Author Topic: Had my first reading  (Read 2420 times)

Offline cinderella

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Had my first reading
« on: August 05, 2020, 05:23:34 AM »
Hello all. I've only made a few comments on here and mainly lurked. I thought about trying a psychic back in December/January because of a relationship thing. I decided to research ad look for ones in my area and online. Which is how I found this message board. I've read many reviews on here and bookmarked different psychics because I wasn't sure who I wanted to try out first. There was one with a facebook page (she's not mentioned on this forum. I searched to see) her fb page showed up in the google search. Something about it just stuck in my head so I followed the page so I'd have it for when deciding. She posts daily horoscopes and I usually just always ignore horoscopes because mine is never right for me ever. Well one day I saw mine from her. It was 100% accurate and it really shocked me. I still hadn't picked a psychic yet. And then some things happened that made me go nah Well the same relationship thing pushed me and I decided to try her. So last week on Thursday night, I had my first reading with a psychic ever. She was pretty accurate with my situation. Well as accurate as I think it is. Because I don't know why the guy acted the way he did, but what she said sounded almost word for word what my friend and I discussed. She mentioned other things and things to come. She was accurate on the present and describing him. I will leave a review for her here after I see if what she says happens does, but I was pretty blown away (I was on the day of that horoscope) thank you all for this board and the reviews. I learned a lot of tips and reading the reviews and everything made me feel so much better about doing this (I know it might seem like I'm trying to up this person but I really don't know if what she says will happen. She got my situation which surprised me but I have to see if it's true. So hopefully I don't seem like a fake reviewer or something. I just had quite an experience )

