Have to say Luna on CP is probably the BEST medium I have ever spoken with and I have spoken to 8 of the world's most well-know. My best friend passed away 4 years ago and I've been on the hunt. Luna NAILED not only the actual connection in specific ways that nobody could even make up, making me confident that she was indeed channeling my BFF...BUT she has made predictions (I don't usually go to mediums for predictions, just to connect with loved ones that have passed) that have absolutely come to fruition.
She was one of the only readers who told me a relationship with a then POI would never materialize in commitment, wasn't for me and someone new with specific qualities of the guy I am now with would have (she also nailed what year and month he would come into my life).
I checked in with Luna again yesterday after not speaking with her for 9 months (because I legit wrote off her accuracy bc I was so consumed with what she had said about not working out with my then POI) and realized she was BEYOND accurate.
10 stars for Luna!!! She's expensive AF, but if you need a medium...GO GO GO! Save up and call her.