information.

One interesting thing is that she was able to get the physical characteristics of people.  I was quite impressed with that.  She even called someone "unfortunate looking".  LOL

Offline Awesomeness

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« Reply #33 on: March 22, 2013, 12:48:20 PM »
Unfortunate looking..lmao!!! That's great!

Offline sarahkw

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« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2013, 03:54:00 PM »
I wanted to 'finish' my reading with Joeana from several days ago and so I went ahead and got in line for a callback.

Again, without sharing too many details, she was fantastic. When I gave her my name she said 'Oh! Sarah the (my profession)! I spoke with you several days ago about..." I am 100% sure I didn't tell her my profession in our last reading and its not a common one. She also proceeded to tell me what I'd be doing later that day which was definitely not something in my every day routine.

It'll be a while before I'll know how her predictions go, but she didn't paint a fairy tale. She was realistic and we talked a lot about karmic connections and what she said seemed to make a lot of sense.

For the question about does she keep notes - I don't think so. About halfway into our reading she said 'you asked me about someone. Their name starts with a J but I read with so many people I can't always remember.'

Offline Awesomeness

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« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2013, 06:19:59 PM »
Has any reader admitted to keeping notes? Do you know how many times I've heard that, "..but I read for so many people" line? Lol


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« Reply #36 on: March 23, 2013, 07:04:09 PM »
Has any reader admitted to keeping notes? Do you know how many times I've heard that, "..but I read for so many people" line? Lol
hye awesomness you are right. I trully believ that they keep some sort of notes but at this stage it doesn't even matter. I am no longer wowed by those things. I don't care if you remember me, I don't care if you tell me what I ate for dinner, I don't care if you tell me where I live. If I have said it somewhere, on any site, forum, chat room or to the reader I DON'T CARE!!. Everyone has what they want when they spend their money. For me I want FUTURE predictions.

Joeana's prediction should be coming up soon and I WILL let you guys know.

 cookie (spiritualist reader) told me once that other readers kept notes but that she never keeps notes. She said this on her own, I didn't ask her or think about it as of then but cookie turned out to be a scam artist to ME, who would see where I lived though she failed in some of her remote viewing thing but I was so blinded that I forgave that. She would see bits and pieces of things but outcome of what I called for NEVER happened while milking me out of thousands.

I had a reader email me to come for an UPDATE, are you kidding me?. Well I told her that I was still waiting for her previous prediction to come true.

Offline Awesomeness

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« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2013, 10:52:05 PM »
I don't care if they keep notes. But I hate when they ACT like they don't and give that stupid line.

Offline Scammedbykeen

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« Reply #38 on: March 24, 2013, 01:21:10 AM »
I think Joeana does keep notes. I remember one time I called her from my second account. I told her my name and she barely remembered me, but when I call her from the account I normally use she instantly came on the line said my name and went off into the reading.

Offline lotusflower

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« Reply #39 on: March 24, 2013, 04:03:13 AM »
ok I ended up reading with her.  She was general with me by starting out saying that i'm in a holding status in my personal life.  She asked "Is it about your relationship?". (shouldn't she know?) I said "No" Then asked me what's in my life that is on hold.  She didn't give me any wow factors that stand out.

I don't know what to say yet on the rest.  She did give me some future stuff, so I'm waiting on her accuracy on it.

I was on the phone around 10min.

Offline Awesomeness

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« Reply #40 on: March 24, 2013, 11:45:32 AM »
lol..holding status, unsteadiness in your life..


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« Reply #41 on: March 24, 2013, 12:57:53 PM »
*sigh*  Hope this joeana doesnt turn out to be a one hit wonder or turn out to be like cookie (spiritualist reader) who threw dust in everyone's eye with some circus tricks and some few predictions and by the time. The dust cleared she is a millionaire, we have lost thousands and outcomes are nowhere to be seen.

I know most of you are saying oh no here she goes again about cookie am sorry am getting over it. Am not as sore as I was when I first joined the forum and vented like crazy about her. Cookie hurt me really bad financially, spiritually and emotionally but am learning to forgive her and move on.

With joeana I will not read with her again until I see her predictions manifest which should be coming soon. She said before my birthday for one of her predictions so its almost here. Tick tock.

She did say my birthday of this year not my birthday of INFINITY.

I will let you guys know.

Offline lauwrah

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« Reply #42 on: March 24, 2013, 02:36:00 PM »
I haven't posted before, but wanted to share my reading with Joeana. Without prompting, she did accurately describe the situation I am dealing with, sometimes using the same sentences I use to describe it. Her understanding of what happened, is happening, and will happen was all unprompted. Normally, I will jump in and offer bits of info here and there for clarification, but for some reason I stayed quiet until after she was done. Her prediction came out of nowhere, a sort of, I don't know why I am getting this but.... I won't comment on it as its a ways off, but it resonated.
Once she finished I went in for guidance on what she picked up or saw, and still she pulled up more details, in a couple of cases describing what my interests are, or something that had been recently offered. My career is unusual, it is so unexpected that most psychics confuse it for something else, picking up one of its many aspects rather than all of it. For her to pull at the core of it, and then connect it to where I want to take it, was impressive.
I will definitely read with her again sometime in the late spring, rarely do I read with a psychic that doesn't leave me on the hook, making me want to go back three days later and say "what happened". She may not be what everyone wants, but I am surprised at how confident I feel, having my intuitions confirmed.
I have spent a long time focusing on what I am seeing on the surface, forgetting what my gut was telling me, reacting to the immediate, instead of trusting what i knew. The reading reminded me, that I do know on a deep level what happened and what will happen if I just accept the now, and participate in my future. Focusing on fear, only brings it to life, focusing on something positive, and really trusting yourself, will always take you down the right path. Seek advice, but don't let others tell you what you should do or what will happen for sure. You create your life, and if deep down you know that something is right, it will all fall into place the moment you let it.
I am like most of you, I have dumped way too much money into these services. Something told me Joeana would be the one to quiet this need of knowing, and I feel I am right about that. What I think most of us do, is ignore our intuitions, our understandings of a situation, and let our logical mind have control, whether its to create a fairytale, or in my case, a dark landscape of misfortune. Regardless of the path we choose, I think most of us deep down, know what happened or what we have to do, and we fight it, fight it like crazy, hoping against hope for magic or God to intervene. I am realizing there is magic and God, but its within ourselves, and we have to acknowledge where we are at this moment, and make a plan from here. See the ending, the goal, and figure out how to connect A(the here) to B(the goal). If we really look at what that takes, what strength we will need to accomplish that and we are really honest with ourselves as to what and why we want it, you will know immediately if it is really something worth having. If it is, if the goal sings to us, really sings, then in the most honest places of our soul we realize it doesn't matter when, or how long it will take, it only matters that we will get there. When the goal is attained, we will be happier than we ever could have imagined, and the struggle no matter how long or dark, will feel like nothing.

So that's my experience with Joeana, and also my mini epiphany I had while writing about it! Haha! Nice to meet everyone!


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« Reply #43 on: March 24, 2013, 03:09:02 PM »
Hi laurah welcome to the board. I don't think we are having a problem with joeana YET. I brought her name into the board for all to review. As time goes on we will see if she has concrete predictions, if she is ethical etc.

Knowing present or past situations, where you live or what you do can only last for a little while. When the dust clears what ultimatley matters are PREDICTIONS.

Mine is coming up soon. Believe me I will let everyone know.

Offline lauwrah

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« Reply #44 on: March 24, 2013, 03:46:38 PM »
Hi Jen80,
Thank you for the welcome, and I enjoy your posts! I think you are very realistic and logical in the way you approach whether a psychic is the real deal or not, and I appreciate that.
I completely agree, its the prediction that matters, and I didn't mean to imply that anyone had a problem with her "YET"(that made me laugh), just that I didn't know if her way of reading would work for everyone. It was definitely a new experience for me, and it left me with a positive reaction I did not expect.
This forum has helped me a lot in letting go of my dependency on psychics, as well as to be able to demand a result rather than a fairytale based off my fears that is forever changing,ie free will, blah, blah, blah. You and all the other people here have been so generous with your time and experiences, I hope I can repay the kindness with my own.

