Author Topic: Update Request  (Read 2844 times)

Offline maroonlight

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Update Request
« on: September 10, 2018, 02:51:09 PM »
Alright guys, I haven't posted on the forums for awhile. It's almost officially fall now. I know we've all gotten many predictions for spring, summer, the beginning of September, you name it.

Has anything changed for you, good or bad? Have any predictions happened? Or have they all passed and still nothing?

Regarding my circumstances, I am still talking with my POI as I have been for almost a year since we've split. We talk, we flirt, he still thinks about me, no reconciliation or in person contact yet. It is still up in the air, but almost all timeframes have come and gone.

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2018, 02:57:07 PM »
They did get the contact date right but the opposite happens me and my poi got into a fight and I block him on Facebook. If you like someone or wanted someone back just ask them instead of trying to spy on them and see what they are up too most of the time they are just guessing.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2018, 03:03:08 PM »
Second POI I called about didn't turn out to be right..and I used some readers who were right about the first one.  that's why I say these readings are dangerous..just so inconsistent.

Most said (about second guy) that we would get closer in summertime (particularly August)..guess what, we spoke a grand total of one time in August..he reached out at the end of August but I chose not to reply.  Am not going on another roller coaster ride with a hot and cold guy. 

Offline psychicgirl87

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2018, 06:25:37 PM »
I kept getting “someone from the past will contact you” even though I was calling about something different. Well someone from the past did contact me and wanted to see me etc. I called a few psychics and some said he wants a relationship this time around and some he’s still the same person.

Well I ended up seeing him all went well but then afterwards he ghosted me for weeks. Of course I started calling psychics they all said oh it’s self sabatoge he has so meant fears he underestimated the connection etc he will reach out....

Well weeks later he posted a pic at bars with some random girls (maybe not random). I blocked after that.

And this was my summer.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2018, 06:32:20 PM »
I kept getting “someone from the past will contact you” even though I was calling about something different. Well someone from the past did contact me and wanted to see me etc. I called a few psychics and some said he wants a relationship this time around and some he’s still the same person.

Well I ended up seeing him all went well but then afterwards he ghosted me for weeks. Of course I started calling psychics they all said oh it’s self sabatoge he has so meant fears he underestimated the connection etc he will reach out....

Well weeks later he posted a pic at bars with some random girls (maybe not random). I blocked after that.

And this was my summer.

 :(  sorry to hear.  so can relate.  I'm glad I don't have the recent POI on social media, not sure I would want to see him out and about although I'm pretty sure he was and that's prob why he ghosted me too. 

You did the right thing, block and move on.  Never give a snake a chance to bite you twice.

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2018, 06:33:16 PM »
I always felt like the really good psychic can only pick up like 10 percent then 90 percent they are just guessing that why they used the he scared stock line to everyone.

Offline psychicgirl87

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2018, 06:54:44 PM »
@sawthelight it’s funny you talk about a snake. I had a dream about a snake right before this happened I guess it was a preminsion lol

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2018, 06:58:09 PM »
@sawthelight it’s funny you talk about a snake. I had a dream about a snake right before this happened I guess it was a preminsion lol

interesting!  could def be.

Either way, sorry this happened but at least now you know.  and you know you deserve better.. :)

Offline psychicgirl87

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2018, 07:02:03 PM »
Thank you so much for the kinds words! I’m officially finally done!!! And it’s so liberating

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2018, 07:17:40 PM »
Thank you so much for the kinds words! I’m officially finally done!!! And it’s so liberating

It is!  I felt very sad at first, but now that it's over, I feel better, and like I'm open to new people coming in..I was really interested in this second POI, and I felt like it kind of ruined my summer when he acted like this..but at least he showed me early on that he's not worth it.  I didn't really need to hang on for over a year like I did with first POI.

Offline Spaceship29

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2018, 01:03:54 AM »
Lot of my predictions had been short term like couple weeks or a month. Recent once are due for the end of the month and oct. another said mid next yet.

Overall time frames have been 5% but i think they are nailing my POIs energies. Some picked up something they said one day on social media. My POI doesn’t go by their real name so I know they aren’t finding them.

And I’m starting to learn the fairy tale reads from the possible logical reads. I know when I see dear x has feelings for you and they don’t want to be without you. It’s fake. ESP when they start out with dead.

Offline Seeker23

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2018, 06:48:38 AM »
Nothing. And one prediction will pass the given timeline next month. Then the others that gave 6 months predictions for things; I will have to wait and see.

There is one advisor I really want to try, but they are so busy. It is hard to get a hold of.

Offline maroonlight

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2018, 11:38:36 AM »
I kept getting “someone from the past will contact you” even though I was calling about something different. Well someone from the past did contact me and wanted to see me etc. I called a few psychics and some said he wants a relationship this time around and some he’s still the same person.

Well I ended up seeing him all went well but then afterwards he ghosted me for weeks. Of course I started calling psychics they all said oh it’s self sabatoge he has so meant fears he underestimated the connection etc he will reach out....

Well weeks later he posted a pic at bars with some random girls (maybe not random). I blocked after that.

And this was my summer.

I'm really sorry about that happening. :( I can't stand the way these idiot readers make up a million excuses for this kind of behavior. If someone is interested in you, they're not going to ignore you for weeks or months. It sounds like in his case that he was not looking for a relationship and was just looking to party instead. Like you said though, better to find out now instead of having it drag on for months.

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2018, 02:38:51 PM »
I hated when they used the he got fear or he scared excuses sometime it true but it very rare most of the time they are just not into you.

Offline Lady_C

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Re: Update Request
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2018, 08:18:26 PM »
Situation with POI hasn't changed. We still haven;t spoken for months and various psychics have told me communication will come. I did initially block him when we stopped talking and only unblocked him last month when I tried to reach out to him. Maybe this has had an impact on communication, who knows.

The only psychic to give me a specific timeframe for communication was Emma Jane, who said POI would reach out to me between 1st - 10th Sept and she was wrong which means all the other things she predicted won't pan out. I'm slowly loosing interest now anyway...

My go to psychic predicted back in July that I would be in a lustful situation and the other one said there would be a new man in my life towards the end of the year, thought she was talking nonsense as I was consciously avoiding getting close to any men, however, I'm getting close to a guy right now who is taking my mind of POI and there's definitely chemistry there.

