Yeah I had a reading with Mattie on the 9th of October, and although I'm still waiting for the 'big' prediction, a few things have unfolded just as she said.
She asked who Steven/Stephan is. At the time I told her I have no idea, but she said I'll be talking to someone by that name and "what I do with that connection is up to me". Low and behold, I'm talking to someone by that name on Tinder, and we're meeting up tomorrow. She also asked if I knew a Virgo that was interested in me. No! However, I've since been on two dates with a Virgo, and yes, he is interested

Alyssa is another that's crazy good for me.
She was able to pluck names of significant people in my life out of thin air, as well as their star signs. She also told me that she was seeing a baby in the reading. Within two days my good friend told me she was pregnant.

Was not expecting that one, for sure.