Author Topic: Focusing or Letting go...  (Read 6704 times)

Offline Amaranth

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Focusing or Letting go...
« on: March 16, 2012, 08:13:07 PM »
Well, here I am on the day of my first official timeline.  I know it's only 1 pm my time, and I technically still have 11 hours for contact to happen before it's just a bust, but I can't help but feel like it's not going to happen.  At least not today.  Today was my earliest for contact.  The other days told to me by other psychics are March 20, March 21st, and one sweeping one, who gave anywhere between the 18th and 22nd.

I have bounced everywhere from hopeful and believing it's going to happen to being doubtful.  At times I zero in on it like the Laws of Attraction state- to trying to distract myself and forget all about it, like other 'laws' state, in order to prove to the Universe I can first live without it.  I really do not know which I should be doing, lol.

So while I'm sitting here all antsy today, I'd like to hear what you guys think about situations/wants/people in general.  Should a person be focusing on what they want and willing it to happen, or should they be 'letting go' in order to receive? 

There is probably no wrong or right- I just want to hear your guys' opinions and what you personally believe ^^

Offline guesswho

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Re: Focusing or Letting go...
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2012, 08:44:38 PM »
Hi Amaranth!  I know the feeling of waiting.  Once upon a time (2009 - early 2011) when my psychic Abrielle worked great with timelines, I would sit and wait for the call when the date that she gave came.  One day I was so distraught that I called another psychic on CP - Lucrecia and she told me not to worry that the day wasn't nearly over and I would get contact.  My ex called me that night at like 7 PM and I was waiting from like 11 AM, so they were both right.

This happened another time and I was confident that she was right and he called on that date at like 5 in the morning and woke me up out of my sleep.  This is after months apart each time.  Now, her timelines no longer work for me.  :(  I know the anxious feeling and it's the worst.  I hope you get contact tonight!  I focused on it on the date and it happened, but I know everyone says to let go.  I did let go up until the date though, I was comforted by dates of when to expect things so I was able to not worry until that date.  She was also right with dates a few times after that for other things, so it sucks that she isn't working for me anymore.

Keep your head up!!

When I let go in general, it doesn't really work out for me.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Focusing or Letting go...
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2012, 09:09:41 PM »
I still think it's luck of the draw and here's why.

Last year, hah! 2010 actually, I had called a few psychics in early Nov/Dec that gave me timelines. (withouth looking I do think it was Abrielle that surprised me with specific dates). OK so I called a lot of them. In Jan 11 or so, I went back through my notes and saw some of the contact dates had actually happened! I was so thrilled that of course I called those same psychics back. Now you can argue that the first ones happened because I forgot about them, and the second ones didn't because I focused on them.

But I also called through summer of 2011. I started to see someone new the end of August. I can say with certainty that I have no idea of the contact dates given from September on when I started to get serious with my new guy.  (I know there were some for this general timeframe but I'd really have to go back and look to be sure). The last time I looked though, I had many who said 2-3 weeks after I had called them and this was back in JULY-AUGUST and those never ever happened.

So I don't know that anyone can really say for sure what's going to happen nor can we say the psychics know. (and yes I spent many thousands learning this)

Offline Amaranth

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Re: Focusing or Letting go...
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2012, 10:51:54 PM »
Holy Crap.

So although I wasn't wild about my reading with her because it was more advice than a reading ( I think she was madder at my friend than I was, lol ), Therese so far has been the only person who was accurate with contact timeline for me.  So I decided to get one last reading before I hang it up for awhile and await all these timelines to pass, so I got in her line.  NUMBER 111!!!  They must have changed how the line callback system works on PS.  When I last read with her, only up to 6 people could be in line at once, and I had to refresh her page over and over again while she was on a call to get the empty spot first. 

Geez, by the time I get the callback, all my timelines for March and April will probably have passed anyway!  LOL.

Anyway- continue with your thoughts, people.  I love hearing them!

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Focusing or Letting go...
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2012, 12:23:36 AM »
What I've learned  - the hard way - is to keep sane forget any contact dates given. Sometimes they happen, sometimes they don't. If you go into it with high expectations, well, you all know what happens.

I remember being told over and over from my trusted psychics that SM was going to contact me and we would get together. I would spend an entire weekend alone waiting for the call  that would never come. Finally after doing this 100 times I decided I would never live my life like that again.  I have learned so much over the last year so if someone reading this can learn from me - don't expect a prediction to happen when they say it will. Be thankful they see it happening at all then let the prediction "go". Because unfortunately things change, circumstances happen and then the prediction changes. So what is the point of knowing in the first point I guess. I don't know.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Focusing or Letting go...
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2012, 03:59:03 AM »
So if things are ever changing, then we're basically calling for nothing, right? I hate that I've fallen into this trap of wanting to call psychics every time something happens. It's unhealthy. Just once, I want the big, positive outcome predictions to start manifesting for at least some of us on the forum. Seeing everyone waiting is really discouraging and it makes me quite sad. Everyone here deserves a lot better than this.

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Re: Focusing or Letting go...
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2012, 04:09:30 AM »
Maybe we're just not supposed to know.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Focusing or Letting go...
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2012, 06:06:31 AM »
I say the psychics are all full of it. Nothing of significance ever came true for me and some things that did come true were not what I expected. And also the thing about "Change your future" really hits home with me right now because if they had told me what was going to happen in detail I would have changed it since it has really screwed up my life right now. So why didnt they tell me what was ahead of me instead of feeding me fairytales? I am in such a pickle right now because they didnt tell me what was going to happen in detail. Only one told me of what was to happen but it was so vague that I didnt connect it to me. Would take too long to explain but it makes me think about the advertisements to "change your future". This is something that I would absolutely have changed if they had told me. But they didnt, only vague hints. So what good did all the readings and all that money spent do me anyway or the woman that lost her life. I wish I had never even gotten the first psychic reading. Thousands of dollars down the drain and still wound up in hell.

Offline GLK73

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Re: Focusing or Letting go...
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2012, 11:55:41 PM »
Hi Everyone,

It's been close to a year since I've posted on here, but I do check in quite regularly.  My situation (that I'm calling psychics about) has yet to resolve itself and I'm not entirely sure what or who to believe anymore.  I typically call a handful of readers on CP.  About six weeks ago, when I was in a pretty anxious state because my SM had not contacted me in awhile, a customer service rep on CP had me talk to Yvonne.  She said I'd get a text from him within 24 hours.  Needless to say, I didn't believe her.  But I got a text from him about two hours later.  Since then her predictions on contact from him have been to the day.  It's been very eerie.  It didn't seem to matter if I obsessed over it (which I usually did) or let it go.  She also seemed to know what he was doing if I texted him and didn't get a response right away as well as how he would respond.  As far as a few other predictions (I didn't ask for much other than contact dates) I wouldn't say she was 100% on - although one thing she did predict I know would have happened if had I responded in a different way (which goes to show that we do play a hand in whether or not a prediction pans out) - and sometimes I'm not sure if she's giving me advice more from the standpoint of a life coach/counselor or a psychic.  But the fact that she's predicted contact to the day numerous times for me has had me in awe.  You have to ask your question to her guides in a yes/no format.  I would ask, "Will I hear from SM in 7 days?"  If she said Yes, I'd ask 4 days?  If she said no, I'd ask about 5 days and so on.  I know it seems a little ridiculous but everytime the contact has ocurred for me the exact number of days out that I was told.  It is bizarre - but a resource I am glad I have found.

Other than that I typically call Ginger.  Her reading style is a bit different and takes longer than other readers.  I'm still not sure if her outcome will happen for me as she sees it but many, many things she has seen for me over the past few years appear to have come to fruition.

Offline lotusflower

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Re: Focusing or Letting go...
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2012, 11:26:43 PM »
I wanted to give my opinion on focusing or letting go.  This is more about love or relationships.
I think that focusing on an outcome will only delay the outcome.  I was telling a friend of mine earlier today that if you put too much energy on the outcome, doubting, or worrying about the outcome, it’s like holding on to that energy with a tight bear hug and not letting it go or strangling the energy to be able to do what it needs to do to go forward and work on getting you what you desire.  It will continue to delay it.  If it’s part of your path and you put too much thought or energy in it, it will delay the time it was supposed to happen.
Letting go is not the same as cutting the ties from that energy.  When you decide that you no longer want that outcome, you cut that energy from you and it will no longer work to get you that outcome.
 Letting go to not worry about it but still wanting the outcome, well that a different story.  If you believe or know it will happen, you can just file it away and not think about it too often.  The energies, guides, and/or the universe will work at your outcome to bring it forward easier and quicker if it’s part of your path.  If the outcome is part of your path and  you are not worrying, then it will happen on  time.
Sometimes we want something but it’s not meant to be so no matter what you do, it won’t manifest for you. 
Psychics or seers each have their own gifts and what they can bring to the table.  If they are truly gifted and they tell you that it will happen, then know it will happen. Go on with your life and do things for yourself and don’t worry about it. Don’t do things to try to make it happen. Just know it will because you got the inside information. 
It has always been said:  When you least expect it, that’s when someone special comes into your life.  (When you’re not looking for it)  It’s because you’re not holding onto it too tightly.  I hope this makes sense and it’s just my opinion.

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Focusing or Letting go...
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2012, 11:42:58 PM »
Letting go: I soooo agree with you on letting go.......this does happen when you are focused on something else or living your daily he comes........:) thanks for posting this!

Offline skyline

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Re: Focusing or Letting go...
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2012, 02:34:15 AM »
Letting go to not worry about it but still wanting the outcome, well that a different story.  If you believe or know it will happen, you can just file it away and not think about it too often.

Yes, this is true. Because when you are focused on something 24/7, you are actually reinforcing the belief that it's not happening, and ensures that it doesn't.

Because if you believed that it's already happening, you would let go and wouldn't need to think about it 24/7.

