Author Topic: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me  (Read 40826 times)


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #60 on: March 05, 2011, 09:26:05 PM »
That kinda stinks, angel.  I would say you should try another date while he decides if he's hot or cold.  Has he been on that site for long?  I think for some people it's too much at once and they have to explore it a bit.  And then there's the whole thing about people who get scared when they actually like someone.  Recently when I was afraid I was gonna like someone, I had this urge to ...NOT! haha, I mean, readiness for monogamy is tricky for some.  Perhaps you should sample another chocolate from the box and see how that feels?

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #61 on: March 05, 2011, 09:48:57 PM »
Thanks Kira, I think you're onto something!  You had the urge to like someone, lol!  I know, it's so have to protect yourself from being hurt if it's someone you do like, but most of the time the dating pool is pretty depressing.  Have to be very balanced about it.  He's been online probably since January?  Said he's been on 3-4 dates, I believe?  I read with Ellen Hartwell, she said he's very nervous and scared right now.  She said that my getting on facebook overwhelmed him, so he withdrew.  I have to say I really liked her, she gave alot of info for $30.  She started with a cold reading to get her impression of me when she first started so that I would know we were connecting.  I was actually on the phone with her for 30 minutes.  She asked me to thank you guys for the referral.


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #62 on: March 05, 2011, 10:04:58 PM »
wow!  which way did you speak to her?  Keen or doesn't she have a site?
Yea, we've been discussing the ins and outs of online dating... you owe it to yourself to meet a couple more people and then see if anything stacks up.  That's what the guys are doing -guaranteed! 

Offline Libra

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #63 on: March 05, 2011, 10:08:10 PM »
Hi ladies, let's chat?


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #64 on: March 05, 2011, 10:19:31 PM »
Yes, I would and have read with Ellen Hartwell more than once on her own site...I love her and truly only listen to things she says and no other psychics because she has been so right on with me!!!!  I only call her once every 3 weeks or so and that is more than enough

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #65 on: March 06, 2011, 01:53:48 AM »
I read with her on her site!  She called me within 15-20 minutes of paying which I thought was great!  I was very impressed with her empathic abilities, she gave me so much info, very detailed!!!  She even picked up that this guy raced as teenager, she thought it was cars, but last weekend when we went out, he told me that he used to involved with motocross and race motorcycles as teenager.  She was very accurate with her assessment of him as much as I could tell, although I don't know him very well.  She completely described him physically and it was not just close, it was exact.  She told me that he bit his nails, that I'm not sure of?  Will pay attention next time I see him?  I can't believe I've paid so much $$$ for much less info.  I've been averaging $65-$75 for a reading!!!  This was half of that and more in depth.

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #66 on: March 06, 2011, 04:00:15 AM »
I agree Angel..ellen is really good!

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #67 on: March 06, 2011, 04:10:13 AM »
Did you read with her recently Cjean or has it been awhile?


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #68 on: March 06, 2011, 04:31:43 AM »
Update...I went on his fb profile a little while ago and he has posted that he went to dinner, actually posted restaurant profile, then he posted a reservation for a club where he was going to see a local band.  Not sick anymore?  I went back on his profile to January and he's never posted anything this personal before?  Course, he just got an android phone a week ago and he's been playing on fb quite a bit, could be he just has the capability to do it now?  But, this info did not come up on my home page, so he must've changed the privacy settings as to what info streams to me.  But, all I had to do was check his profile directly and it was all there?  I'm not sure what to make of all this, if anything? I can't help but think maybe he wanted me to know this, but he also wanted me to have to check his profile directly to find out?  Help, some of you are more experienced with fb and this dating game? :-X
Not cool.  I don't know, but if it were me I'd be annoyed and probably vow to not contact him anymore.  If he resumes contact, let him sense without too much in words that you are not that interested.  Come off as far from desperate and actively dating other people.  That's what I would probably do.   >:(    I'm sorry he's not acting right. :(

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #69 on: March 06, 2011, 07:25:33 AM »
sorry Angel  :(


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #70 on: March 06, 2011, 02:08:29 PM »
Angel - I'm sorry but there is only one thing you can do - retreat!! Don't contact him, don't text him, email, nothing. Your silence will speak volumes. And, while you retreat maybe line up another date? He will come back around. Did Ellen see any type of future with this guy?
big hugs

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #71 on: March 06, 2011, 02:16:44 PM »
Angel I wouldn't give the silence thing after the date any energy.  I've been busy and have been reading back and it seems all this is as new to him as it is to you and he's coming from a broken relationship also.  You know men handle things differently and he seems like a nice guy but remember for you that you're the female and he has to chase you!  You always want to leave him wanting more.....more contact...more conversation....don't give it all up all at once otherwise what's there for him to wonder or want to keep going after?  He seems like a good guy but you have to move into a little flip here....he's leaving you wanting more and you have to flip that.  Next contact don't answer so DON'T have to answer the phone when he calls or answer the next text/email whatever as soon as he sends it.....he did that to're supposed to be the one doing that to him!!!  Remember you're life....if you're always available he'll be sure of you...pursue those he's not sure of because he's not sure of that one or this one and he will feel oh I have to keep tabs on this girl because Angel is there she always want to flip that.  And next date I would not spend all that time with him have to leave him not getting his fill of you!  And you have to do this with the KNOWING he WILL text you again....he WILL call you back....he WILL ask you out again....remember it's all about you girl!  You're worth it!  If you know it he'll know it!!!  I feel like this guy is a good energy for you so you just have to know it and flip the's his chase! ;)

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #72 on: March 06, 2011, 03:10:26 PM »
Thanks PT and AEF2929!  You're both right about all of this.  I have not contacted him since yesterday morning when I left voice text.  My daughter had put a post on fb yesterday that I had responded to, stating that she and I had gone to dinner.  So, he knows what my evening last night consisted of.  I didn't learn til several hours after that he had gone out to dinner, coincidentally around the same time and I went to the grocery store after dinner and the BWW he went to is next door to this grocery store.  Evidently, he frequents BWW quite a bit.

Thanks AEF, you gave me some reassurance!  Thanks for the hug PT, I needed it!
I feel like this guy is a good energy for you so you just have to know it and flip the's his chase!
What do you mean by this?  Do you have psychic or intuitive ability? 

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #73 on: March 06, 2011, 03:40:07 PM »
good advice aef  :)


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #74 on: March 06, 2011, 04:08:35 PM »
Really? I didn't think any of the trackers worked unless both 'parties' (stalker and stalkee) had it installed. Will be interested in your findings angel.