Author Topic: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor  (Read 31547 times)

Offline peppie

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #60 on: January 17, 2018, 11:06:18 PM »
I don't agree with the "let me help you underlings with sage advice."  BS.

Exactly...whether the advice is sound or not, when the underlying attitude comes off like "I know better than you" it sets off alarm bells.

adding that not acknowledging that there is a pervasive problem is complete denial... something i really don't buy.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #61 on: January 18, 2018, 12:10:03 AM »
What's sad is seeing people thank her for it.
bwahhhhaaa! ;D ;D

Offline bstalling

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #62 on: January 18, 2018, 01:06:28 AM »

You mean to tell me you don’t rely solely on your psychic abilities?  :o

This post just reminded me of another tip that might help you get better readings: SET REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS.

If you go into a reading expecting the psychic to know everything about you right off and everything about your future, you are going to be disappointed every time. Maybe before you spend money on a psychic reading, you should learn a little bit more about how psychic abilities work and what they feel like to the psychic. I’m hoping I’m getting some of that part of our experience across in my posts, but I want to make that point loud and clear: WE ARE NOT OMNISCIENT.

Even setting the actual psychic ability aside, correctly interpreting the information we receive is a whole other set of skills we have to develop, and that is where our human fallibility comes into play the most. What we see might be totally right on, but how we interpret it? Trial and error is really the only way for us to improve on that.

So to set realistic expectation, I think learning about how psychic ability works will help, paying attention to the specific area of ability the psychic advertises on their listing so you know you’re calling the right person for the answers you need, and also going into the reading knowing what you want to get out of it. Think about your question and what kind of information you want to leave the reading with before you call, and ask yourself if you are really receptive to what they have to say for better or worse. If you aren’t open to hearing them out or facing the reality of your situation, if you aren’t seeking ways to improve your own situation, or if you just feel bad and want to know it’s all going to be okay, don’t call them. You can call actual certified therapists on LivePerson, or seek out self-help topics online, like “How to release an ex,” or “How to get out of a career rut.” Don’t call unless you have a specific area of your life you are trying to work on and need some insight on how to sort it out or which steps to take next, or if someone in your life is confusing you and you need some insight on their intentions or feelings. I think that's what we're here for.

This is important. But a lot of times you won't know how they work until you use them. Of all ofthe genuinely gifted psychics I've tried, no two had the same style. Theres no one way of being an empath, and theres no one way of remote viewing or seeing clairvoyantly. And then there is the way that they impart the information they get. I do agree that seeing a therapist is cheaper if you just want to unload emotionally and are not looking for straightforward insight/predictions.

Offline lostsoul209

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #63 on: January 18, 2018, 04:13:36 AM »
So how can a psychic not see how a person going to act? So if we don't followed there advice it won't come true? What if they are just wrong period. CLEAR SPIRIT INTUITIVE may be the psychic that have been right for me she said that my poi is acting what she feel and she want nothing to do with me it was a long time ago and I didn't listen and keep on calling because 95 percent of the psychic said yes she has true and deep feeling for me.

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #64 on: January 18, 2018, 05:33:24 AM »
What's sad is seeing people thank her for it.
bwahhhhaaa! ;D ;D

Aw....well I'm not knocking you for laughing but I didn't mean it humorously. It reminds me of times when I would get a reading from someone with a similar kind of attitude, and I was too mixed up to realize that they were giving me bad advice or invalidating what I had to say...and I would end up thanking them for it. It was a really horrible place to be in...I don't want to assume that I'm fully past it, but I know I never, ever want to be there again. And I truly feel bad for people who buy into these ideas, like there is a right/wrong way to get readings and if we don't follow the readers advice then we are the ones who screwed up. I have to say, in some cases it was following a readers advice that made a situation worse, or in other cases, if I had followed their advice, I would be in serious dire straits right now.

Finding this forum was the best thing for me, there are other things that helped me too but ultimately reading the feedback here is what helped the most.

@still tired, I typed a long response to this, then deleted it... and am going to try to say what I said earlier more succinctly and -- hopefully -- graciously.

Essentially, I was trying to say that your post implies that those of us who have thanked pprincess for her posts must be: "too mixed up to realize that [she is] giving ... bad advice". And although I believe you are coming from a place of caring (for other forum users) when you say that, it's mildly insulting and patronizing and certainly not true for me. I am not too mixed up, and I am perfectly capable of reading through her posts and discerning what is useful information (for me). As it turns out, I don't agree with everything she's said, but there are certainly some insights that I find valuable as someone who gets readings.

If you don't, that's fine, but please don't make assumptions about others on here... based on your own past experience. We're all different and entitled to our own opinions and perspectives. I, for one, find it interesting to hear from a keen reader about their experience and related advice. And I am aware enough to be able to take what they say with a grain of salt and understand it doesn't apply to all readers. So, thanks for your concern but there's no need to feel sad or sorry for me...

Offline jas

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #65 on: January 18, 2018, 01:32:11 PM »
Well said Double - I agree completely. 

It would seem there are a few senior members in this forum who will gun you down if you don't agree with there viewpoint - It's not an open discussion.  Although I will say that Bstallings is the exception, she does try to state her point of view without tearing someone to pieces.

Offline peppie

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #66 on: January 18, 2018, 01:49:11 PM »
What's sad is seeing people thank her for it.
bwahhhhaaa! ;D ;D

100% agree with both of these statements.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #67 on: January 18, 2018, 04:24:41 PM »
Excellent points still tired

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #68 on: January 18, 2018, 04:55:32 PM »

Personally the way I see it, if people do read all of what she wrote, and thank her for the advice without necessarily agreeing with everything she said and without calling out the ad hominem attacks she made against the entire forum, it is a bit disingenuous. What I think that would probably mean is that such people automatically exclude themselves from her characterizations, figuring it may apply to others here but not necessarily to themselves, which would be very arrogant.

Or, the other thing that crossed my mind is people thanking her or agreeing with her could be readers themselves, but I don't like to even go there.

Except you just did go there. Really?

I wasn't going to respond to any of this because I don't think it's very useful, but I will to defend myself.

I'm no reader, and use these services as a consumer the same as everyone else. If anyone has any serious concerns that way, I'm more than happy to provide an administrator here with proof of my real identity and we can put this all to rest right now.

I chose to take from her post what was useful to me, and to the extent that there were useful things (which there were, to me), I thanked her for sharing. If you don't agree and think that makes me disingenuous, that's unfortunate but you're free to think what you like. As to why I might respond to one thing and not another, we all choose what is worth our time and energy to think about or remark on and to me, a productive discussion is worth it, the rest is not. Others may want to use their time and energy to flog her, or me, or make any other remarks you wish and that's OK too. I simply do not make that choice. But I find it unkind to cast aspersions on me for saying thank you to another human being.

I'm not going to respond further to this line, but felt the need to defend myself. I stand by all of my remarks and wish nothing but good things for everyone reading.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #69 on: January 18, 2018, 07:38:28 PM »
So how can a psychic not see how a person going to act? So if we don't followed there advice it won't come true? What if they are just wrong period. CLEAR SPIRIT INTUITIVE may be the psychic that have been right for me she said that my poi is acting what she feel and she want nothing to do with me it was a long time ago and I didn't listen and keep on calling because 95 percent of the psychic said yes she has true and deep feeling for me.

This has essentially been the problem with the vast majority of readings I have gotten. They may be right on some things, but they are mostly wrong on what the person will actually DO. And they have been wrong on that when I was not calling under any great emotional pressure, when I followed the reader's advice, or when I followed all the general suggestions that are usually given for getting good readings. They simply do not read the person accurately, and the customer does not have any control or influence over this.

I can see where we do have some influence over how things go when we get a service. For instance when I have a doctor's appointment, the way I communicate and carry myself may make a difference to how they interpret what is going on with me. However, my approach has no influence whatsoever over the doctor's own level of competence and ability, and in fact if that did happen to be the case then I would definitely be finding another doctor.

What some readers try to tell us is that our attitude or approach to getting a reading may have some influence over their own level of competence and ability. I can see where that may be true for some readers, but it is certainly not true for all of them. So I question whether that is really how psychic ability "works" or if it means instead there is a lower level of competence or ability, or simply an inconsistency in using the ability.

I think for any talent or ability, people can have off days or may understandably perform more poorly under difficult or trying circumstances. But there still must be a baseline of competency that the person defaults to even when they are not performing at their best. If the person in unable to perform at a satisfactory level, they will not be successful at their job.

I also question how useful it is to follow advice given along the lines of getting a better reading, considering all of the above.
Essentially, I was trying to say that your post implies that those of us who have thanked pprincess for her posts must be: "too mixed up to realize that [she is] giving ... bad advice". And although I believe you are coming from a place of caring (for other forum users) when you say that, it's mildly insulting and patronizing and certainly not true for me.

Interesting that you feel that way regarding a comment where I was talking about myself, but pprincess's direct characterizations of people who use this forum went right past you. Maybe you didn't read through the whole thread, but she painted everyone here with a pretty broad brush.

Personally the way I see it, if people do read all of what she wrote, and thank her for the advice without necessarily agreeing with everything she said and without calling out the ad hominem attacks she made against the entire forum, it is a bit disingenuous. What I think that would probably mean is that such people automatically exclude themselves from her characterizations, figuring it may apply to others here but not necessarily to themselves, which would be very arrogant.

Or, the other thing that crossed my mind is people thanking her or agreeing with her could be readers themselves, but I don't like to even go there.

So all in all I'd rather give you or anyone else the benefit of the doubt that you didn't fully catch on to what she said, which was a broad brushed, wholesale dismissal of all the feedback offered by Keen customers on this forum. It is understandable that people may have missed that because what she said and the way she said it was very manipulative. In my experience, this kind of manipulation is typical of a certain subset of Keen readers, and her comments and the subsequent responses reminded me of those experiences.

I am not too mixed up, and I am perfectly capable of reading through her posts and discerning what is useful information (for me).

I'm sure you are fully capable of discerning for yourself, and so is everyone else here, there is no question of that. Whether people use those capabilities is something else. As you wrote earlier, you did not read all the "back-and-forth arguing" (and I suggest if you read it you might find it is not all arguing) and maybe you overlooked her ad hominem attacks. So perhaps there is more to be discerned here.

As it turns out, I don't agree with everything she's said, but there are certainly some insights that I find valuable as someone who gets readings.

I think she made some very interesting points and I can see where it might be useful. However I don't feel the need to thank someone when their insights are presented in such an antagonistic and disruptive. It makes me sad for me to see that, because it reminds me of my own past experiences. That is my honest feeling and I can't help it if my feelings offend you. I have the right to my feelings, as much as you do to yours. But I don't feel sad or sorry for you in particular as a person, if that helps.

I could say a lot more about PP's posts, aside for the remarks that I am being harsh or some such bs that Doubleoh8 had posted earlier. I saw her original post before she took it down.
It's interesting how PP's fans don't see how erroneous her posts are, because sooooooooooooooo many believe she is actually being helpful and that her posts are useful. They don't even realize what they are thanking her for.

Still tired you made such excellent posts, that I wanted to post them again, but it seems that some of the members here just won't get it.
And as we all know, 'You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink'

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #70 on: January 18, 2018, 08:14:05 PM »

I could say a lot more about PP's posts, aside for the remarks that I am being harsh or some such bs that Doubleoh8 had posted earlier. I saw her original post before she took it down.
It's interesting how PP's fans don't see how erroneous her posts are, because sooooooooooooooo many believe she is actually being helpful and that her posts are useful. They don't even realize what they are thanking her for.

Still tired you made such excellent posts, that I wanted to post them again, but it seems that some of the members here just won't get it.
And as we all know, 'You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink'

Oh brother. I'm not going to keep engaging with this thread ... but like journalmuse feel compelled simply to defend myself.

1. My earlier post was simply a very long-winded version of the one I left on here. I don't remember exactly what I said, but I edited it to make it briefer, remove redundancies and stick to the topic. In it, I didn't address you at all, @hornetkick.

2. I am not a reader. In general I find the tendency to suggest that anyone who sympathizes with anything a reader says must be one to be tedious.

3. @still tired, I think your reading into my thank you to pprincess as evidence that I am disingenuous or setting myself aside from other posters here is unfair and it's also untrue. I have had my own struggles with readings and I can empathize / appreciate the perspectives of many people here -- probably most.

I'm going to leave it that because I don't choose to put my energy into arguing with forum members about things we don't see eye to eye on. I'd really prefer not to receive personal attacks for my POV, as I'm not giving them. If and when I have time, I will go back through the thread and read it with @still tired's comments in mind... mostly because based on previous posts I think she is a kind and thoughtful person... and I'd like to think my mind is open to alternate points of view.

That said, I stand by my prerogative to thank pprincess for providing some information I found useful and I am happy to agree to disagree (or to not "get it", as @hornetkick suggests) with those who think otherwise.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2018, 08:16:39 PM by doubleoh8 »

Offline peppie

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #71 on: January 19, 2018, 12:00:16 AM »

Still tired you made such excellent posts, that I wanted to post them again, but it seems that some of the members here just won't get it.
And as we all know, 'You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink'


Offline njlady

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #72 on: January 19, 2018, 02:00:40 PM »
Well, I do thank pprincess for at least sitting back, watching the board and trying to bring about a discussion. She didnt pretend to be a client and promote herself. Thanks for that.

i don't think we should thank someone for being honest. honesty should be a baseline. she definitely IS pushing SOMETHING.

The view from the other side isn't pushing something. 

