Author Topic: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me  (Read 44909 times)

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #105 on: March 08, 2011, 02:58:55 PM »
woohoo Angel....

Remember "Give him a 1 potato chip and walk away with the rest of the bag!" That's a quote from a very good friend of mine...
Nobody can eat just one!  Unless of course they eat the entire bag the first you leave him wanting end every text...try not to be the last response on the end every conversation chat or phone.....oh it's great talking with you I should get going....same with the dates....I had a wonderful time I really enjoyed tonight....make him salivate for you!!!!   :)

Offline fm

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #106 on: March 08, 2011, 03:59:37 PM »
Sorry, I got to vent, this post is not exactly against anyone in particular but as a general statement. I hope I do not get flamed by anyone. I know I have been silent for quite sometime apart from email kirakira on a very frequent basis. She knows what is going on. Currently, I am in a honeymoon, milk and honey dating stage with the guy I am seeing. All flowers and honey so far with no big problems. We meet each other either everyday or every other day for the past 2.5 weeks and I am sooo soooo drained physically. No big problems as yet, and time will tell or when conflict arises, I will see how we work through things. I am not making it official like we are in a relationship. I am still taking a month to see how things goes.

Beachgirl mentioned that she has given up on the SM and she needs to learn how to love herself. Oh yes, I forgot what does it feel like to love ourselves and what it means to be independent and not to be depressed over A and B Holes.

Being with this guy makes me feel loved and I enjoyed being with him, yes both of us are sticky and we are enjoying every moment of it. I hope we can stand the test of time. Through this man, I noticed what an Ass my ex was and I should be over him and he is not worth my tears, my worries, my money, time and effort. Go get someone who knows how to treasure you and not make you miserable. Do we have enough of being in misery over A Holes and B Holes? Being upset over relationship is far more terrible then anything, you cant sleep, eat or work properly. If through time you noticed that things are not changing for the better, or that you are still miserable drop that person. I know it is easier said then done. Definitely I still have feelings for my ex, but if they do not appreciate you what is the point of holding on? I urge people to think twice about cliinging to people that does not seemed to be at least interested in our welfare and feelings? Who are they to make us miserable?

Go out to meet people, if the time is right, the right person will turn up and if they treasure you, you will be a lot happier. Then you will learn how to drop and detach the A and B Holes that you have been putting up with the longest time. With the right person, you will be able to open your eyes big and see what is reality of things and decide what you want to do with your emotional self, and realize how stupid you are for being so attached to people who really just cannot be bothered. You will then not need to worry oh what does he thinks, why does he react like that, why is he such an asshole, what does he wants, why hasnt he contact me, why hasnt he replied, I am so miserable, what are the possible situations and so on and so forth. Does all these questions sounds extremely familiar? Go out and date people if you meet the right person, you will be happy. Thats the most important.

I gave up calling Ps. They are not worth the money. I find that they are probably more accurate at that moment of time in the situation, the future is uncertain and no one knows what is coming or whatever free will or any action on either partners will change the outcome of anything. Do not cling on to any kinds of hopes that the Ps have given and that you will be expecting more and more and when it does not happen, you be miserable again and wanting to call again to see what is the current sitaution, why hasnt they contacted you and so on and so forth and you just keep paying n paying. The past is already gone. Period. All that is left is only memories. I do not need their blessings or approval to be with someone I love nor do I need to know what bad things may arise or their own opinions. Do stuff that you like, buy new clothes, spend time with yourself give yourself a treat in things that you like to do. Go dating sites, like many of you, meet new people and see what comes. AngelGuided, you look promissing with furnace guys and yes. I believe in communications, talk it out and see what each other feels. I have been open with the guy, we discussed our fears of the past relationships, our experience with our EXes, and what we are experiencing with each other. Clear up any misunderstandings and know what both of us are thinking in this case there will not be any misunderstandings. Be frank with each other and see what comes.

All right enough of my ranting and venting. I hope all the best for all of you guys, I will continue to read and post here and there. I look forward to hearing good news from you guys. Take care!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 04:03:44 PM by fm »


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #107 on: March 08, 2011, 04:06:30 PM »
aef - salivate - LOL


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #108 on: March 08, 2011, 05:11:32 PM »
Again, I love our stages!  fm is busting out of that cage! yay!  See, I told you cjean, when you find someone else you won't be as torn as you think you might!

angel!!  So basically, you're looking at his profile and he's looking at yours!  Remember just because he's on or been on, doesn't mean he's chatting or cruising... this is what I'm talking about, right pt??  These new technologies give us a glimpse at what people are doing, turns us all into stalkers!!!  UGH!  Have a fun date Friday!  And I'm sure you'll be chatting it up all week!  aef is probably right about leaving the guy wanting more, but be careful, if someone did that to me, I'd take it as uninterested and walk away... somewhere in the middle might be best.  Guys can rarely handle my all open honest intensity either, feel him out reeeeeeaaaal good!   ;)

where's libra?  healer... glad you set up your space all lovely like... all I could think of was how much libra would probably enjoy that space too! 

Offline Beachgirl333

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #109 on: March 08, 2011, 05:24:50 PM »
if only i could just find someone to date then that would make this process more fun.  There is NO ONE here where i live interesting...and I hate online dating.  :-\ :-[

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #110 on: March 08, 2011, 06:05:49 PM »
Yeah, where is libra? Of course, Kira you would expect the guy to be wanting more of this case, the roles are reversed.  So, if you didn't go far enough initially you would lose interest in the guy?  As far as the honesty goes, he seems to be very honest.  He's hasn't pretended that I'm aware of or played games.  He's very direct.  That's what's so interesting, I've always been a very honest person, but when I'm talking to him, I say things that I wouldn't normally reveal.  It's very honest...and he is the same. :)

Offline cj

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #111 on: March 08, 2011, 08:32:53 PM »
great advice fm.... 8) *who knew* lol...kira...we're on clouds right now me and you lol...floating and man dating lol..libra :( hope you feel better...angel...see..when u relax..good things will come...


lmao at aef: "salivate" <----------as in dog? lol

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #112 on: March 08, 2011, 08:55:49 PM »
LMAO @ Cjean ;D

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #113 on: March 08, 2011, 08:58:46 PM »
AEF, love the potato chip analogy! :P


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #114 on: March 08, 2011, 09:06:31 PM »
Kira you would expect the guy to be wanting more of this case, the roles are reversed.  So, if you didn't go far enough initially you would lose interest in the guy?
Well, angel, I know instantly whether or not I could be physical with a guy.  And then the question is if there's more to it.  I, personally, like to be flattered and acknowledged and if a guy doesn't show/tell me he's really interested in who I am, yes, I will lose interest.  It's a huge turn-on.  I liked the mind of my latest date, but wasn't sure about the physical, so I think it was important to go ahead and find out I didn't have a good physical connection with him.  It's far too important to me to have that.  I do wonder with guys- on one hand if you go too far too fast will they think you're easy or if you don't will they think you're a prude...  Because I actually am quite open sexually, I don't try to play like I'm not, if I am hot for a dude and he's hot for me, well then it's ON!  And it only gets complicated if one of us has emotions the other doesn't.  That guy I dated in October who VJ says is my sm, is a perfect example of how it can be ok.  We were intimate, we were both honest about who we are, and there was never any issue, and now it looks like we're coming back together for more!

kira...we're on clouds right now me and you lol...floating and man dating lol
cjean, I am so glad you are moving on!!!  Shake your bootie, girl!  I wish I was back in NYC for just one night so we could have some fun!

There is NO ONE here where i live interesting...and I hate online dating.
beachgirl, hang in there, from what I remember you want to move away, and maybe you should focus on that.  Go somewhere with a bigger pool! ;)  You seem young, right?  Do it, do it, do it!  I've moved around a lot and it gets harder as you get older and if you have kids, etc.  You can private message me if you like, but where are you exactly? What do you do? (I hate online dating too, just had to by default! ha! ie. older with kid -ha!)

Nobody can eat just one!  Unless of course they eat the entire bag the first sitting....
hahaha!! aef!  I guess I've got more bags where that came from -haha!  The VJ sm guy recently commented on a fb post of mine about me being sick of eating my kid's leftovers...he said I needed a guy with a fast metabolism to eat 'em!  haha!!  (That would so be him! I remember him standing in front of my snack cabinet like a machine eating a few handfuls of everything in there! hah!) More chip reference- if your chips are really good, they'll be back!!!  ;)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 09:09:06 PM by kirakira »

Offline cj

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #115 on: March 09, 2011, 12:16:12 AM »
kira...I wish you all came!!!!!!!! We would have a bless

Offline cj

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #116 on: March 09, 2011, 12:17:26 AM »
fm: it sounds like you may be.....falling in lub (my cute word for love*) :) lol

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #117 on: March 09, 2011, 02:08:06 PM »
lub? Haha, I dunno how much of you guys actually accepted my bitching in that post. So how is everyone at?

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #118 on: March 09, 2011, 08:08:32 PM »
Some days I really do feel sorry for myself. Today is one of those days  :( :'(


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #119 on: March 09, 2011, 08:25:28 PM »
Cjean - I'm sorry. Do you have anything fun planned this weekend?