Author Topic: pilar  (Read 53179 times)

Offline rain

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« on: December 08, 2012, 04:16:48 PM »
Has anyone read with Pilar?  I see she has prediction manifesting feedback on Cp which is rare. They're always positive on CP, but usually more on the "she was great" level. I hv an appt scheduled with her and just intrested in what kind of reading style she has. Thanks!


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Re: pilar
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2012, 04:45:36 PM »
Has anyone read with Pilar?  I see she has prediction manifesting feedback on Cp which is rare. They're always positive on CP, but usually more on the "she was great" level. I hv an appt scheduled with her and just intrested in what kind of reading style she has. Thanks!
I read with her a little while ago.  She basically needs little information to get going.  What I liked about the reading is that you hear her posing the questions to her guides, and delivers their YES/No answers without hesitation, and immediately.  And if there is ambiguity in a question, she will rephrase the question to dig deeper.  I spend a good amount of time online with her in my reading, so be prepared to allow a good 20 minutes.

Offline rain

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Re: pilar
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2012, 05:20:12 PM »
Good to know; thanks! Any predictions thus far?


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Re: pilar
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2012, 05:46:55 PM »
Hi Rain,

  I agree with SMEE. One of my predictions actually came through. I had asked about my ex, and she answered all of that, but then towards the end of the call, started talking to me about career. She said that she saw I liked what I did, but that I was ready for the next step. 100% true, her guides saw February. But the new job came through 2 weeks later. At the time I read with her, I had no opportunities, however, within days I had 3 opportunities arise. I was offered a job on wednesday. So I don't know, seems pretty accurate I would say.

  Of course we will see with the ex's predictions.

Angel light

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Re: pilar
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2012, 10:48:57 PM »
Hey Gals,

I read with Pilar twice.  I had  few predictions coming through so far:

-she said my BF and I would be together on Thanksgiving, and yes we had spent the night with each other the night before so technically we were together on that day, but only for a few hours before we each had to get our kids.
-On the night we talked that he would text me that night, sure enough he texted  me at midnight.
-She said we would have lots of conversations about our relationship and that he didn;t really understand why I ended things.  He asked me that exactly the other day.
-She said he thinks of us as still in a relationship.  I feel this is true because I told him he is free to do/see whomever he wants and he said he doens;t want to see me with anyone else - that this feels strange to him

Predictions she made that I am waiting for:
-He will ask to see me in 2 weeks (so he should be asking to see me by Dec 18) and that he will come to me and say he is serious about filing for divorce
-We will see each other on Christmas eve
-She saw us together on New Years Eve
-she saw us going to the carribean next March and that he would tell me he intends on marrying me (not an engagement but just his plan on what he wants for us)
-She saw moving boxes - she thought the move would involve me moving in because she saw me there and a big house
-She saw me expanding his business with me
-She saw us engaged by end of 2013

So - i will update on all as the predictions come forward!

Offline rain

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Re: pilar
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2012, 01:03:32 AM »
True love- thats awesome and congrats on the job!
Angel light-thats pretty darn impressive! Hope the rest works out for you.
Did she seem fairytalish to ya'll as far as the relationship aspects or realistic? Im reading with her Tuesday and will be sure to post my thoughts.


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Re: pilar
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2012, 03:32:31 AM »
Rain, as to the ex predictions, they do seem fairytaleish, however if they happen, I will trust her implicitly. She did say several things, however, that were accurate, so we will see...

Offline applesticks

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Re: pilar
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2012, 04:56:52 AM »
I've read with Pilar multiple times and I think she's amazing. I used to read with her a lot in the beginning because she is very quick and provides a wealth of information. I don't even know where to begin on her predictions and how she knew things off the bat.

- I lost touch with a guy because he moved to CA. She said she saw him hiking or something in CA with family. I was adamant with her that he had no family out there and the only family he had was in WA and NY. She kept to her vision and said he was out there with a male family member. Well, 3 months later, I came across a facebook photo and lo and behold, he has a male cousin in CA that he, for whatever reason, just never added on facebook..and oh look, they did a lot of hiking and snowboarding out there.
- She predicted I would meet a new best friend named Sam. She said it felt like a female because Sam had so much feminine energy. Well, I met a guy friend named "Sam"...and he's the most fabulously feminine gay guy I've met (LOL). Plus ironically, his real name is not Sam but he introduces himself as that to people he doesn't know well.
- Without prompting, she switched subjects on me and wanted to talk about how the fall/winter period was rough on me and delved into a former relationship I had over 5 years ago...she channeled his name...Tim..and described him accurately. Then she told me why the relationship didn't worked and why it's still affecting me in the future..all accurate.
- She accurately predicted that I would start a new job in October but for whatever reason, she told me she saw me "training" in December. I took that to mean she meant I was going to get another new job. Well, guess what, my new job's training program is over 10 weeks long O_O
- When she told me I was going to start that job in October, I thought she was dead wrong when after having the final interview with the senior manager, he told me I had missed the October class and would have to wait until mid-November to start. I called her back and told her this and she told me she still saw me starting in October. Well, come 2nd to last week of October, I get a call and the company decided to hire me 3 weeks early and wanted me to start October 29th.
- After two months of not talking to her, I decided to not talk about my normal guy and when she picked up the phone, all I did was ask about a new guy and simply gave his name. She answered my questions but then told me she felt someone else was a better match. She channeled old guy's name. I was skeptical and thought maybe she just kept notes on me but her queue is full all the time and I hadn't spoken to her in ages that I think it was a genuine channeling of his name.
- When I first talked to her about my old guy, all I told her was he moved to CA for medical school. I never mentioned that the reality was he moved there and was going to wait a year to get residency then apply for medical school. She was the one that told me that he was "not yet studying," and she didn't see him starting until the next year.

Now, don't get me wrong, there are some things that haven't manifested yet, but I go to her because she's been more accurate than most psychics I've ever read with. Plus her channeling of names is on-point. Timing as to career as been good. Timing as to when my guy is going to appear has been not so much, but no psychic, online or local, has been able to pinpoint this guy's timing 'cause he changes his mind so much...but I have been reading her testimonies and it seems she has luck with other guys... ha!

Offline oben

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Re: pilar
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2012, 06:28:21 AM »
@applesticks, I am glad her predictions are manifesting for you ;) just an interesting coincidence she gave me and one other friend the Sam as well, also Tim and Greg and Valeria , it is funny we (me and friend) got exact identical names

Offline rain

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Re: pilar
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2012, 07:29:09 PM »
So, I read with Pilar and she does give a wealth of information. My predictions are pending so I shall see. Someone advised me to make sure I have plenty of time and thnx for that cuz I must say she's a talker. I called about a guy and on her own she touched on career, school, kids, dead people, and everything else After i got off the phone i was somewhat disapponited with myself because i felt i didnt get all the info i wanted about the guy.Dont get me wrong it was awesome to sit back and let her roll with whatever she was getting. I just wish i woulda took a little more control and asked more questions. Now I wanna call back :/ Did anyone else feel she jumped around alot?


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Re: pilar
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2012, 07:59:03 PM »
She didn't jump around a lot for me, but I do think it was because I lassooed her and made sure she stayed on point.  I went into the reading knowing that she tends to speak of pst lives and such, and for me that is really not that important, so once she began speaking of that, I jumped in and asked a more poignant question.

Offline rain

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Re: pilar
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2012, 09:08:01 PM »
Thats def what I should have done Smee. I was kicking myself afterwards..I was like dang wth Im usually good with keeping them on point but I got caught up in the things she was saying...Oh well :) Ya she said me and the guy I was calling about had 27 past lives together and started naming countries we were together in. I was like OK so what about now-here- in the US...She did know things and did give me predictions....about some of I must say overall it was a fun reading which is diffrent than i usually experience

Offline oben

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Re: pilar
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2012, 09:21:18 PM »
Oh rain I had 27 past lives too, did she name Egypt and Ireland ?

Offline rain

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Re: pilar
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2012, 09:46:13 PM »
She did! Plus Italy and France! She also said we were always boyfriend/girlfriend or married; never friends or siblings. It crossed my mind during the reading that she was cold reading, but then she knew things so i dismissed that notion. She also said i was tired of my job and looking for a change which i noticed that she told someone else on here. Its true though....

Offline psychicgirlie

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Re: pilar
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2012, 10:00:03 PM »
@rain- I did feel she jumped around too much as well. I had specific questions about my guy and she would somewhat answer them and then jump back into a name of someone trying to come through. She is good BUT I just wish she would focus on who I was actually calling about. Sounds like again she is giving similar readings. First it was about the "seeing a plane and taking a trip" now it's "27 past lives and Egypt and Ireland" hmm  :o
« Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 10:02:25 PM by psychicgirlie »