Here is my list of cards that came up in my readings with yona over the years. I went through the yona thread and was able to figure out the meanings of "some" cards.
6 of swords - house move
Wheel of Fortune - passage of time
8 of wands = face-to-face contact
Hermit - Single/alone
4 of wands - teaching/learning, part of a group
5 of cups - distance
Ace of wands - fresh start/new beginning
4 of swords - caution
Temperance - addiction, difference in outlook
10 of swords - anxiety, exhaustion, defeat, stress
King of Wands -
8 of swords - stress
9 of pentacles - kept waiting
7 of swords - lies and deception
Tower - a devastating event
Devil - predestined
5 of pentacles - money going out
2 of swords- gap in communication
King of cups - good looking
Knight of pentacles
queen of wands - organized
10 of wands - impatient
Queen of cups - female rival
6 of cups
The Chariot - within the same country
The world - distance/diff country