Author Topic: Don't give up hope  (Read 4395 times)

tired of it all

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Don't give up hope
« on: June 08, 2016, 03:11:09 AM »
From today's Oracle Report (

Far overshadowing the dynamics of the other planets, the Black Moon dominates the energetics right now.

Recall that one of this lunar month's themes or tendencies is the heightened potential for "dividing and conquering."  The Black Moon's transit (movement) opposite the Chiron Point is exacerbating this tendency.  Chiron rules surgery and cutting, so it naturally divides or separates out -- dividing.  In Greek mythology, Chiron was the "Father of the Arts of War" -- conquering.

The Black Moon rules rebirth of shadow sides.  The shadow side of Chiron's nature to first wound before it then heals and teaches is massively amplified right now.

This is a rare transit that happens for abouta month every four and a half years.

Do you feel divided from yourself and hope?  Do you feel divided from others and hope?

This is a trick -- a shadow, an illusion -- that the Black Moon seeks to reveal.  The reality is that we are being more closely aligned with Oneness, happiness, freedom, joy, and sanity.

Today, just as the energetics of the Grand Cross (changes, new directions) let go, the energetics of the Black Moon and Chiron Point (seeing and healing our fears) take over.

It can feel like a warm and comforting blanket has been snatched away, leaving us bare and chilled from the cold.

The truth of things -- the reality -- is that this is a transition time.  The way things appear is not how they will stay, nor is it even how they really are.  SHADOWS are in effect.  The inverse of whatever crazy thoughts are entering our minds is more likely true.  This is the nature of the Black Moon.  It shows us the truth by first exposing the shadow or façade that seeks to shroud the truth.

Right now we are staring directly at shadows, facades, and shrouds, and they may attempt to dishearten us.  They want us to lose hope.  They want us to lose faith in truth and love prevailing.  All it really does is outline truth and love more starkly --more dramatically.  The outline is heavy enough and wide enough for us to readily see what fits in and out of the boundary.

The Chiron Point is 4 degrees of Taurus and the Sabian symbol of "the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."  Bridges into better ways, feelings, situations, methods, and circumstances are being built.

The Black Moon is traveling exactly opposite of the Chiron Point at 4 degrees of Scorpio and the Sabian symbol of "a youth holding a candle in a devotional ritual."  Simple reverence renews ways, feelings, situations, methods, and circumstances.

The wisdom of the Black Moon's transit opposite the Chiron Point is to stop, hold light, and maintain our highest ideals - our greatest hopes, wishes, and dreams.

Instead of abandoning our greatest hopes, wishes. and dreams, we reinforce them in our hearts and minds "double time."  We hold and envision the true and right way we want things to be.

Instead of dividing ourselves from our hopes, wishes, and dreams, we conquer the past that told us that these things were not possible.

The old way is over.

Underneath this energetic, healing is occurring and valuable experience to achieve wisdom is being attained.

We hold our vision, understanding that the shadow that shrouds us from hope will dissolve June 26 at 8:33 am ET/12:33 pm UT, when the Black Moon moves to the next degree of Scorpio

Between now and then, we aim to minimize the drama, or at least turn it into a fun or even a funny thing.  Drama provides ample material for humor, doesn't it?

It may take the skills of a martial artist of the mind, but we are up to the task.  Remember and believe in the greater dream.

(Laura Walker)

tired of it all

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Re: Don't give up hope
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2016, 08:56:07 PM »
Laura Walker's book about the Black Moon is available online as a free e-book.

A Black Moon transit dredges up unconscious emotions and fears.  The Black Moon just entered Scorpio on May 21, so those who have the Black Moon in Scorpio or Taurus will be having the toughest time right now.  There is an ephemeris in the back of the book if you don't know what sign your or someone else's Black Moon is in. 

tired of it all

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Re: Don't give up hope
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2016, 06:08:17 AM »
More about the current energies:

this full moon is at 29’32 sagittarius- activating the karmic completion degree which occurs at the last degree of every sign. this is also activating the last degree of the spring season as the sun moves into cancer and initiates us into summer with the solstice occurring just under 12 hours later (for those in the southern hemisphere it’s the start of winter). so we have this image of not only chapters completing but perhaps a whole volume of life ending. the sun/moon opposition straddles the 29th degree of gemini and sadge- showing that major crisis points, completions and endings are occurring in regards to our perception of Truth and our capacity to live aligned by it. if we have been burying our heads in the sand in recent weeks, months or years- this is a reckoning time where we are asked to face reality as it is, not as we wish it could be. the challenge right now is to have the lower mind be in service to the Higher Mind- as getting stuck in egoic perceptions, thoughts and ideas will not really help us to see the Bigger Picture at play right now. yet at the same time we do need to LINK both minds otherwise we will be spiritually bypassing the mundane, the shadow and the material world. this is not about ascension and going up and out- it’s about descension and fully coming down and in. the desire to escape is strong right now and yet the path of mastery requires we stay the course, stay embodied and show up to do the work.

it’s interesting to note that the sun/moon opposition is not the only activation of the karmic completion degree. we also have juno, the asteroid Goddess of partnership and marriage, at 29 libra. she is currently retrograde but she stations direct 2 days after the full moon (on june 22nd)- and she has been hovering over the 29th degree of libra since june 7th and will do so until july 7th. the full moon sextiles juno and is actually the most exact aspect the full moon makes- bringing light, illumination, completion or crisis points to relationships, commitments and contractual arrangements in our lives. this can play out in romantic relationships but also in business partnerships, situations where money arrangements are involved and on a deeper inner level it can relate to the commitments we make or need to make to ourselves.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2016, 06:10:58 AM by tired of it all »

tired of it all

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Re: Don't give up hope
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2016, 01:58:02 AM »
Today's Oracle Report:

We now enter the Disseminating phase of the lunar cycle, the time when we activate our listening and communication skills (but particularly the listening skills because Spirit sends messages via others, via background noise and conversation, and via signs and synchronicities).

Disseminating Moon phase is a "receptive" phase in the back and forth pattern between the "active" and "receptive" patterns of the Moon phases.  Full Moon phase is extremely active, but Disseminating Moon phase is the time when we go into hyper-wise owl observer mode because the universe re-arranges the pattern or shape of things.  We receive information that we need to help us and things become "better."

Disseminating Phase is a win-win because when we open up and share (maybe even feeling like we are risking vulnerability by doing so), both parties benefit.  Honest exchanges are so very powerful during Disseminating Moon phase.  They enable us to rectify and revise and get spiffy at the next Moon phase -- Third Quarter Moon phase (Monday, June 27).

Weaving through the swirl, these themes are also in effect:

1 - STALEMATES, STAND OFFS, and STANDSTILLS come with the Sun disseminating the energetic of "a cat arguing with a mouse."  This dynamic can bring needless conflict and arguments and power struggles.  Power and control games are of interest only to those whose egos require continuous boosting.  Real life and the basic pleasures and joys of life elude us when the power and control dynamic is being played.  An imbalance is at the core of these issues.

2 - DISTORTIONS amidst the imbalances can also play a part today.  Things can be dramatically overblown and distorted into an unrecognizable face.  We want to remain grounded and keep it real today, avoiding the trap of distortion.  This onset of this energetic occurs at 10:26 am ET/2:26 pm UT.  The Sabian symbol involved is "a butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed."  Nature is perfectly imperfect and so are we.  Let's get passed this, shall we?  Let's strive for acceptance.

3 - VARIOUS ASPECTS OR PARTS OF THINGS COMING TOGETHER AND REACHING OUT make for an interesting day.  Venus is discharging "a small naked girl bends over a pond trying to catch a fish."  With or for what are you bending over backwards?  Are you called to reach out?  What are you trying to grasp?  Is it based in reality or not?  Is your perception limited by something?

Cooperation and collaboration with others is highlighted today, with the Earth at "a group of people entering a large canoe for a journey by water."  Coming together for a shared goal will be very successful.  Is it time to embark on a new journey?  It's a water ride, so that means an emotional journey.  Room should be allowed for changing course.

4- THE SENSORY OVERLOAD OF CHOICES comes with Mercury disseminating the energetic of "a cafeteria with an abundance of choices."  There is so much going on as the Black Moon completes opposition with the Chiron Point on Sunday, and Mars completing its retrograde Wednesday.  Until then, it is best to just ride out the magic carpet ride and glean as much information and as many messages as one can, because the status of things will change (and come to the better) when Mars stations direct.  Mars stationing direct next week is huge.  It is most welcome.  It has been traveling backwards for what seems like a long, long time.

Today we endeavor to bring balance to what is imbalanced and distorted.  We rise above stalemate.  We bring forth the inner self to share.  We bring things together.  We see how truth and love prevail.

tired of it all

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Re: Don't give up hope
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2016, 02:20:34 AM »
More on the Mars retrograde:

As Mars continues it’s slow-motion stoppage in the 23rd degree of Scorpio, directly across from my 23° natal Moon in Taurus, I am both witness to and participant in an extraordinary range of feelings, pulled up from the depths, that are, apparently, at least in my life, being triggered in women, the female, and beyond, the female aspect of creation. That which receives, nourishes, intuits. The female tenderness and sensitivity that can be and has historically been squashed by the male element run amuck, out of control, turning manipulative, even psychopathic.

I sit here, and I breathe, slow down my pulse, move into tai chi or chi kung, feel the flow of chi through my energy body, relax into the primal power that is manifesting during THIS now. Countdown to Mars moving backwards through the seven final degrees of Scorpio, turning direct, pivoting on the same 23rd degree to go forward, Wednesday next, June 29th. Pausing, turning, beginning the ascent up the same rabbit hole it fell into at the end of May, at first slowly, so slowly, but by the time Mars leaves the 23rd degree area, and especially when it exits the profound birth/death/rebirth process signified by Scorpio and changes its state from water-logged Scorpio to questing Sagittarius, the heaviness will ease — not the least because the nature of Mars and of Sagittarius are akin: both are fiery, active, and dynamically set to challenge the status quo.

I speak here of a relatively short but intense Mars in Scorpio process, lasting from the final few days of May through the first few days of August. The key is to allow the feelings, while cultivating the witness, as presence, that calm still spaciousness which allows and holds all the feelings, honors them, and ultimately, lets them go. Mars in Scorpio, ultimately, if we follow it all the way through, produces a clearing process.

tired of it all

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Re: Don't give up hope
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2016, 02:20:27 PM »
Mars goes direct tomorrow! 

Yesterday's Oracle Report:

We enter the Third Quarter (or Last Quarter) phase of the lunar month later today (around 2:30 pm ET/6:30 pm UT).  Third Quarter Moon phase is essentially the days of the lunar month that complete the month's theme (which could also be considered a mission).  This month's theme of the inner self rising forth, with a fortified will, is polished up, polished off, revised, and realigned.  We come to a reassessment of the status of the situations, circumstances, feelings, ideas, and beliefs.

Something very important also happens during this Third Quarter Moon phase: Mars, The Titan, straightens up and flies right.  Mars will station direct or appear to move forward in the sky once again on Wednesday.  It has been "backwards" since April 18, 2016, moving backward in time, so to speak.

When planets retrograde, they re-work things.  Mars does not retrograde often.  It only does so once every two years.  When it does, it re-works how we use our energy -- our time, resources, attention, and love.  It endeavors to help us see what is better for us, and move in those directions.  Mars is ACTIVE.  The energy needs to move.  It rules headstrong, impulsive, fiery, motivated Aries.  Mars is not at all "comfortable" when it retrogrades.  Progress and momentum are elusive.  Frustration, anxiety, and impatience mount.

Over the next two days, as Mars prepares to move forward again, it is basically "on lock."  It is barely moving.  Struggling against its nature, Mars is at a virtual standstill as it churns out the last vestiges of the energetics of "crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one inspired man."  Messages have come down for each of us.  The next two days are key for getting the message.

Things may have to come to what seems like a stop before they begin to move forward again.  Knowing this can save us a lot of hardship.  Forcing things will not work.  It is a waste of time and energy.

But when it does move forward, on Wednesday, Mars is going to dart back onto its course with a vengeance.  Strength and vigor are renewed.  Our energy is refreshed from Mars' clean sweep.

Beautifully, Mars will station direct just before we begin the energetics of a new quarter of the solar-lunar year.  Every quarter, the energetics change dramatically.  This occurs in full force on July 4, with the New Moon in Cancer.  It is a shift or pivot point in the year.  It is the "First Quarter" time of the year, the time when we step out of our comfort zone and take action.  (On the Medicine Wheel, we move from the East to the South.)

Today, messages come "down from the mountain" with Mars, but also with the Earth discharging the energetic of "a veiled prophet speaks, seized by the power of a god."  The higher octave of this energetic works for the highest and best for all.  The lower octave can make it hard to know what to trust.  It is advised to hold any important action or decision until after Wednesday.

Mercury reinforces the idea of "holding" as it disseminates "winter frost in the woods."  The foundation, structure, or root of things is being reinforced.  It is coursing under the surface, even if we cannot feel it.

Finally, the Sun adds the energetic of "two fairies dancing on a moonlit night."  It is a "reveling" and "retiring" type of energy.  It rejoices in effervescence.  It is light.  I love this symbol and its energy.  Pay special attention to dreams when you sleep tonight (whenever that is for you in your place on the world).  Dreams are often prophetic when this frequency is discharged.

Let's dance out the Moonlit Night of Mars with grace and, if we are really wise, with gratitude.

(P.S.  The Mahavidya Bagalamukhi wishes to remind us that Mars stationed retrograde at the degree of "a mother leads her small child step by step up the stairs."  This energetic has effectively been in place during Mars' entire retrograde. 

Bagala wishes to remind us that we are STRONGER from Mars' retrograde and the first quarter of this solar-lunar year.  The INNER CHILD has been brought forth for healing.  The "early wounds" are shown to us so that we can move past them.  Look to the root cause (of any fear), and then leave it be.  It was formative, but not almighty.  We are much greater than our fears, and we have the power to do things differently.)

Today's Oracle Report:

Mars continues to build pressure and intensity as it prepares to station direct tomorrow.  The Moon in Aries, ruled by Mars, is adding another layer of "Mars-ness" into the day.  Mars' retrograde has been re-working how we use our time, energy, and love, and how we assert our will and desire in the world.

Surprises and sudden events within the churning chaos of Mars may occur, with the Moon moving toward conjunction with Uranus, the Planet of Changes, today.  Exact conjunction is at 8:18 pm ET/00:18 am UT.

The Earth is discharging the Sabian symbol energetic of "birds in the house singing happily."  The theme of home is rather strong right now with Mercury making conjunction with the Galactic Center (our spiritual "home," according to the ancient Gnostics) overnight last night.  Mars' standstill is complicating things, but the Earth offers a counter energetic of Oneness to stabilize things, even if they are very active.

Two other energetics are in place today that can bring up feelings of overwhelm or disappointment.  Venus discharges "a very old man facing a vast dark space to the northeast," and Mercury is discharging "society granting bankruptcy to him, a man leaves the court."  Mind spaces can become very dark and self-persecuting with this combination.  But second chances, acceptance of responsibility, and courage to find a higher truth also accompanies them.

Keep in mind that it is difficult to advance or progress things until after Mars stations direct tomorrow.  Some things may be crashing and burning, but all in service of revising, rectifying, and realigning toward growth and evolution.  (The Sabian symbol for the degree where Mars stationed retrograde is "a mother leads her small child step by step up the stairs," and so we are being led to higher awareness and experience.)

In the "slingshot" of Mars' retrograde, tomorrow the sling reaches as far back as it can go and shoots forward, releasing the long pressure build up of the retrograde.  Since Mars has retrograded into Scorpio, a water sign, the slingshot opens up floodgates.  "Cracks" may already be occurring, as in the Sabian symbol energetic of "a broken bottle and spilled perfume" that was in place at this month's New Moon in Gemini on June 4.  Things are being let out or released suddenly.  We want to contain or moderate this as much as we can.

Impulsivity, anger, conflict, and aggression are the common things that Mars brings.  This we know.  But Mars also brings us the inner fortitude to carry on.  It brings our hopes, wishes, and dreams to life.  Without the action of Mars, things would be stagnant.  And stagnant is not the way of the Universe.

Let's hold on loosely, remembering that the fellowship of humanity is more edgy, temperamental, anxious, careless, reckless, impulsive, angry, depressed, and in sensory-overload.  The human species was not originally intended to withstand the bombardment of a multi-planet system (and thus multiple simultaneous retrogrades of planets), but here we are, and here we are with our mettle.  Here we are persevering against all odds.

We are the Children of Sophia and Thelete, and we have only just begun.

tired of it all

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Re: Don't give up hope
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2016, 07:01:32 PM »
Mars retrograde is allllmost's Oracle Report from Laura Walker:

The pressure on the slingshot of Mars' retrograde is released today, ending its journey backward.  The time of Mars reworking how we use our time, energy, resources, and love ends at 7:40 pm ET/11:40 pm UT tonight.

The day a planet stations retrograde or direct is always "intensive."  By definition, the energetic is changeable.  Courses and directions are changed.  The day is usually eventful, personally and collectively.  Things can get very "strange."

When the Sun rises tomorrow (or whenever it rises after 7:40 pm ET wherever you are on Earth), the full energetic of Mars' retrograde will have released.  The Sun has to rise again before an energetic is fully over.

So, like yesterday, we understand that the magic carpet ride is wild today, and begins to move forward after two months of "sightseeing" from other perspectives.  Mars' retrograde has shown us many things and has re-worked many things.

In addition to the intensity of Mars' stationing direct, today we have a few other astrological aspects in effect at the same time.  I will break these down chronologically, but keep in mind that the energetic is in effect all day, not just at the exact time of the aspect:

6:03 am ET/10:03 am UT:  Moon moves into Taurus, opposing the Black Moon, and making for a Black Moon Day.  Black Moon Days happen for a couple of days two times per month.  This is one of them.  Black Moon Days bring the opportunity to grow -- the opportunity for rebirth. Our shadow sides tend to come out to show us something very clearly.  Anything that we are fearful about comes to the surface.

Right now, the fear of loss and the fear of loss of security are heightened.  Insecurities about ourselves can creep in.  We can feel the grief of a loss (no matter how long ago or how recently it occurred) very deeply.  The Black Moon endeavors to resolve these issues when it is activated.  This is concentrated for those with the Sun, Black Moon, or Chiron in Taurus or Scorpio, since the Black Moon is moving through Scorpio until Valentine's Day 2017.

Fears of these kind incite us toward "in-filling" or indulging (overindulging) in something (food, alcohol, drugs, shopping, saving, anything) to stem or ward off the discomfort of the feelings.  One of the energetics Venus is discharging today is "a group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it."  Be safe and be healthy if you are working through this.

11:05 am ET to 12:45 pm ET/ 3:05 pm UT to 4:45 pm UT:  The Moon will conjunct the Chiron Point (ah, didn't we just do the Chiron Point?!) and bring about a window of time when painful feelings and losses are keen -- sharp even.  Chiron always aims to heal and teach, so there is something to learn here.

If you are struggling with the energetics today, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you listen to music.  Music is a prescription.  It recalibrates or realigns the brain and heart.  A new piece of music may be very helpful.  Your intuition will guide you to the right music.

1:21 pm ET/5:21 pm UT:  The Moon opposes the Black Moon.  The Moon will be discharging the energetic that I have come to dislike reporting on: "a widow at an open grave."  Despair, feelings of failure, and "open wounds" accompany this energetic.  But new opportunities and today's theme of rebirth also come.  The Black Moon is discharging the energetic of "a massive rocky shore resist the pounding of the sea."  So no matter how bombarded we feel, we know we are strong enough to stand.

7:25 pm ET/11:25 pm UT:  Mercury enters Cancer.  Before it does so, it discharges the energetic of "a parade of bathing beauties before large beach crowds."  It's always "a show" when this one is in effect.  Mercury in Cancer turns our thoughts toward nurturance, support, and care.  Feelings can move in new directions.

7:40 pm ET/11:40 pm UT: MARS STATIONS DIRECT.  Hallelujah.  And the Earth is discharging "an angel carrying a harp" to play it out.  I don't think I have ever wished for a retrograde to end (even a Mercury retrograde!) more than this one.  The retrograde period that began on April 18, 2016 ends today.  Tomorrow we will see the board and see the field more clearly.  Things may seem very far out of reach today, especially with the Sun discharging "a small naked girl bends over a pond trying to catch a fish," Jupiter discharging "a volcanic eruption," and Venus later discharging "a man studying a mandala in front of him with the help of an ancient book."  The way things are today are not necessarily the way they will be tomorrow or in the future, for that matter.  We hold the line and wait for the energetic to clear out before we jump in.  New ways and new ways around obstacles are finding their ways to us.

I should mention that we are also building toward Venus making opposition with Pluto tomorrow.  This dynamic affects relationships, and it is a VERY strong duo.

Overall, today we will spread our wise owls wings ALL OVER the world in a flurry that encompasses Gaia Sophia and the fellowship of humanity.  Today we wait, patiently.

Much love and Happy Mars Direct!

tired of it all

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Re: Don't give up hope
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2016, 04:27:47 PM »
From Aeolian Heart (

On Wednesday, June 29th, Mars finally goes direct in Scorpio after having been in retrograde since April 17th.

Feelings of restraint and frustration may slowly begin to dissipate, but rather than feeling liberated, you may feel more like standing still, gazing upon your current situation with an unblinking thousand yard stare. . .

tired of it all

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Re: Don't give up hope
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2016, 10:39:50 PM »
Cool thanks Maddie!  I like Lee Harris' updates.  Happy Mars direct! 

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Re: Don't give up hope
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2016, 08:10:11 PM »
Today's Oracle Report:

Monday, July 18, 2016

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, magic

Moon in Capricorn

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Winnows and Sorts

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: bend like a willow tree

True Alignments: transitioning, patience, weathering, overcoming obstacles, perseverance, expressing feelings through creativity and respect, learning, following an ancient tradition or lineage, discipline, shift in point of view, unity of humanity, seeing beyond apparent darkness

Catalysts for Change:  power and control issues at the micro and macro levels, authoritarian, undisciplined, angry blow ups and confrontations, addiction to drama, greed, materialism, homogenous, powerlessness, brain washing and mind control, not letting go, restricted or held back

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a very old man facing a vast, dark space to the northeast" (facing forward/facing off/facing self/facing The Void)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet (ride) of Oriental imagery" (transcending the past, transcending the unraveling control system)

All roads lead to Liberty.

No matter what any given situation appears to be - no matter how sad, no matter how heartbreaking, no matter how disheartening, no matter how inhumanly twisted - it ultimately leads to the liberation of humanity.  It leads to liberation from the archontic infection.

This is a divine mission undertaken by higher spiritual forces, "backed up" by a contingent of humanity so that the true course of humanity is restored to its original, yet enhanced, capability.

The Wisdom Goddesses (aspects of Gaia Sophia - Mother Earth) and the Gods of Will (aspects of Thelete - Father Sky) wish us to deeply integrate this understanding: all roads lead to liberty.

The reason they wish us to understand this is because things are not making sense at all.  The reason behind this is because the collective of humanity is being intentionally triggered and traumatized to give up our will.  What we are witnessing is an attack, by parasitic/inorganic/alien consciousness, on our hearts.

The reason even further behind it is because said parasitic/inorganic/alien consciousness is rapidly losing its grip on the world and is going mad in the process.  Its rage is projected outward, in the form of chaos and strife.  We see a "mad dash" - desperate, end game actions of pulling out all of the stops at all costs - to attempt to hold on to control.

All of this is very strong today, as the energetics include feelings of:

1- BEING BOXED IN OR TRAPPED WITHOUT OPTIONS OR A WAY OUT, courtesy of the Sun at "a violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homes."  We may feel that we have been pulled in deeply or cornered.  PRESSURE RELEASES AND CONFRONTATIONS accompany this energetic.  Things that have built up can come out explosively.  The best use of this vortex of energy is to create something instead of destroying anything.

2- REVOLUTION, courtesy of Venus at "a Communist activist spreading revolutionary ideas."  This certainly enhances the prevailing dynamic of people, places, and things facing off this month.  Issues related to power and equality are conscripted. Usually there are factors where someone or many feel like they have had enough.

3- UPHILL BATTLES AND STEEP CLIMBS THAT MAY SEEM INSURMOUNTABLE, courtesy of the Earth at "a mountain pilgrimage."  The Moon will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, which is the sign that encapsulates a mountain pilgrimage, symbolic of a struggle or difficult ascent.  Capricorn energy can be exceptionally rigid, and this is definitely reinforced by the conjunction with Pluto that is building today and reaches exactitude at 9:25 pm ET/1:25 am UT.

Wisdom teaches us that when things are this highly inclined toward steepness and rigidity (Capricorn), we seek the balance of Capricorn's opposite (Cancer).  WATER is the balancer today.  If you find yourself too tightly wound, uptight, emotionally uncontained, unbalanced, or rigid, immerse in a bath or shower or lake or pool or ocean or sprinkler or whatever you can find.  "Movement" or cleansing of emotions needs to occur.

Additionally, invoking the practice of being like a WILLOW TREE bending and swaying with the winds of change that are upon us may be helpful.

We remember that all roads, including "mountain pilgrimages," lead to liberty.

4 - NEW LIGHT OR NEW PERSPECTIVE, courtesy of Mercury at "early morning dew" (newness and emerging understanding) in aspect to Saturn at "the lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple" (redirected).  This, in combination with the other energetics, highlights "the left" and action from "the left."  Left field, left wing, leftists, left a slide.. No matter how this manifests, all roads lead to liberty.

The Magic Carpet Ride of solar year 2016-2017 may require us to hold on as the currents are blowing with gale force today.  We know where it all leads.

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Re: Don't give up hope
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2016, 08:22:08 PM »
July's astrology forecast from Rick Levine

This is a long video but the gist of it is...although Mars is now direct, it has been slow in moving forward again.  Mars was conjunct Saturn just before it went retro...and so now that it is moving forward it will conjunct Saturn again pretty soon. 

I have Mars conjunct Saturn in my natal chart, so I can attest to how much frustration this aspect generates.  I like the way Rick described it, Mars is like the gas pedal, and Saturn is like the brakes, and having them conjunct is like trying to drive with both at the same time.