Author Topic: Out of the Woodwork!  (Read 3172 times)

Offline sarahkw

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Out of the Woodwork!
« on: December 03, 2012, 01:19:15 AM »
Some back story: I grew up in a teeny tiny town. I went through a nasty breakup that inspired a lot of psychic phone calls and also a LOT of self-evaluating and spiritual growth. I ended up moving to a different state and still live here today in a big city with a career I'm proud of. I go home to see my family a few times a year - we're all still very close. But outside of them, I'm not really in contact with anyone aside from the occasional Facebook comment or casual 'oh hey, how are you?' when I run into them in the grocery.

Lately though, people from my past have been coming out of the woodwork!

The first time, I was kind of amused. A girl I was good friends with in high school but hadn't really spoken to in the 8 or so years since crossed my mind a couple of weeks ago. Literally just thought randomly 'I wonder what she's up to these days?' A couple days later, she sent me a FB message saying hi and just catching up. It was great.

A few days later, an ex-boyfriend's aunt sent me a message asking me to please come visit her and her husband the next time I was home. Said they missed me. I haven't seen them or their nephew in about 7 years. Crazy! I chat with that ex every once in a while by email but there's nothing there - just friends, for sure.

THEN the real kicker - the ex with the nasty breakup? HE messaged me. It was all 'hey, how are you? What are you doing these days? Let's meet up the next time you're up this way.' Really?!

I've been thinking a lot on what this means. Sapphire has become one of my most trusted readers and she was telling me how certain people, particularly soul mates like the nasty breakup ex, can sense when you're really moving on, when something is about to happen, and they'll reappear.

Thoughts on this?

I loved catching up with my old friend and we're trying to time it so we can grab coffee or something when we're both home over the holidays. The aunt and uncle... I doubt I go see them. I LOVED them. But it would just be awkward. The ex? I won't be 'meeting up' with him. We're a world apart now, not just in distance.

But I would be interested in your thoughts on people from your past - fairly significant ones at that - reappearing.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 01:24:59 AM by sarahkw »


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Re: Out of the Woodwork!
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2012, 01:55:34 AM »
Weird stuff like this just happened to me last week. My friend (ex coworker) we worked in the same building and I kept in contact with her after I left early 2009, disappeared last November. I contacted her  few times this year to no avail. All of a sudden, one year later she emails me and says.."hi stranger" um what??

 Same thing with another friend. Not sure what is going on??

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Out of the Woodwork!
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2012, 02:18:05 AM »
Hells Bells! Lets hope this is not a trend! LOL  I have cut people out of my life for a reason, hoping they do not resurface lmao.

Offline Zee

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Re: Out of the Woodwork!
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2012, 08:22:41 AM »
I have cut people out of my life for a reason, hoping they do not resurface lmao.

Absolutely right!!! I've had two short five min readings and both brought up someone from my past.  They at first claimed it was a former flame and I assured them it wasn't, because they said he thinks of me often.  When they described him, I immediately told them he was just a friend. I have no urgings in that direction with him, besides he is married with five kids. They told me he thought of me more than that and I find this information not only useless, but meaningless as well. He was great at brainstorming with and discussing similar themes, but he was very draining, so I got rid of that baggage. I never ask readers about male relationships, but someone always brings it up and when they do I always ask if it is someone I have already met, because as I told both psychics, I know with a 100% certainty there is no one from my past, I want to see in my future.

Offline sarahkw

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Re: Out of the Woodwork!
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2012, 01:38:05 AM »
Fun little update to this story?

A guy who had the BIGGEST crush on me in high school just messaged me. I never gave him so much as the time of day in high school - he couldn't even spell my name right, let alone write out a sentence that wasn't 'u r so pretty u should go out w me.' and yet he's emailing me today.

What is going on in my life?!

Offline sarahkw

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Re: Out of the Woodwork!
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2012, 03:31:00 AM »
It's really just blowing my mind! It can't be coincidental at this point.

Offline bjr181

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Re: Out of the Woodwork!
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2013, 03:03:53 AM »
Figured this would be the most appropriate category to mention my current situation.  For those of you who don't know my story, my ex and I dated for 1.5 and he broke up with me.  I fought hard for the relationship and we "worked" on things for another 1.5 years (in other words, I worked on things to help from my side, he worked on things by bringing in other women).  Needless to say, I had enough when I finally found out he was banging it out with this one girl who was supposedly "his friend" while still hooking up with me.  I left without saying a word January 2012 and didn't hear from him until April when he told me he was with this girl in a relationship.  I heard from him sporadically across the next few months.  He checks in from time to time. 

I have to ask, and would love a guys perspective or any one that can give me insight.  What is the point of reaching out to your ex when you are the one in the relationship with someone else and you know that you hurt your girlfriend (me) exponentially.  And tonight, he was being weird.  Asking me about if my dinner plans for Saturday were a date.  And if I was dating anyone seriously.  To my knowledge, he's still with "his friend" but my assumption is that they are having problems, or he is bored so he's remembering the old days.  I don't think he is trying to smooze his way back in but what are your thoughts?  Keep in mind, I keep things at arms length in our texts and I NEVER bring up her.  Trying to stay classy and to be honest, I don't care to know how they are or how serious they have gotten. 


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Re: Out of the Woodwork!
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2013, 03:47:49 AM »
Hes just immature and likes options. You dodged a bullet.

Offline hope4love

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Re: Out of the Woodwork!
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2013, 05:45:42 AM »
It sounds like he's obviously doing a 'temperature check' to see where you're at and detecting your level of interest, if any. In other words, he wants to see what his options are.
Men this like annoy the crap out of me.  >:(