Author Topic: In depth Tarot readings !!  (Read 39832 times)

Offline HornetKick

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Re: In depth Tarot readings !!
« Reply #75 on: December 20, 2018, 05:48:15 PM »
Wait times are only long because the client was given a specific time. If you never knew when you were going to receive the reading, would it hurt less?
And the expired wait times makes it even worse. Perhaps the reader should say 5-10 business days or less. I know when I order from China it will take a month to get what I ordered, but if I receive a package much earlier, I'm pleasantly surprised.

I understand shyte happens, so perhaps either up your game or get out of the business. Nothing worse than having a reading that might be good, but the service is crap.
In some regards it will pollute any good that may come from the reading.

The client should expect a rushed reading if the deadlines have passed too. It's not going to be good from either end.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 05:49:48 PM by HornetKick »

Offline cake101

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Re: In depth Tarot readings !!
« Reply #76 on: December 20, 2018, 07:10:06 PM »
I sent you a PM regarding getting a reading. Just wanted to post here to let you know in case you don't get it  :) Hope to hear back from you soon.

Offline daughterofcups - P

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Re: In depth Tarot readings !!
« Reply #77 on: August 15, 2020, 10:36:14 PM »
HELLO ALL! I have been staying off of here for a while (mostly for my own sanity and mental health) but have continued giving readings. apologies in advance for anyone who requested a reading while i was gone, but i truly did have so much fun doing tarot for you all :)

I’ve seen a number of requests in my inbox for readings since i took a break from this website, so I wanted to update everyone and let them know I recently opened up and etsy shop for my readings!!!! its cheaper on there than what i previously charged and would be thrilled to give anyone a reading on there :)

its the same template (plus ive added a few more at super low cost)

for anyone new here: I’m a longtime member (DID NOT COME HERE TO ADVERTISE MYSELF!) and decided a few years ago to practice tarot with some other members. it became really successful and i started to charge for them. My readings are super super detailed and i often would send multiple pages typed. I got amazing feedback and a lot of members told me later on that my predictions came true/ ended up being super accurate. I, like many of us, was getting really fed up with the high cost/ unbelievably fake psychic readings i was getting on psychic websites— CA psychics, keen, kasamba, you name it, I’ve read with them all. ya’ll can click on my account and view my previous posts to get the sense that yes im a real person and customer and am not coming here to scam more people into buying BS readings.
I’m a therapist full time but just apparently really good at tarot. in the past few years ive accurately predicted job offers (and later what would happen at the job), relationships ending, new relationships coming in, someones thoughts and feelings, and literally two days ago predicted that my mom would be messaging me to tell me to change my upcoming trip home that I was supposed to be taking tomorrow (and why— she wants me to stay where I am to figure out paperwork for my new job)—- i was totally blown away.

Anyway.. no pressure, but i did feel bad for my absence and all the people i havent responded to about readings, so thats why im posting here. my etsy shop is called “sage and salt tarot” so if you just search that on the etsy website you’ll find me:) Also- I realize how annoying it got when my readings were late and the communication via PM was *not great*... it was way too difficult to keep track of all the requests and when they were made because my inbox was constantly flooded, and half the time I wasn’t even receiving people’s messages, so that got difficult and im sure was frustrating for many.  so I do apologize for that! this is  also another reason I decided to move to etsy- its a lot easier for me to keep track of who needs what and when, so it should be *a lot* faster and take care of that problem, which im super excited about.

anyone with questions or feeling suspicious just let me know. me or other members who remember me will be happy to explain. The good news is I’ve gotten way better at tarot in the last year... I dropped a really abusive shitty relationship i was in and am doing so much better. Mainly i am pissed at how many readers fed into me staying in a horrible situation, and how i was going to marry my ex- he was literally abusive and horrible for me. what i learned was that i shouldve trusted MY OWN instincts and honestly, my own tarot. altho its not as accurate when you read for yourself.... had i listened i wouldve gotten out way earlier, honestly. good news is im way better off now, happy and single, doing tarot readings and working in a new job.

but, i do hope everyones holding up ok considering everything :)

ps- my shop right now just lists relationship stuff, but if you have a specific request or you can find what you want, id love to hear feedback and would be happy to add a new type of reading for you.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2020, 10:55:23 PM by daughterofcups - P »

