I wasn't able to find a thread about Elliot on CP. Has anyone else read with him?
I had a reading in May with him, and while I've talked to way too many psychics, he told me things no one else ever has before. I don't know what to think.
Immediately, he told me correctly that my POI and I are from different ethnic backgrounds. But then he asked about being connected someone in the medical field, which is a big no. (I mean, I know a few people in that field but they are not close to me.) He asked about my hair, which I confirmed was correct. Later on he asked out of nowhere, "Who has the connection to [my culture]?" I confirmed that I do. So yeah, I've never had a psychic call out my ethnicity and it being different from POI. I have a American Midwestern accent, so I know I didn't give anything away.
He described my career goal accurately too.
So yeah, several unique and accurate things he said to me surprised me quite a bit. But a few things were pretty off too.
Prediction is for latter half of June to end of July.