I have various experience with her.She is good sometimes,but tends to be a little too negative in her readings,and also put in her own opinions.
Last time i called before she changed her nick,she said she would not read into a person anymore,as that was inviding privacy.So i could only ask what the man felt about me,not about his life in general,or if he was seeing someone..
Sometimes she was clearly off,and she also answered calls in the middle of her sleep.I am in Europe so i called her,since she showed as available.But she was sleeping,and that was a dreadful experience to listen to how she tried to wake up,say something meaningful,(which she couldnt at all)and get the call ended.She yawn long and laud,but told me that was a sign from her guides that she was on to something important...Geez..It was embarrasing.I left one star and never called again.